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🧧8.5 室友帮我分析 Roommate Helps Me Analyze

送交者: 卢岩[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2024-10-03 18:03 已读 532 次 11赞  


I said to my roommate, “You studied police in college and graduate school, spent five years reading police reports in State Counsel. You're all the nation's leading experts on case analysis there. So, you're a first-rate national expert in this area, too?”
The roommate replied, “That's what I think.”


I asked, “Eve Liu is 27 years old, is her father that anxious?”
My roommate replied, “It varies from person to person, a girl is older at 27, some people are in a hurry, others are not. She's a PhD student, her options are narrow. Her dad is old and still not in good health, which is another factor for being in a hurry, so her dad is probably in a hurry.


I asked: "Why do they like me? I have no good looks, no talent, just an average person, nothing special."
My roommate replied: "I don't see whether you are outstanding or not. I don't know what they value about you. You are not bad in any aspect, just above average. Some wealthy and powerful families choose sons-in-law like this. They don't like people like me who have outstanding characters and talents."

这种说法,我感觉是听说过,比如东床驸马的案例(参见18.2.4-3《翠玉女哭了 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4330086》),就我这样老实厚道的人,特别招某些找女婿父母的青睐。
I feel like I have heard of this statement, such as the case of the “side-puller horse on east bed” (cf. v. 18.2.4-3 Chalchiuhtlicue Cried). People like me who are honest, and kind are especially favored by some parents who are looking for sons-in-law.

3 制造婚姻 Making Marriage

I asked, “He threatened me like that, so maybe I agreed once I got scared, or maybe I got enraged and didn't agree. What are the odds of each of those two?”

Roommate replied, “I don't think the odds you're talking about can be quantified. I've known about this affair with you since last spring until now. Now that so many of them have been tossing it around for three or four days, it's no small affair. They do aim to facilitate your marriage to Eve Liu. I've been pondering how they did this to facilitate your marriage. My knowledge is neither broad nor deep enough; I have come up with nothing. However, I can speak from her father's personality. The old man is an absolute man.”
I asked, “What is an absolute man?”

Roommate said, "Let me give you an example. If he doesn't have a 99% chance of success in business, he won't do it. This old man is a person who is very unlikely to fail. Not doing things he is not sure of is a trait in his personality. Your matter is marriage, which is different from business. Let me give you an example. If you were afraid and agreed to it, you would get angry when you think of it after you marry Eve Liu. People are like this. When you get angry, she will be unhappy when she sees it. There is poison and obstacles in your marriage. Then her father has ruined his daughter's marriage! To facilitate a marriage, it counts if you love her voluntarily and sincerely. Judging from the old man's absolute trait, this is considered making a marriage."

Roommate said, "What Teacher Huang and his people have been doing these days is really for marriage. I can't figure out why. Even if it's marriage, he won't do it if there's no 95% chance of success. This is based on the old man's personality."
I muttered, "95% chance, then he's successful, isn't he!"

Roommate said, "This is my personal opinion, for your reference. I think the old man will succeed, otherwise he wouldn't do it; this is determined by his personality. However, this conclusion is not drawn from a single case, but from a long-term consideration, and affairs have to wait for future developments."

I said, “I have also heard of the marriage making, and no one knows how it works. I love her with all my heart; where does this love come from? Why can't I feel it! I have wondered about it many times before when I heard about it, and I don't understand it. Do you think that love can be made?”

Roommate laughed and said, “How to make a marriage? I don't understand! I haven't gotten married myself! What I mean is that the old man's purpose of arranging so many people is indeed for your marriage with Eve Liu, but he knows that a strongly twisted off melon is not sweet. Based on the old man's personality, he only wants ripe melons, and the purpose of arranging these people is not to force you to accept his plan, you can decide on your own completely.”

4 老头子疯了吗?Is the Old Man Crazy?

I asked: "The old man is showing that he is serious and not just talking casually, but his action is too big. He is expressing his solemn protest! My finding a partner has nothing to do with him, why is he protesting?"

