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送交者: 4xAce[♂★★专炒欧元美元★★♂] 于 2024-09-26 7:42 已读 971 次 28赞  










🚩宅公自娱非专业 不喜勿喷胆小绕🚩

【Yesterday Once More】- Carpenters
Cover翻唱: 4xAce汇士

When I was young
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
It made me smile.
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.
Lookin' back on how it was
In years gone by
And the good times that I had
Makes today seem rather sad
So much has changed.
It was songs of love that
I would sing to then
And I'd memorize each word
Those old melodies
Still sound so good to me
As they melt the years away.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
All my best memories
Come back clearly to me
Some can even make me cry.
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.

Source: Musixmatch


Cover翻唱: 4xAce汇士


【别让我一个人醉】- 姜育恒 
Cover翻唱: 4xAce汇士

其三、《暗香疏影对联辑 · 四》










Thank GOD! I am still alive...
after a 32-day coma in an ER / ICU!

I have the blood for a profitable FOREX trader!



贴主:4xAce于2024_09_26 7:58:52编辑

贴主:4xAce于2024_09_26 8:12:44编辑
贴主:4xAce于2024_09_27 12:16:46编辑
喜欢4xAce朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

英语咬字很赞 (无内容) - jmzjmz (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) rosejyy2000 给 4xAce 送来一个棒棒糖! - rosejyy2000 (87 bytes) 09/26/24
三克油! (无内容) - rosejyy2000 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
Ace & Amy, perfect couple (无内容) - manjia (0 bytes) 09/26/24
淡烟袅袅依依梦,疏影离离楚楚情 👍 (无内容) - 红苹果生活花园 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
相辅相成,珠联璧合。 (无内容) - roadshark (0 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢美文!大家的速度真快 (无内容) - 潇潇lee (0 bytes) 09/26/24
感觉上 - 金色加州 (69 bytes) 09/26/24
- hs4x (118 bytes) 09/26/24
同意! (无内容) - Vivian32817 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
嗯,看起来。。哈 - 4xAce (36 bytes) 09/26/24
没办法。。她 - 4xAce (126 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢风雪君 - 4xAce (388 bytes) 09/26/24
那这个缘分真是奇妙,妙不可言 - 风雪天涯 (30 bytes) 09/26/24
实际上,她也是善良! (无内容) - Vivian32817 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
- 4xAce (190 bytes) 09/26/24
下次 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
梅人美心也美👍 (无内容) - yanziaz (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) xiaoxiaoxiao333 领取了66.66金币的幸运红包! - xiaoxiaoxiao333 (91 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) xiaoxiaoxiao333 给 4xAce 献上一支玫瑰花! - xiaoxiaoxiao333 (88 bytes) 09/26/24
太早了 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
叱咤风云 总分: 33.22 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢精心制作的美贴好文 (无内容) - wendonghao (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 4xAce 给 sw1799 端来一杯咖啡! - 4xAce (88 bytes) 09/26/24
汇士兄多才多艺 (无内容) - 华人lee8 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
嗯。。+加空调冷媒 (无内容) - 4xAce (0 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 花名雞仔 给 4xAce 开启一瓶香槟酒! - 花名雞仔 (128 bytes) 09/26/24
(^-^) 花名雞仔 给 4xAce 送上一颗智多星! - 花名雞仔 (89 bytes) 09/26/24
已给4xAce奖励1000银元,请查收 (无内容) - 花名雞仔 (0 bytes) 09/26/24
谢谢花老! (无内容) - 4xAce (0 bytes) 09/26/24

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