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露重风轻染浅红, 枝柔托玉自从容。 叶翠映花新意满,
一抹清香入梦中。1.2. 3. 4. 5. Chapters:
0:00 Blooming in the Morning Light
3:17 Love in Bloom
6:20 Petal Whispers
9:46 Spring Breeze
13:20 Whispers of the Tide
17:00 Summer Starry Night
20:36 Flowers Dance the Silent Waltz
23:46 Whispered love
27:24 Underneath the Summer Sky
31:10 Whispers of Autumn
34:34 Snowfall Romance
38:08 Rainfall Healing
41:02 Whispering Leaves
44:34 Whispers of the Forest
48:34 Beneath the Oak Tree
52:11 Whispers in the Snow
56:11 Snowy Serenade
59:35 Starry Eyes
1:03:34 First Love
1:06:39 Love in Winter Village
贴主:红苹果生活花园于2025_01_30 14:50:45编辑
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