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7.9 第三次调查核实 Third Survey Verification

送交者: 卢岩[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2024-09-23 8:45 已读 180 次 3赞  


In the afternoon of the second day, Teacher Huang approached me to verify his third investigation. Based on the records of the first two investigations, he divided the investigation into three parts, with all three groups working at the same time. The matter about the Heping District government sending someone to mediate the fight between Sister Bi and me was one of the focuses of their investigation. At that time, said Bi sister went to find four beautiful young women to strip my clothes, and then escorted me naked parade. Colleagues are afraid, let me go back to Northeastern University to avoid.

Teacher Huang asked, "But you still heard about it afterwards. Your sister Bi sat on the street crying, with thousands of people watching. How did it end?"

我回答:“我听说,毕姐坐在大街上哭;很长时间,谁也劝不好。人们对局长说,你得想想办法,公安局很快就该来找我们了,咱们阻碍交通了。局长到毕姐的旁边小声叨咕,‘小毕你知道不?就在刚才,你差点儿坏了我的大事!’ 说完,他就回局里去了。过了一会儿,毕姐忽然不哭了,问,局长说什么了?人们告诉了她,她听后就不哭了,站起来就回家了。”
I answered, "I heard that Sister Bi sat on the street crying for a long time, and no one could persuade her. People said bureau chief that he had to think of a way, because the Police Bureau would come to find us soon, and we were blocking traffic. The bureau chief came to Sister Bi and whispered, 'Little Bi, do you know? Just now, you almost ruined my plan!' Then he went back to the bureau. After a while, Sister Bi suddenly stopped crying and asked, ‘what did the bureau chief say?’ People told her, and she stopped crying after hearing it, stood up and went home."

Teacher Huang asked, “How come your bureau chief's big plan still has something to do with you?”
I replied, “People have wondered how our bureau chief's big affair has something to do with me Adam Luyan. No one understands; I don't know.”
Teacher Huang smiled, turned around, and bent over to do something. I didn't notice his strange behavior.

注7.9-1,他转身去干什么了?后面的谈话中,他的室友哭着和他争吵,他认为是他们的调查报告毁坏了刘健君六年的恋爱生活。他的室友哭着告诉我:“他趁你没注意,转过身去乐!他为什么乐成那样儿了?他认为这次刘建君要倒霉了!” 作者卢岩现在认为黄老师高兴的原因是这样的。刘团长在对卢岩下死不瞑目的诅咒,就是他后半生三十几年一直在背后帮助卢岩,只求卢岩回报一件事,娶他女儿刘建君为妻。在和平房产局期间,刘团长做了很多工作,帮助卢岩,卢岩得要知道,记着那些恩惠,那他的死不瞑目诅咒才有效。通过本文的问答,黄老师发现卢岩知道和平房产局发生的事,而且不知道背后的主使者是刘团长。也就是刘团长在和平房产局对卢岩的做法取得了完全的成功,所以他高兴,禁不住地笑。
Note 7.9-1, what did he do when he turned around? In the following conversation, his roommate cried and argued with him. He believed that their investigation reports had ruined Eve Liu's six-year love life. His roommate cried and told me: "He turned around and laughed while you were not paying attention! Why was he so happy? He thought Eve Liu was going to be in trouble this time!" The reason author Luyan now thinks Teacher Huang is happy is this. Troupe leader was using “Die with Eyes Open” to curse on Luyan, that is, the second half of his life for more than thirty years has been behind the scenes to help Luyan, only asking Luyan in return for one thing, to marry his daughter Eve Liu as wife. During the period of the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, Troupe Leader Liu did a lot of work to help Luyan, Luyan must know and remember those favors, then his curse of “Die with Eyes Open” will be effective. Through the questions and answers in this article, Teacher Huang found out that Luyan knew what happened at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau and doesn't know that the mastermind behind it is Troupe Leader Liu. That is, Troupe Leader Liu's approach to Luyan at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau was a complete success, so he was happy and couldn't help but laugh.

Teacher Huang's roommate asked him, “So what did the people you sent to investigate their company say?”
Teacher Huang said to me, “I got a few professional investigators from the military district. There were many of them, more than a dozen, and when they arrived at your firm they went to each section. The people in your company said that all other people district governments have investigated, but not Luyan. Luyan! Why did the district government intervene in this case? Why didn't anyone ask you? Have you heard?”

I answered, "I heard about it. A year before my case, the person who held the same position as me was also a recent college graduate. He was stripped naked by the group of women in the bureau. I heard that the man was stimulated (mildly mentally ill), and the city labor union arranged for him to work somewhere else. That case had not been handled yet when my case happened. The Heping District Labor Union reported this to the Shenyang City Labor Union. The City Labor Union people were angry and reported it to a deputy mayor, saying, 'This violates the criminal law. You are pushing the responsibility onto us, and we cannot handle it. If Adam Luyan is frightened (Note 2). We'll take your Heping District Government to court.’ The Heping District government then immediately sent a district governor to mediate.”

I continued, “They found our section chief, Guoqing Fu. Fu said that the purpose of this mediation was not to let Luyan be scared. Luyan doesn't know and doesn’t understand, so he's not scared. If you mediate and make it clear to him, it will scare him instead. So, they just told everybody, nobody talks to me about this.”

Note 2: Being frightened is related to mental illness, which is known as an IRON LAW in psychiatry. After this investigation and verification, I did remember that incident and was scared! I clearly remember that after this conversation, I felt like a mental patient who had been traumatized by Eve Liu. I didn't understand it at the time, but I understood it in 2014 when I was writing my memoirs.

Teacher Huang said: "But you knew everything, why didn't you take it seriously?"
I replied: "If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have thought much of it was true!"

At the end of the investigation, Teacher Huang said that because of their investigation report, Eve Liu had misunderstood me from the beginning because of the fight. What should I do? I felt uncomfortable all over when I thought of her (note, I was traumatized by Eve Liu), answered: "Past! Let it go!"

Teacher Huang quarreled with his roommate about what to say to the old couple (Eve Liu's parents)! Teacher Huang's roommate cried and complained, “We've investigated Adam Luyan three times, and the three people in the three reports all don't look like Luyan now! What about our previous reports? Eve Liu, it's no big deal for young people to do more work on love affairs, we've ruined her youth!”

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7 Northeastern University
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