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The Risk of Sydney RE Investment?

送交者: Lk1970[♂☆★破虏大将军★☆♂] 于 2020-07-03 0:32 已读 898 次  






The low return and low risk of Sydney residential real estate investment is an indisputable fact. In particular, the investment cycle is in the medium and long term, which says more than five years. However, there are still many people who are discouraged from this kind of investment or have a lingering fear.
 Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. Investment is risky, and most things in the world are risky. Driving is risky, flying is risky, eating and sleeping are also risky. Like the wind everywhere, the risk is everywhere.

 Does it mean that there is no risk if you do nothing?

 The actual situation is just the opposite. Especially those who are accustomed to live in the metropolitan area of Sydney, and those who are accustomed to working in the fixed mode of 9 am to 5 pm, will face greater risks if they do not invest in real estate. The transformation of the industry has led to the disappearance or reduction of jobs.

Sydney's housing prices and rents are becoming unaffordable. The government's old-age pensions and various welfare benefits are becoming more and more scarce. One of the bad news emerged. The average Sydneysiders now face catastrophic choices, and greater risks await us.

 So, what should we pay attention to in Sydney's Real Estate investment?

 In the following, we must understand the risks of Sydney real estate investment as follows:

What is the percentage of Sydney's Real Estate investment failures?

 Answer: During the 50 years from 1969 to 20019, Sydney property prices fell 8 times; and 42 times kept rising and steady. It can be said that the failure rate of Sydney's real estate investment is about 16%.

Then, let's divide the risks of real estate into different stages.

 "Failure is the mother of success". I have invested in residential property in Sydney for more than 14 years and found some factors that failed to invest in real estate:

 1. The ultimate purpose of investing in Sydney residential real estate is unclear and uncertain. When the market is rising, blindly follow the trend, to buy high; when it is lowered, too scared and sell cheap;

 2. In choosing properties, blindly follow the investment plans by different marketing propaganda. There are investment properties in various cities, but I do know that the risks and rewards of real estate investment in each city are quite different, and some are even opposed. Real Estate investment is also very particular about time, location, and social trends.

Some investors just blindly follow the successful experience of others, like someone get rich from land subdivision or development, and do not know that real estate development is business indeed, not real estate investment;

 3. When managing an investment property, some investors do it by themselves. As a result, it affects their own business or work, and takes up a lot of time that they could have not solved things properly. As a result, some of them were haggard and exhausted and finally chose to give up real estate investment; While some investors went to another end. Whether the investment property is to time to hold an AGM , they left the decisions by their property managers. As a result, the contradictions and problems accumulated more and more, so that the entire building encountered some irreparable losses and huge strata levy occurred.

Commercial Banks and independent appraisal agencies have lost confidence in the valuation of their properties, which has caused them to be discouraged from investing in real estate, or have a lingering fear.

In a short summary, In the long-term process of Sydney's real estate investment, we must get professional experts (investment consultants, loan experts, property managers, accountants, lawyers, etc.). Listen to their opinions, and combine them with your personal reality, your current situation, financial/ cash flow, then make your own decision.

 All in all, Sydney residential real estate investment is for Sydneysiders, and it is currently possible to participate and can achieve their financial independence.

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