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7.12 百变神通 Hundred Godly Transformations

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-26 9:27 已读 497 次 10赞  


Uncle Dragon once told me that Hundred Godly Transformations is an ancient storyteller's professional skill. When a performer makes a hundred movements on stage, the audience may see them as a few dozens of characters. What effect does this have in real life?
One evening, Huawei Han, who was across the corridor from the dormitory room, told me that Teacher Huang was looking for me and asked me to wait for him at the dormitory entrance.

I stood on the curb opposite the dormitory entrance and waited for more than 20 minutes. When I suddenly saw him and a pair of men and women in their thirties (Character 1) coming out of the dormitory building. I ran after them. The three of them saw me running to them and stood still, facing me.
Teacher Huang introduced me, "This is a teacher from our school, the child is in first grade at this institution, is busy with his studies and doesn't have time to go home. They came over to see the child."

I looked up awkwardly at XXX, in his forties (Character 2; i.e., Troupe Leader Liu, Eve Liu's father, who would have been about 66 years old at this point), tall with a pointed jaw, standing straight and looking at me. Her mom spoke to him. Her mom was wearing a floral dress and was in her thirties. Her dad walked around with a big smile, came up to me and fell forward style (nearly falling forward). I went over to help him, close enough to the side of his face that I saw he was a seventy-something year old man (character 3). He got up, in his fifties (character 4). We said a few words and her mom pulled her dad, to leave, both under forty (character 5). The two of them jostled as if they were lovers, and then both raised one hand each, interlocked their fingers (see fig. 7.12-1), and left as if they were passionate lovers.

Teacher Huang said he didn't look for me. I was angry with Huawei Han, and walking in the corridor of the dormitory, I suddenly felt something was wrong. I felt that many people had just passed by me, and some of them had come out of the wall of the building and disappeared. I carefully felt my body, and there was nothing unusual; this meant that I didn't hallucinate just now. I returned to the place where we had just met and thought about what had happened just now: people couldn't come out of the wall, and there were not many people at that time.

注7.12,这件事迷惑了我20多年,2014年写完回忆录才分析出来,他们是刘健君的父母,有男神和女神的外貌(参见11.4.1节色蕴中的极略色 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4485827)。刘团长是讲故事的演员出身,由于他有男神的外貌,所以练成了百变神通。那时是傍晚,天色是灰色的。这种灰色的天色下,无意识不抓取事物的特征。我的无意识没有抓到他们俩的特征,而是被他们的特征性举止误导了,所以随着时间的推移,把他们俩当成了一群人。
Note 7.12, this case has puzzled me for more than 20 years. I only figured it out after I finished writing my memoirs in 2014. They are Eve Liu's parents, who have the appearance of God and Goddess (see the “Extremely Abstract Colors” in Section 11.4.1). Troupe Leader Liu was originally a storyteller. Because he has the appearance of a God, he has mastered the ability of “Hundred Godly Transformations”. It was evening and the sky was gray. In this gray sky, the unconscious does not grasp the characteristics of things. My unconscious did not grasp the characteristics of the two of them, but was misled by their characteristic behaviors, so as time went by, I thought they were a group of people.

At that time, I was a first-year graduate student. From the strange things that happened when I just entered middle school, high school, and college, they came to celebrate my admission to graduate school and performed “Hundred Godly Transformations” for me. In addition, Troupe Leader Liu also gave me a bless: the two of them holding hands with ten fingers Interlocked (as shown in Figure 7.12-1) is a symbol of the Consummation Buddha in Buddhism. Eve Liu’s parents are blessing me and Eve Liu “ten aspects perfection, 100 years good match”, that is, the Consummation Buddha (as shown in pictures 2 to 4).

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7 Northeastern University-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334710
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哦,原来是这样,受教了。 (无内容) - 狂心中 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
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