二郎神出世 Rebirth of Second Wolf God
Half a month later, two maids of Nuwa came to Martial Second Wolf and told him that the ascension ceremony was ready in a mountainous area 50 kilometers away from Salamander Bolus Palace. Martial Second Wolf asked, "Why did they choose such a far place?"女仆回答:“夏国的将军们根据你的描述,向女娲娘娘提供了九处地理位置。女娲,由专家(即敖忖)陪伴着,全都察看了,最终亲自选定的。建房子只有三天的时间,等你被你的护卫送到敖忖指定的让你接受鞭刑的地方,他们就将排练完毕了。”
The maid replied, "Based on your description, the generals of the Xia Kingdom provided nine geographical locations to Goddess Nuwa. Nuwa, accompanied by the expert (i.e., Aocun), inspected them all and finally selected there personally. There are only three days to build those houses. When you are accompanied by your guards to the place designated by Aocun for you to receive the whipping, they will have completed the rehearsal."好了,读者可能已经看明白了,故事又回到了《二郎神和瑶祖》(参见15.5.2.1节-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&bbsid=2191&act=view&tid=5068232)故事的开始。下面只是简单叙述几句。武二郎和他的护卫来到了女娲指定的让他进入升天仪式的地点,就遇见了女娲派来的假扮的敖忖派来接他的士兵。和前文一样,敖忖的士兵蒙上了他的眼睛,把他带到了仪式的现场。然后还是同一位老头儿,太乙真人,照顾他,喂他吃醋,告诉他逃跑的计划。
Well, as the reader may have already seen, the story goes back to the beginning of the story of “Second Wolf God and Yao Primogenitor” (see section What follows is just a brief recounting of a few sentences. When Martial Second Wolf and his guards arrive at the place designated by Nuwa to let him enter the ascension ceremony, they meet the soldiers sent by Nuwa to fetch him in the guise of those sent by Aocun. As before, the soldiers of Aocun blindfolded him and brought him to the site of the ceremony. Then the same old man, Taiyi (i.e., Strictly Second), takes care of him, feeds him vinegar, and tells him the escape plan.然后武二郎假装晕了,被送去由几个美女为他洗澡。当他醒来后,就又看见假敖忖穿着原形毕露的蝉丝衣服站在窗前看着他。武二郎发现太乙真人和假敖忖都真的一起去的,一起回来了,非常高兴。接他的卫兵告诉他:“将军!您刚接受完鞭刑,请您立刻趴在担架上,我们抬您回驻地。”他就高兴地趴在了担架上。卫兵们一看,女娲娘娘真神呐!武二郎痊愈了!他们快步走向战马,上马之后对仍趴在担架上的武二郎大喊:“那个担架是女娲娘娘的道具,不许我们带走!”然后,他们扬鞭策马,跑了。武二郎气愤地蹦起来了,大叫:“兔崽子!你们敢戏弄我!看我不削你!”
Then Martial Second Wolf pretends to faint and is sent to be bathed by a few beautiful women. When he woke up, he saw the Fake Aocun standing in front of the window in his original cicada silk dress watching him again. Martial Second Wolf was very happy to find out that both Taiyi Real Human and Fake Aocun had really gone together and returned together. The guard who picked him up told him, ‘General! You have just received your flogging, please lie face-down on the stretcher at once and we will carry you back to our garrison.’ He then happily lay down on the stretcher. The guards looked that Mother Nuwa was divine! Martial Second Wolf was healed! They walked quickly to their warhorses, and when they mounted them, they shouted to Martial Second Wolf, who was still lying on the stretcher, “That stretcher is a prop of Nuwa, and we are not allowed to take it away!” Then they ran away. Martial Second Wolf jumped up angrily, shouting, “Rabbit brats! You guys dare to tease me! See if I won't cut you!” 传说中还说,随后他们几个人在夏国的首都里溜达,就遇见敖忖了,可把他们几个人吓坏了。然后,女娲出来了,才没打起来。女娲劝他和那位瑶族的贵族千金小姐和解,喝交杯酒。武二郎不同意。后来,那位瑶族小姐走动时,无意间,在窗前扯了一下裙子,展露了身体的原形。武二郎看着眼熟,想起了在瑶池遇见的假敖忖也做了同样的动作,就同意交朋友了,喝了交杯酒。那酒是女娲吩咐侍女去鲵丸宫取来的西凤酒。