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7.7 无事生非 Much Ado About Nothing

送交者: 卢岩[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2024-09-19 20:53 已读 233 次 3赞  


A week later, Teacher Huang came to me with a sad face and asked: "What happened to you and Eve Liu? Were you fighting?"
I became impatient and said: "She has nothing to do with me. I met her on the road, and we didn't know each other! Why did you tell me what she was doing!"

黄老师说:“我是介绍人! 还一手托两家,你们之间发生了什么事儿,我有权问问!”
Teacher Huang said: "I am the matchmaker! I am also responsible for two sides. I have the right to ask what happened between you!"
I thought what he said made sense, replied: "That's true, you can ask! I've only met her a few times, nothing happened!"

Teacher Huang said: "The day before yesterday, Eve Liu's father listened to the mother and daughter two of them chattering. Eve Liu was furious and said to her mom, ‘Whenever Luyan talks, her face turns red! He's in his thirties, how can he still be like that? He's still not good enough to see people, shrinks back when he does! The other day we met the head of our hospital's department, and I wanted to introduce him to him, but he lagged and couldn't get through! Teacher Huang told me that he loves to fight. That fight was so big! Even the Heping District Government stepped in to mediate. I asked him, and he said he didn't remember! He didn't know anything!"

“她妈一听就来气了, ‘还啥也不知道’,那不是傻子吗!这可不行!我得找小黄子问问,某家闺女啥时候得罪他啦!他找个傻子来埋汰某家闺女!’ 她妈说着,就找我的电话号码。她爸觉着这事儿不对,就说,‘还是我给他打个电话吧’。刘健君她爸就跟我说,让我想想,问问,‘过几天你阿姨问你,怎么回答;你得先了解了解情况。’”
"Her mom got angry when she heard, 'and knows nothing', that's not stupid! This isn’t right! I'll have to ask little Huang when our daughter offended him! He's found a fool to make dirty our daughter! As her mom said, looking for my phone number. Her father thought that was not right, so he said, 'Let me call him’. Eve Liu's father then told me to think about it and investigate, 'How will you answer when your aunt asks you in a few days; you have to understand the situation first.'"

Teacher Huang said to me: "Think about what they said, and you still say it's all true! It's hard to find a fool from the four thousand graduate students at Northeastern University! Besides, I'm a big guy like this, so what's the point of insulting her! Did you fight with her?"

我回答:“刘健君说的都是事实(参见7.3《相亲 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&bbsid=2031&act=view&tid=4685423》),但她根本就没在意我,对我没感觉,她怎么可能被我气哭了呢?”
I answered: "What Eve Liu said is true (cf. 7.3 Blind Date), but she didn't care about me at all and had no feelings for me. How could she be angry with me and cry?"
Teacher Huang said: "Are you saying that I lied?"

I answered: "I didn't say you lied."
Teacher Huang said: "Her father told me this, so her father lied?"

I answered: "It is unlikely that her father made up this."
Teacher Huang said: "Then this is the fact. She is not angry with you, so she is angry with me?"

We talked for a long time. I think Eve Liu and I are just ordinary lovers. We met a few times, didn't get along, and broke up. There is no dispute about this.
Teacher Huang thought that Eve Liu was dissatisfied with him and was bullying him. I was very surprised: "She was bullying you?"
Teacher Huang looked at me and said seriously: "Eve Liu is different! You can't look at her with the common understanding of people!"

A week later, Teacher Huang came to me again to talk about this. He said he was sick because of this. He said he was originally a conscripted soldier from a rural area in Sichuan. The old principal (Troupe Leader Liu) trained him and promoted him to a general, but never asked him to do anything else. For more than 20 years, the old principal only asked him to introduce Eve Liu to a boyfriend. As a result, the matter got worse and worse, and now they have become enemies.

黄老师说:“老校长相信我不会做这事,可老头子的身体不好,有病,不一定哪天就咽气了。如果我现在不把这事查清楚,她爸爸死后,我们两家就没法相处了。” 他要再次调查我;区政府出面为我调解打架的事,我怎么会不记得呢!
Teacher Huang said: "The old principal believes that I will not do this, but the old man is in poor health and is sick. He may die one day. If I don't investigate this matter now, our two families will not be able to get along after her father dies." He wants to investigate me again; how could I not remember that the district government intervened to mediate the fight for me!
I agreed.

注解7.7,这事对我的人生有什么影响?前文6.9《活见鬼 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337744》中描述了:因为那次关于黑社会的调查,至少两年房产局的人不会给我介绍女朋友;在社会上,至少影响十年。就因为这调查,后文,我的导师告诉我: “你在东北大学是不行了!别着急,你的条件不错,等以后到了工作单位,没人知道这事了,介绍女朋友的人多的是!”
Note 7.7, How did this affect my life? Described in 6.9, "Seeing Ghost Alive”, because of that investigation about the black society, people in the Heping Housekeeping Bureau would not introduce me to girlfriends for at least two years; socially, it had an impact for at least ten years. Because of this investigation, later in the text, my mentor told me: "You won't make it at Northeastern University! Don't worry, you're in good condition, when you get to your workplace later, no one will know about this, and there will be plenty of people to introduce you to girlfriends!"

A year later, I was so angry about it. So how did it get so big? For example, Troupe Leader Liu got several people to investigate this at the same time, he asked the head of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau to come to Northeastern University in person to ask our president about it, and then he asked the director of the Liaoning Provincial Science Committee to call our department head to ask him about it. Then, of course, our president and our department chairman had to investigate, and so the story of my contacts with the triads at the Shenyang Heping Housekeeping Bureau reached Northeastern University. The bigger problem was that Eve Liu was much higher up than the triads. So, this, Troupe Leader Liu is provoking me to fight with him? Yes. Chapters 7 and 8 of this book are about the fight between Troupe Leader Liu and me, the reason for my descent into hell (i.e., mental illness) and Troupe Leader Liu's death with eyes open.

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7 Northeastern University-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334710
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