Roommate said, "That old man likes you, has investigated you many times before, and he has sent so many people over these days. If you don't agree this time, there will be a next time. I told you, this old man is an Absolute Person, and it is very unlikely that he will fail. He has already started, so you will be his son-in-law in the future. This affair can’t be changed!"

I asked my roommate, “Is he sick from looking forward to his son-in-law?”
Roommate replied, “I don't understand the reasoning behind what they're doing, so I can't tell if the old man is crazy or not. But look at it this way, even if that old man is crazy, Teacher Huang and his roommate aren't crazy, they won't listen to a crazy person's decision. So now this, they are doing affairs with their reasoning and way of doing things; you should decide on your own from your own interests; don't jump to conclusions if you can't reach them. You'll just go along the affairs and over watching the consequences.”

5 事情的发展 How the Affair Developed

Around 10pm, I started to feel headache, like I was recovering from a cold. Around 2 am, I felt like I had a rash all over my body, but I was still talking from time to time.

室友忍不住了,坐了起来说:“我说你睡觉行不行!他们还能来把你绑走啊!把你带走了,不带我走,我就要说,‘他们抢亲都抢到东北大学宿舍里来了!’ 他们把我也带走了,国务院的一个大活人没了,能不找吗,‘怎么地,你们要造反呐!国务院的人都敢绑!’”
Roommate couldn’t help it, so he sat up and said, “Can you please sleep? They can still come and kidnap you! If they take you away but not me, I will say, ‘They came to the dormitory of Northeastern University to kidnap a bridegroom!’ They took me away too. A big person from State Council is gone. How can nobody look for him? ‘What? Are you guys going to rebel? How dare you kidnap someone from State Council!’”

I said, "By the way! Did you write this down in your diary?"
My roommate replied that he didn't.
I said angrily, "Why don't you record? Aren't you supposed to record affairs around you? This is such a big deal, if you don't record it, then what else are you supposed to record?"

室友说:“我那日记是有人审读的,然后存档。如果审读的人看不明白,还要和我沟通,那可麻烦了。人家审读的人也不高兴啊,‘你那博士是不是读得太安逸了,连个日记都写不好了。’ 今天你这事,我可不好说明白,那读的人肯定看不懂。不过,你今天的事特殊,我会记住一辈子。日后,这事引发了什么争议性的后果,你放心,我会如实说,如实作证。今天的事,我肯定一辈子不会忘。”
Roommate said, "My diary is reviewed by someone and then filed. If the reviewer doesn't understand it, must communicate with me, that's troublesome. The reviewer will also be unhappy, saying, 'Did you have such a comfortable doctorate that you can't even write a diary well?' It's hard for me to explain what happened to you today, and the reviewer will not understand it. However, your incident today is special, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. In the future, if this incident causes any controversial consequences, don't worry, I will tell the truth and testify truthfully. I will definitely never forget what happened today."

我可能睡了两个小时。早上头不那么痛了,感觉好多了。早晨七点钟,黄老师来了,我告诉他说:“我感觉骗人不好。” 他的室友很生气,黄老师对他说:“怎么地?你还要打卢岩呐!我告诉你,我帮他不帮你。” 他又瞪着眼睛,恶狠狠地对我说:“我会把你的话如实向老头子汇报。这些事都是他让我干的,与我个人无关。如果你有意见,找他去。你不爱找老头子,你就去找刘健君。”
I probably slept for two hours. My head didn't hurt as much in the morning, and I felt much better. At seven o'clock in the morning, Teacher Huang came, and I told him, "I feel it's not good to lie to people." His roommate was very angry, and Teacher Huang said to him, "What? You still want to beat Luyan! I tell you; I will help him but not you." He glared at me again and said to me viciously, "I will report your words to the old man truthfully. He asked me to do these affairs, and it has nothing to do with me personally. If you have any opinions, go to him. If you don't like to go to the old man, go to Eve Liu."

I thought, if Eve Liu is in Shenyang, I will go to see her. I went back to the dormitory and went to sleep. At noon, I woke up and found that I was the only one on the sixth floor. I felt much more relaxed. In the following weeks, I occasionally felt that my body was getting better.

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