The legend also says that they were walking around the capital of Xia and met Aocun, which frightened them. Then, Nuwa came out and stopped the fight. Nuwa persuaded him to reconcile with the noble daughter of the Yao tribe and drink a cup of liquor with arms intertwined. Martial Second Wolf disagreed. Later, when the Yao lady was walking, she accidentally pulled her skirt in front of the window, revealing bodily forms. Martial Second Wolf saw that she looked familiar and remembered that the fake Aocun he met in Yaochi (Yao Pond) also had the same behavior, so he agreed to make friends and drink a cup of liquor with arms intertwined. The alcohol was Xifeng liquor that Nuwa asked the maid to fetch from her Salamander Bolus Palace.2.随后,女娲邀请武二郎到泥丸宫一起讨论《宝莲灯》(如图15.,37),具体的内容参见本书的第12章《禅-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334676》。这篇禅经以前是阐教的本经,是编者我把它转换成为了佛教新译(即唐三藏所创立的佛教体系)的。阐教的创始人是武大郎和潘金莲。教址是河南嵩山少林寺,是太昊(即元始天尊,古代的太阳神)送给他们俩的,是中国孙姓人的祖庙。四千年后,少林寺被一群没屁眼儿的秃驴给霸占,糟蹋了,直到现代。Afterwards, Nuwa invited Martial Second Wolf to Salamander Bolus Palace to discuss the "Treasury Lotus Lamp" (see Figure, 37). For details, please refer to Chapter 12 "Meditation" of this book. This Meditation Sutra was originally the text sutra of 阐(pinyin Chan, not 禅pinyin Chan)religion. I, the editor, converted it into the new Buddhist translation (i.e. the Buddhist system founded by Tang Tripitaka). The founders of the Chan religion were Martial Big Wolf and Goldthread Pan. The site of the religion was Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan, which was given to them by Taihao (i.e. Original Sky Honor, ancient Sun God). It is the ancestral temple of the Chinese surname Sun. Four thousand years later, the Shaolin Temple was occupied and ruined by a group of bald donkeys without assholes until modern times.女娲说,九黎世界(如图1至22)可以被简化成25有(参见13.4节-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336154),就好比25种动物,代表人的25种习性。这25种动物各有各的自我防卫机制,比如老鼠,胆小。据说有一种老鼠胆子特别小,一遇到攻击它就被吓死了,而且立刻散发出腐烂的臭味。猎食者见状,就放弃吃它了。当危险没了,它又活过来了。所以胆小对于老鼠来说,就像似有甲类动物的铠甲一样,是老鼠的防卫铠甲。胆小铠甲就让老鼠成为了一种适合生存的动物。人的这25种特别习性是无意识(即神识)的行为习惯,所以这25种动物的铠甲就被说成了 “上帝的铠甲和盾牌” ,亦作奇门遁甲。军事领域的奇门遁甲有自己的理论体系,一共有108个门,被称作奇门。门就是法门,入门知识。你给我讲讲你和敖忖的作战经过,我研究研究,看能不能发现几个她用奇门遁甲来对付你的案例。这样你就有了运用《宝莲灯》去照亮和化解敖忖对你的消极影响的能力。Nuwa said that the Nine Crowds (as shown in Figures 1 to 22) can be simplified into 25 Haves (see Section 13.4), just like 25 kinds of animals, representing 25 habits of people. Each of the 25 kinds of animals has its own self-defense mechanism, such as mice, which are timid. It is said that there is a kind of mice that is particularly timid. Once it encounters an attack, it will be scared to death, and it will immediately emit a rotten smell. Predators will give up eating it when they see this. When the danger is gone, it will come back to life. So, timidity for mice is like the armor of armored animals, which is the mouse's defensive armor. The timid armor makes mice an animal suitable for survival. These 25 special habits of people are unconscious (i.e., godly) behavioral habits, so the armor of these 25 animals is said to be ‘God's armor and shield’, also known as ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’. ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’ in the military field has its own theoretical system, with a total of 108 Doors, called ‘108 Strange Doors’. Doors are a juristic method, introductory knowledge. Tell me about your battles with Aocun, and I'll study them to see if I can find a few cases where she used ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’ to deal with you. Then you will have the ability to use the" Treasury Lotus Lamp" to illuminate and resolve the negative influence of Aocun on you.3.武二郎给女娲讲述了他和敖忖的作战经过。当然,这时敖忖就坐在屏风后面听着呢!女娲回答:“你等我研究研究。明天,你再来,我给你说几个她运用奇门遁甲的案例。”
