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💰 五、《感恩贵人:淡香疏影韵婷婷》

送交者: 4xAce[♂☆★★专炒欧元美元★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-26 20:21 已读 929 次 31赞  




其一、小令七首 + 随墨














🚩宅公自娱非专业 不喜勿喷胆小绕🚩

【You Are The Love of My Life】- George Benson
Cover翻唱: 4xAce汇士

You are the love of my life
I knew it right from the start
The moment I looked at you
You found a place in my heart
You are the love of my life
You give me reason to live
You taught me how to be strong
With you is where I belong
No one's ever touched me
Quite the way you touched me
People search a lifetime
To find what we have
You are the love of my life
One thing that's good in this life
I'll spend the rest of my days
Just loving you
You are the love of my life
The heart and soul of my life
Once I was lost and alone
With you at last I am home
You give me so much of you
And leave me room to be free
No one's ever touched me
Quite the way you touched me
People search a lifetime
To find what we have
You are the love of my life
One thing that's good in this life
And in a world full of change
One thing I'm sure of
You are the love of my life
The one thing that makes sense in this life
I'll spend the rest of my days
Just loving you
You are the love of my life
And I thank god I'm alive
To spend my lifetime with you
You are the love of my life

Source: LyricFind


Cover翻唱: 4xAce汇士

其三、《暗香疏影对联辑 · 五》










蛋糕裱字的作者(均是): 4xAce汇士
蛋糕制作者(有三个是): 4xAce汇士

< 部分生日蛋糕:>









































贴主:4xAce于2024_09_26 20:22:28编辑
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甜蜜蜜的回忆 (无内容) - Aukgcx2022 (0 bytes) 09/28/24
(^-^) hs4x 给 manjia 端来一杯咖啡! - hs4x (88 bytes) 09/27/24
(^-^) hs4x 给 OX4U 端来一杯咖啡! - hs4x (88 bytes) 09/27/24
(^-^) hs4x 给 sondey 端来一杯咖啡! - hs4x (88 bytes) 09/27/24
承蒙抬爱,多谢鼓励! (无内容) - 老寒腿7979 (0 bytes) 09/27/24
生日快乐! (无内容) - 东海独钓叟 (0 bytes) 09/27/24
谢谢美文和红包 (无内容) - wendonghao (0 bytes) 09/26/24
福气,要珍惜! (无内容) - doctormaomao (0 bytes) 09/26/24
汇才梅贵蝶恋花 🦋🌺 (无内容) - 红苹果生活花园 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
才子佳人 (无内容) - yy888 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
卢兄,如果是我误删我向你道歉 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
我删了你那帖好像带有图片的 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
你告诉我,我才知道! (无内容) - Adam_Luyan (0 bytes) 09/26/24
卢兄,我要睡了,明天再聊 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 花名雞仔 给 4xAce 开启一瓶香槟酒! - 花名雞仔 (128 bytes) 09/26/24
弱弱 - 4xAce (42 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢! (无内容) - rosejyy2000 (0 bytes) 09/27/24
- 4xAce (46 bytes) 09/27/24
我不敢肯定,帅锅哦!!😁 (无内容) - rosejyy2000 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 花名雞仔 给 4xAce 送上一包开心果! - 花名雞仔 (87 bytes) 09/26/24
多谢大才子大红包。 (无内容) - 石榴树 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) Adam_Luyan 给 4xAce 端来一杯咖啡! - Adam_Luyan (88 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) rosejyy2000 给 4xAce 送上一副名人字画! - rosejyy2000 (128 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) rosejyy2000 给 4xAce 赠送一只金笔! - rosejyy2000 (128 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 华人lee8 给 4xAce 开启一瓶香槟酒! - 华人lee8 (128 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) xiaoxiaoxiao333 领取了77.77金币的幸运红包! - xiaoxiaoxiao333 (91 bytes) 09/26/24
已给4xAce奖励1000银元,请查收 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢花老! (无内容) - 4xAce (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) xiaoxiaoxiao333 给 4xAce 献上一支玫瑰花! - xiaoxiaoxiao333 (88 bytes) 09/26/24

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