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🧧7.10 父母和她吵 Parents Quarrel with Her

送交者: 卢岩[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2024-09-24 8:25 已读 449 次 16赞  


The following day at noon, I was eating and talking in Teacher Huang’s room. He said, “These days, the fights in Eve Liu’s family are intense! She was scolded by her parents without saying a word.”
I said, “Just talk about it! How can they even fight these days?”

Teacher Huang said, “How old is she, this isn’t right, nor that, how can she find a boyfriend! Must teach her a lesson.”
I asked, “How did they teach her a lesson?”

Teacher Huang said, “Her mom said her, 'You are good at looking people; you identify people better than the chief of Heping Housekeeping Bureau. The bureau chief said, ‘Luyan unites people and establish affairs, what happened, have him in, I am at ease! Let you look, a Dumb! What kind of person is the Bureau Chief! He can still see people wrong! Besides, that is decision many people have met and studied? How can we find a boyfriend! Forget it, don't look for him anymore!”

I asked, "What did Eve Liu say?"
Teacher Huang said, "Eve Liu kept silent, didn't say a word. I looked it funny and amusing!"

I pointed at Teacher Huang, who ducked, like a child, and said, “Why are you gloating!”
Teacher Huang said, “For six or seven years, she's bullied me hard. This is the first time I've ever, by your light, won.”

I didn’t understand what he said, so I asked, “What light are you borrowing from me? Why can’t I feel it?”
Teacher Huang said, “Then tell me, what are you going to do about your relationship with Eve Liu?”

I said, “I broke up with her a long time ago! Let bygones be bygones!”
Teacher Huang discussed it with his roommate and said, “Eve Liu said that about you, that you're stupid, like a child, and you're not angry?”

I said, “People say what they like in their own homes! I'm not related to her, we met on the street, we don't even know each other. If you guys hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have even known, and it's only right to be angry with you!”

Teacher Huang muttered, “Her mom said, this is not even acceptable! It seems that Luyan has been hurt by her. Nobody like her, expostulating whenever meeting. People just met are saying some simple and light words to make each other feel comfortable. But she, left others no little face!”

After listening to it, I could feel the heaviness and pain all over my body caused by Eve Liu. I thought her mother was such a considerate woman, and I was so moved that I almost cried.


Teacher Huang talked about this topic again and again. Once, when Teacher Huang talked about it, I turned around and left.
My roommate, the State Council policeman came back and asked me: "We were talking peacefully! Why are you so unhappy and leaving?"

I replied: "What does the fight in their family have to do with me! They always say it's because of me, and I feel uncomfortable all over. Besides, it's all over. They keep saying this, and I'm afraid I'll fall into the illness of unilateral love.”

After a while, he said: "You are right. Considering your previous relationship with Eve Liu, her topic is not suitable for you. They are my classmates, and I will tell them not to talk about her family in front of you in the future."


During this period, (my latent psychosis developed rapidly). The people in Heping Housekeeping Bureau that I met were just some small figures in the Bureau, but they made me feel the "mafia". In the Artillery School, Eve Liu's father was much more powerful than the people in Heping Housekeeping Bureau, which made me feel terrified. The doctoral dormitory is different from other student dormitories, there are all kinds of people in it.

At that time, my brother was a pilot at Shenyang Dongta Airport. Their airport was not far from the Shenyang Artillery Academy (Artillery School). I talked to my brother about the artillery school.
He said, “What artillery school? How come I don't know! In the army, schools are all above division level. In Shenyang, and in our neighborhood, if there is one, there's no way I haven't heard of it.”

I said, “I heard from uncle Yushan Wang. Shenyang is there this artillery school; this can not be wrong!”
My brother thought for a while, replied, “It's possible that, in the early days of liberation, those old meritorious officials had no place to arrange for them, so they gave them a name and let them play on their own!”


One day, Teacher Huang came to my room, and I thought he was going to match me up with Eve Liu again. He said shyly that he thought Zunyi Gou, a classmate I often hang out with, was pretty good, and asked me if he had a girlfriend. I helped Teacher Huang introduce Zunyi Gou to Eve Liu.

过了一段时间,我和他在一起时,忽然想起了他和刘健君的事,就问:你和刘健君怎么样了?他转身“蹭” 一下!跑啦!我不知道发生了什么事,却看到他到一边闲逛去了。这我可生气了。他回来后,我就刁难地说: “我也没说什么呀!我这当介绍人的就随便问一下。” 他说:“老弟别介意,这是哥的错!人家跟咱哥们可不是一个档次的;哥哥这次可丢脸丢大了!以后千万别再说她了!” 说完,他说有事,走了。
After a while, when I was with him, I suddenly remembered what happened between him and Eve Liu, so I asked him: “How are you and Eve Liu doing?” He turned around and ran away! I didn't know what happened, but I saw him wandering off to the side. This made me angry. After he came back, I said to him in a difficult way: "I didn't say anything! I was just asking casually as a matchmaker.” He said: "Don't mind it, brother, it's my fault! She is not on the same level as us brothers; I am so embarrassed this time! Don't talk about her again in the future!" After that, he said he had something to do and left.

I thought to myself, "This Eve Liu is really amazing. How could she stimulate Zunyi Gou to this extent? He is not as good as me! I was not so stimulated that I turned around and ran away." (At that time, I didn't know that I had been driven crazy by Eve Liu).

One day, I met Teacher Huang in the corridor and asked him curiously about Zunyi Gou and Eve Liu. He was unhappy when he heard it, and his face was gloomy. He was very dissatisfied with me. I said, “that was your idea, why are you angry with me!” He said helplessly, “Don't say it, no, there is no point in talking about those two people! She was still mumbling: Northeastern University is also a famous university, why are the students’ quality so low!”
When I heard this, I felt embarrassed and ashamed.

Teacher Huang looked at me, sighed, and said, "You are all normal. Eve Liu is too smart. No one can fool her. She has had more than a hundred boyfriends, and we can all see it clearly. She thinks she is nice to everyone, but those men can't stand her kindness and hide when they see her. Some men, when they meet her on the street, pretend not to see her and turn around, run away. Her parents and I saw this clearly. Just because of her marriage, the three of us have wanted to hang ourselves to commit suicide!"

注7.10-1,和第2章古代《桃花劫 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4654351》中刘员外总是因为常公和桃花女打架类似,本文刘团长夫妇总是因为我卢岩和刘健君吵架,目的是确保让她记住我,同时也在培养我的精神病潜伏症。
Note 7.10-1, like the ancient story of "Peach Blossom Catastrophe" in Chapter 2, where Publican Liu always quarrels with Peach Flower Girl because of Constant Fair; in this article, parents always quarrel with Eve Liu because of me, Luyan, to make sure she remembers me, and at the same time cultivate my latent mental illness.

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