Martial Second Wolf told Nuwa about his battle with Aocun. Of course, Aocun was sitting behind the screen and listening! Nuwa replied: "Wait for me to study it. Tomorrow, come back and I will tell you a few examples of her using ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’."武二郎离开后,女娲和敖忖就开始研究如何继续为他开天眼。第二天,女娲对武二郎说:“今天我从敖忖的角度来谈论一下你和她作战的经过。你沿着四川盆地的川谷地带一路向南,过关斩将,势如破竹。云海国王敖龘(dá)被迫派出了它的三公主敖忖出来作为监军督战。她和云海国元帅蒲牢商量好了,在狭谷关外与你决一死战。但是蒲牢在政治上倾向于拥立敖忖的哥哥敖钦为王位继承人,所以他要在战场上利用你杀死敖忖。”
After Martial Second Wolf left, Nuwa and Aocun began to study how to continue to open his Celestial Eye. The next day, Nuwa said to Martial Second Wolf: "Today I will talk about your battle with her from Aocun's perspective. You went south along the valley area of the Sichuan Basin, overcoming obstacles and advancing like splitting a bamboo stick. The king of Cloud Sea, XXX, was forced to send out his third princess, Aocun, as a military supervisor. She and the Marshal of Cloud Sea, YYY, agreed to fight you to the death outside the Narrow Valley Pass. However, YYY was politically inclined to support Aocun's brother ZZZ as the heir to the throne, so he wanted to use you to kill Aocun on the battlefield."
Martial Second Wolf was surprised and said: "There is this! Go on!"女娲说:“你们在狭谷关外的作战中,蒲牢屡屡撤肘,致使敖忖屡战屡败。就在敖忖要被你全军剿灭时,蒲牢临阵脱逃,躲进了狭谷关。这时你带兵攻到了巫毒林,途中你看见了几个巫毒女妖的标志(如图38,39)。你停止了进攻,也没派侦察兵搜查。当时,敖忖就在那里,你若继续进攻,就把她抓住了。你知道你为什么停止进攻吗?”
Nuwa said, “During your battles outside the Narrow Valley Pass, YYY repeatedly withdrew his elbows, causing Aocun to lose many battles. Just when Aoun was about to be annihilated in whole by you, YYY fled from the battlefield and hid into the Narrow Valley Pass. At this point, you led your troops to the Voodoo Forest, and on the way, you saw several Voodoo Banshee symbols (Figure 38, 39). You stopped the attack and didn't send scouts to search. At that time, Aocun was there, and if you had continued your attack, you would have captured her. Do you know why you stopped your attack?”武二郎回答:“你听我讲战争经过,很容易就分析出了当时她在那里。而我在战场上时,不知道她在那里。”
女娲回答:“当然你的这个疏忽有多方面的原因。我在这里面发现你中了敖忖的两个圈套:一,敖忖在巫毒林设置了 “玉女守门”;二,你在占领狭谷关时,中了敖忖的诱敌深入策略。”
Martial Second Wolf replied, “You listened to me talk about the war and easily analyzed that she was there at that time. I didn't know she was there when I was on the battlefield.”
Nuwa replied, “Of course there are multiple reasons for this negligence of yours. I found out here that you fell into two traps of Aocun: first, Aocun set up the ‘Jade Girl Guarding Door’ in the Voodoo Forest; and second, you fell into Aocun's strategy of luring the enemy deeper into the country when you captured the Narrow Valley Pass.”“那几个巫毒女妖的标志,又没有有效的抵抗就构成了 ‘玉女守门’的奇门,(案例参见6.6 结界),让你不愿意付出没有多大意义的牺牲,不愿意进攻。而就在这时,蒲牢为了掩盖他临阵脱逃的罪行,引诱你攻打狭谷关,使你的部下付出了惨重的伤亡。你过去查看,再一次组织进攻,就攻下来了。你缴获了很多茅台酒和一份敖忖的防卫图。你认为敖忖刚刚离开狭谷关,就杀了进去。结果蒲牢毫无防备,被你杀得几乎全军覆灭。”
"The symbols of those voodoo witches, without any effective resistance, formed the strange door of ‘Jade Girl Guarding Door' (see 6.6 Tie Boundary for examples), which made you unwilling to make meaningless sacrifices and unwilling to attack. At this time, to cover up his crime of deserting the battlefield, YYY lured you to attack the Narrow Valley Pass, causing your subordinates to suffer heavy casualties. You went to check, organized another attack, and captured it. You seized a lot of Maotai liquor and a defense map of Aocun. You thought Aocun had just left the Narrow Valley Pass, so you rushed in. As a result, YYY was caught off guard and was almost wiped out by you."
