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7.11 性格互补 Complementary Personalities

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-25 14:56 已读 850 次 8赞  


One day in the summer of 1996, in the cafeteria, I saw Teacher Huang with a dull expression, so I went over to tease him: "You are looking for a partner for Eve Liu! Are you dazzled?"
Teacher Huang glanced at me and said: "I lost my job; how can I be in a good mood!"

I was stunned and said: "Oh, too much corruption and bribery! Then you have hidden in the school, how come they still won't give up tracing you!"
Teacher Huang said angrily: "A few days ago, Eve Liu told her mother: 'Don't let Teacher Huang and Adam Luyan introduce me to boyfriend in the future, the ones they introduce are not good enough!'"

I was happy and curious: "Why is my name here?"
Teacher Huang said: "That's what Eve Liu. She has a good memory."

Teacher Huang and I chatted while eating. He said, "It's all in the past. There's no point talking about that. We are all hopeless!"
I said, "Why are you hopeless? She figured it out, found it, and corrected it herself. Don't people say woman transform 18 times when they are growing up?"


我说:“垢遵义可不傻,咋还出来 ‘不如一个愣仔’,这话了呢?”
Teacher Huang said: “Their family fought again, her mother scolded her, 'that Luyan's classmate, Teacher Huang asked more than thirty people in his working place, the Heping District Cultural Bureau, the subordinate schools, and the Graduate School of Northeastern University, all said he is a standard boy. Let you look, not as good as a dumb (i.e. Luyan)! How to find a boyfriend? Do not look for it!'”
I said, “Zunyi Gou is not dumb, how come out ‘not as good as a dumb’, this word?”

Teacher Huang got interested and said, "No one said that Zunyi Gou is a Dumb. By your light, I got praised!"
I asked curiously, "Where did I have the light? How did they praise you?"

Teacher Huang said, “Later, her mom analyzed: Zunyi Gou is a standard young man, this is not wrong. She said he is inferior to Luyan, isn't that a good impression of Luyan!”
I pondered for a while and said, “Are you praising me, or are you undermining me? Who can take that little bit of favorable impression in casual speech as favorable impression!”

Teacher Huang said, "I am speaking seriously. Don't underestimate this half-sentence of compliments. Since we started introducing her to potential partners, we have introduced more than 100 people to her, and you are the only one who got her this half-sentence of compliments. We are happy about this."
I replied, "I don't think it is a compliment; it is just a little good impression."


Teacher Huang said, “Right! It's just half a good impression! She doesn't need me to introduce her to anyone anymore! You don't know, for five or six years now, her parents and I, and a few other people, we've been studying her together, studying how to introduce her to someone. I've been buying books since the beginning, studying how to read people, how to make marriage matches. Let me put it to you this way! I haven't gotten my doctorate from Northeastern University yet, but if Northeastern University had a doctorate in marriage introduction, I would have gotten it a long time ago. I'd have gotten a doctorate in marriage introduction! I could have written a book about it!”
I said, “Give me an example.”

Teacher Huang said: "Let's talk about you and Eve Liu. We found six aspects in which you complement each other."
I asked: "What complements?"

Teacher Huang said: “To say that the couple is good for a hundred years, it must be that both husband and wife have the advantages that the other likes. You do not study well since childhood, like good students; Eve Liu is a good student. On this aspect, the two of you together, you always like her, she did what wrong, you can forgive her; this, the same for life.”

I asked: "What about other aspects?"
Teacher Huang shook his head: "I won't tell you! (Note 7.11-3)"

注7.11-3,他为什么不告诉我?答:这是真人医学实验,参见4.5 节《真人医学实验的报纸新闻 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337696》。2014年后,我学了些性格心理学,意识到了黄老师所说的我和刘建君的互补性是金童和玉女的互补性(如图7.11,参见10.9 《三位一体 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336492》)。

Note 7.11-3, why didn't he tell me? Answer: This is a real medical experiment, see Section 4.5 "Newspaper News of Real Human Medical Experiments". After 2014, I learned some personality psychology, and I realized that what Teacher Huang said about the complementarity between me and Eve is the complementarity between the gold boy and the jade girl (as shown in Figure 7.11, see 10.9 Godly Trinity).


After a moment of silence, Teacher Huang said, "Finding a partner is a major event that affects your lifelong happiness. Knowledgeable people should analyze it comprehensively. You must consider it from a lifetime perspective. What do you say of young couples and old companions?’"
I replied, "I can't explain it, tell me!"

Teacher Huang said: "When a couple grows old, they are companions for each other to talk to. If a couple has no common language, they are not companions. With Eve Liu's level of knowledge and temper, she ended up being a lonely woman without even someone to intimately talk to."

I said, "How can you be so sure? People are changing."
Teacher Huang said, "Of course, I am sure. If I am not sure, I won't say it. Well, she won't change. Who can stand her? You can stand it."

I said, "No one can stand it; I can stand it. How can I be so tolerant?"
Teacher Huang said, "You have that kind of personality."

I said, "What kind of personality do I have? Can I bear being bullied?"
Teacher Huang said, "We can see this clearly. You two are a perfect match, neither of you will suffer a loss, and neither of you will take advantage. You are a little bit better looking than her, but she is smarter than you."


I said, "You deserve it! The introducer is like the Kitchen God, who says more good things than bad things. It spreads the good to both sides and conceal the bad from either end. How did you introduce her? I have never heard you say a good word about Eve Liu. Is there an introducer like you? If you told me that Eve Liu liked me, then in my case, the relationship would be cultivated quickly! I have a strong liking for her, so it naturally affects her. You said that she had the slightest good impression of me, so how could I accomplish such a low success rate? I have to find someone who likes me more to cultivate."

Teacher Huang said seriously, "You said that, not me. I won't exaggerate or make up stories. I just tell the truth about what happened. In this way, if there is a dispute between you and Liu Jianjun one day, the consequences will be caused by your own decision and have nothing to do with me."

I said, “She and I don't meet even when we face each other, what dispute can there be (Note 5)!? You don't even want to take so little blame, so why do you still want to be the matchmaker?”
Teacher Huang said, “I'm saying that if one day there is a dispute between you and Eve Liu. I'm not a grandma matchmaker, I'm the elder of the two of you. It's beneficial for you to grow up if I treat you this way.”
I seemed to be enlightened.

注7.11-5,我和刘健君之间有什么纠纷?本书的7.3节《相亲 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337252》,刘建君故意创伤了我,给我留下了精神病潜伏症(亦作腐尸虫,蛊,雷音的恶魔)。本文黄老师正在重复刺激我,培养我的精神病潜伏症,即正在喂养我身体里的腐尸虫(蛊),送我去地狱(即患上精神病)。

Note 7.11-5, What is the dispute between Eve Liu and me? In section 7.3 of this book, “Blind Date”, Eve Liu deliberately traumatized me and left me with psychotic latent disorder (also known as carrion beetle, Thor’s Devil). In this article, Teacher Huang is repeatedly stimulating me and cultivating my psychotic latent disorder, i.e., he is feeding the carrion beetle (Thor’s Devil) in my body to send me to hell (i.e., suffering from psychosis).

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7 Northeastern University-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?act=view&tid=4334710
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