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🧧8.6 免死金牌 Death-Free Amulet

送交者: 卢岩[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2024-10-06 6:39 已读 557 次 13赞  


Immediately after that sleepless night, I lost my memory for a period. However, I was not surprised by the change of environment, which means that I was still in real life during that period. Or maybe my personality changed. I am a person with multiple personalities, and the affairs that happened before were diluted. When regained my memory, I suddenly saw the sun shining on the windowsill of the dormitory, and it felt warm. I walked over, stretched my hand into the sun, felt the temperature of the sun. Spring is coming, I look out the window.

表姐王刚告诉过我,“就住在八舍,赶快写论文毕业,别在学校浪费时间了,工作才是人生的主题。” 我回答:“我不知道,谁说的?”
My roommate came back and said happily, "I heard that the person who occupies your bed is coming back, and you will move to the first floor. In the future, in September, you will move to the third dormitory with the new students."
My cousin Wang Gang told me, "Just live in the eighth dormitory, write your thesis and graduate quickly, don't waste time in school, work is the theme of life." I replied, "I don't know, who said that?"

My roommate said, “Isn't it obvious! In Teacher Huang's room, we've been discussing you for half a day; we've finally concluded. What do you call a good man?”
I thought and thought but couldn't answer (Note 8.6-1).

注8.6-1,什么是好人?2006年我在Davroc 测试实验室有限公司工作。老板桫椤(Sal Fasullo,参见9.5 《桫椤给我改性格 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337180》 )对人说,“我研究卢岩两年了,发现他是 ‘好人’。这种人才少见呢,全世界也许能有60个,我不知道。我公司里能有一个,我感到荣幸。”
Note 8.6-1, “What is a Goodman?” In 2006, I was working at Davroc Test Labs Ltd. My boss, Sal Fasullo, (cf. v. 9.5 Sal Changes my Personality), said to us, “I've been studying Adam Luyan for two years, and I've found he is a Goodman. This kind of person is rare, there may be 60 of them in the whole world, I don't know. I'm honored to have one in my company.”

He exclaimed, “There aren't many Goodman in this world, maybe five. I feel honored to have lived in a house with a Goodman for over a year, and it's you!”
I thought about all the bad things I wanted to do, but just didn't have the guts to do them, and replied, “I don't feel like a good man; I think I'm just like everyone else. What is it you call a good man?”

He didn't answer my question, but said, “A man like me, if I don't tell you myself, you'll never know what I can do for the rest of your life! Since you were once a Goodman, I give you a Death-Free Golden Amulet (i.e., a pardon for the death penalty, see figs. 8.6), valid for the rest of your life! I hope you won't use it!”

I asked in surprise: "You're giving me a Death-Free Amulet?"
He said: "People change as the environment changes. It's hard to say what kind of person you will become in five or ten years. Think about it yourself. If you are about to be sentenced to death, call me. When your call reaches the State Council, whether I answer the call or not, you should know that your life is saved. Let me tell you, my college and graduate school classmates are all in our industry. Even if I am not in the State Council in the future, I can still do this."

I asked doubtfully, "Will you help me like this?"
He said: "People in our industry have few friends because we are afraid of being asked for help. My parents and relatives are all farmers and have no incident. When your phone call came into our company, the person who answered the phone immediately checked who you were and what your relationship was with me. Afterwards, the leader would also ask me, what did you do about Luyan? Who did you call? What did you say? The State Council does not allow casual calls to be made, and all records are kept. If I don't help, how will my colleagues look at me? He didn't even help his roommate when he was a graduate student. Isn't he too inhumane!"

I believed him. He said, "In the future, whenever you want to find me, just look for my contact information in the Northeastern University alumni directory."
My roommate also said that if I committed a capital crime, he would use his own judgment to sentence me and give me a chance to start a new life, if I didn't forget to call him. He also said that if I didn't do anything guilty, I would be fine in this life (Note 8.6-2).

注8.6-2,由此说法可以看出,他清楚地知道这件事的后果。随后,现实生活中,我常作亏心事,就在2010年堕入了地狱(即患上了精神病)。刘团长留给我的活路是做个 “好人”,100%不做任何亏心事。
Note 8.6-2, from this statement, we can see that he clearly knew the consequences of this affair. Later, in real life, I often do affairs that are against my conscience, and in 2010 I fell into hell (i.e. suffered from mental illness). The way out that Troupe Leader Liu left for me is to be a GOODMAN, 100% not do anything that is against my conscience.

Teacher Huang also came over happily and was a little embarrassed to see me. He is an honest man; everything is written on his face. He said that if I wanted to look for him in the future, I should look for the editorial board of their journal, and that he would be on that board for the rest of his life.
I chattered in confusion, “Why do you all look like you're saying goodbye to me! I'm just changing a room. Even if it's third Third Dormitory, that building is right next to here!”

Later, my cousin Wang Gang came and helped me move to the first floor, the north-facing room I had lived in when I first came to this building. I asked my cousin curiously, "What happened? Can't you just tell me the room number?"
Wang Gang replied, "Nothing, I just had nothing to do and came to see your room. Next time I want to look for you, I'll already know you're here."


大约一个月后的一天,我在一楼的走廊里遇见了黄老师,他表情严肃,若有所查,眼睛放着凶恶的光。我笑着向他打招呼。他没笑,也没像往常一样,站正了才说话,说:“没事,就是过来看看。” 我回屋后,感觉奇怪,“是他觉着对不起我才对,怎么反过来了,他那么恨我,像是我做错事了!”
About a month later, I met Teacher Huang in the corridor on the first floor. He had a serious expression, as if he was investigating something, and his eyes were gleaming with ferocity. I smiled and greeted him. He didn't smile, nor did he stand straight before speaking as usual. He said, "Nothing, I just came to see you." After I went back to my room, I felt strange, "He should feel sorry for me, how could it be the other way around? He hates me so much, as if I did something wrong!"

Note 8.6-3, now I think about it, the fierce look in Teacher Huang's eyes was a symptom of mental illness. Troupe Leader Liu became seriously ill because of this incident; Teacher Huang loved him like a father, so he also became ill and hated me. What about me? I was also seriously ill; in the next section, there were signs of multiple mental illness outbreaks.

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