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It could be a dream

送交者: 影云[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2024-10-27 13:08 已读 1930 次 1赞  



It could be a dream

am I still capable 
of dreaming 
of a life
as simple 
as harmony
of blue sky 
and white clouds?

It’s July 5th.

half of the year has slipped away.  

I've written only 6 poems 
three mere revisions
of what once was.

am I feeling sad about this?
maybe, more, no. 

in a race against time 
or merely being human, 
I've known from the start
that something defining us
is fading, soon vanishing
without a trace -

the sum of our lives 
reduces to numbers, 
blown away 
by the wind 
of Time

here, now
in the age of AI
I bid farewell
to whom we once were, 
capable of being amazed 
by a dandelion  
dancing in the sunlight
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