Martial Second Wolf asked, “What's wrong with that?”女娲说:“我分析是这样的。蒲牢向敖忖报告,请求增援。敖忖就派去援兵带着茅台酒和两份防卫图。蒲牢知道那茅台酒是敖忖从福建沿海买来的假茅台酒,就分给士兵们喝了,拿走了敖忖的防卫图。当他离开后,你再次攻打狭谷关时,敖忖派去增援的士兵扔下了另一份敖忖的防卫图,离开了。所以你迅速攻下了狭谷关。当然,我只是猜想,你觉得怎么样?”
Nuwa said: "My analysis is this. YYY reported to Aocun and asked for reinforcements. Aocun sent reinforcements with Maotai liquor and two defense maps. YYY knew that the Maotai liquor was fake Maotai liquor bought by Aocun from the coast of Fujian, so he distributed it to the soldiers and took Aocun's defense map. After he left, when you attacked the Narrow Valley Pass again, the reinforcements sent by Aocun threw down another Aocun's defense map and left. So, you quickly captured the Narrow Valley Pass. Of course, I'm just guessing, what do you think?"武二郎沮丧地说:“你当然是在猜想,你又不是敖忖。我认为你的分析合情合理。那敖忖为什么放我出来了呢!?”
Martial Second Wolf said frustratedly: "Of course you are guessing, you are not Aocun. I think your analysis is reasonable. Then why did Aocun let me out!?"
Nuwa said: "You defeated YYY, making Aocun the most promising heir to the throne. It is not in her current interest to continue fighting with Hua and Xia."武二郎问:“我想我懂得了些奇门遁甲的道理。你能不能给我几本这方面的书?”
Martial Second Wolf asked, ‘I think I know something about ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor.” Can you give me a few books on the subject?’
Nuwa replied, “Second Brother! You can't say you've learnt ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’ from me, it's not my specialty. In this area, your brother Martial Big Wolf is the master. If you say that you learnt ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’ from me, and afterwards he says that what I told you was incorrect, that will ruin my reputation.”武二郎回答:“是这回事!那我不说你教过我奇门遁甲。我去找他要书!这个巫毒女妖可真厉害!是我们华夏两国的大敌!下次交战,我一定先杀她!”
Martial Second Wolf replied: "That's right! Then I won't say that you taught me ‘Strange Doors of Shield and Armor’. I'll go and ask him for the books! This voodoo demoness is powerful! She is the enemy of our two countries! The next time we fight, I will kill her first!"女娲说:“咿!你怎么那么想呢!?正邪是从天条(即约柜。参见16.2节)来判断的。你能懂一些九黎(即大千世界,如图15.是因为敖忖为你开了天眼,种下了慧根;这么说她是你的神母啊!”
Nuwa said, "Hey! Why do you think so? Good and evil are determined by the Sky Clauses (i.e. the Ark of the Covenant. See Section 16.2). You can understand some of the Nine Crowds (i.e. great grand world, as shown in Figure because Aocun opened your celestial eye and planted your gnostic root; so, she is your godmother!"武二郎立刻站起来了,瞪着眼睛看着女娲娘娘。(你个小丫头片子,她是我二妈,你就成为我的三妈了!要不是看在我三弟媳妇大巢氏的面子上,看我不打你个鼻青脸肿!)他转身离开了。
Martial Second Wolf immediately stood up and stared at Nuwa. (Your little girl, she is my second mother, then you become my third mother! If it weren't for the sake of my third brother's wife, Big Nest, I would beat you up!) He turned and left.↪️返回15.5中华法典的目录↪️Return Catalog of Chinese Codex
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