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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2025-01-14 10:04 已读 21 次  



回答: 二郎真愣啊,不知道天眼开了之后,性格是不是也会跟着变。。。 由 尘凡无忧 于 2025-01-14 6:42

The legend also says that they were walking around the capital of Xia and met Aocun, which frightened them. Then, Nuwa came out and stopped the fight. Nuwa persuaded him to reconcile with the noble daughter of the Yao tribe and drink a cup of liquor with arms intertwined. Martial Second Wolf disagreed. Later, when the Yao lady was walking, she accidentally pulled her skirt in front of the window, revealing bodily forms. Martial Second Wolf saw that she looked familiar and remembered that the fake Aocun he met in Yaochi (Yao Pond) also had the same behavior, so he agreed to make friends and drink a cup of liquor with arms intertwined. The alcohol was Xifeng liquor that Nuwa asked the maid to fetch from her Salamander Bolus Palace.
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