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送交者: qiaoxing9[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2020-09-02 14:08 已读 723 次  





據《蘋果日報》報道,債務纏身、先後遭多名債主入稟法院追債的《成報》主席谷卓恒,年前被指拖欠財務公司連本帶利1.1億元,遭對方入稟高等法院呈請破產。案件於8月5日再訊,沒律師代表的谷卓恒未有現身,缺席聆訊下被正式頒令破產(案件編號:HCB 2697/2019)。但其實谷卓恒早年已上演過多次詐騙戲碼,是個名副其實的“江湖大老千”。


















HK “Sing Pao” Chairman  Gu ZhuoHeng  ordered bankruptcy  



Gu Zhuoheng, the chairman of Sing Pao Daily was ordered bankrupt by the Hong Kong High Court on August 5, 2020.


According to Apple Daily, Gu Zhuoheng, the chairman of Sing Pao Daily,  a disgraced and heavily indebted person, was filed by several creditors to collect debts from the court, accusing him  owing 110 million RMB ,including principle and interest. This case was heard again on August 5, in the  High Court.  Gu Zhuoheng, who was not represented by a lawyer, did not show up and was formally ordered bankrupt in his absence (case number: HCB 2697/2019). In fact, Gu Zhuoheng has staged many fraud scenes in his early years, and is called a veritable "big gang".


Pretending to be a wealthy Brazilian businessman, "husband and wife" cooperated to defraud more than 500 million


Gu Zhuoheng was born in HuaiFang, ShanDong province, his original name was Gu Jianhong, he also used pseudonyms such as Luo Zhixin.  His parents divorced in his early age.  In 2004, Gu and his wife Shen Wei established a so-called international investment company and started doing business in Brazil . There, Gu presented as a wealthy overseas Chinese businessman, negotiated to purchase the "Beijing Ludun Dairy" Brazil and changed the name of "Ludun" to " Leah (China) Drinks". After taking control of Leah, Gu immediately cooperated with the Chifeng Municipal Government of Inner Mongolia and announced that he would invest one billion RMB in the local coffee project. However, the original shareholders of "Ludun" discovered the problems with the transaction,they took back control of the company from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. During this period, the company’s land was used as collateral to lend more than 100 million RMB  to the Agricultural Bank for a company named "Guoli Steel Mesh". In this case, the legal person of "Guoli" was actually Gu Jianhong.


In 2010, Gu and Shen Wei expanded the fraud target to all parts of the country. In order to avoid the impact of the "Ludun" incident, Gu setted up a company in the name of his wife, Shen Wei, and defrauded more than one million RMB in high tuition fees using the gimmick of cultivating child stars. Later, he acquired "Shenzhen Jiumu Electronics Company" in the name of Shen Wei, later on, he changed name twice to "Shenzhen Dinghe Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd."  Gu used this company as escort to the online lending platform "Meidai.com" which established by Gu in 2012 to induce the public to deposit and invest in the platform with high interest rates. After experiencing the sweetness of interest, Gu established "Cinda Wealth" and "China Capital Fund" in Tianjin and Hangzhou respectively, and illegally raised funds across the country, defrauding as much as 470 million.



Abandoning his wife and absconding twice with impunity 


In 2016, "Meddai.com" scandal exploded and was prosecuted, many people involved and sentenced, including his wife Shen Wei. However, Gu ZhuoHeng used the swindled money to take over the old newspaper "Sing Pao", which was in financial distress, and has been hiding in Hong Kong to avoid legal responsibility. At the same time, other victims also pursued debts and litigation from him. Seeing that the situation was a rick to him, Gu Zhuoheng transferred huge assets through Gao Mengjiao, a new loveer he met in Hong Kong, and fled to the United States with Gao. After Interpol issued a red arrest warrant, Gu began to perform frantically in self-preservation, claiming to be "political persecution" and trying his best to disguise as a "political prisoner" in exchange for non-repatriation by the United States. During his escape to the United States, Gu repeatedly showed off his luxury life in the United States on Facebook, and even showed high-profile love to Gao Mengjiao on Valentine's Day.


In fact, no matter how Gu Zhuoheng disguised himself as an "anti-corruption fighter" or a "victim of high-level power struggle", he could not change his status as a fraud fugitive. The announcement of the court’s bankruptcy  ruling  was just another use of the law to strip off his disguise. 



参会指南: 如何参加《华尔街卫星电视台开业典礼》的ZOOM网络会议

S.M. 新闻联播 2020年9月02日 31




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