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🧧7.5 超渡 Transcendent Ferry

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-09-16 7:51 已读 1479 次 12赞  


超渡的目录 Content of Transcendent Ferry: 7.5.0 序言 Preface;7.5.1 治疗恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Illness of Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred;7.5.2 无所得 No Objective Gain;7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance;7.5.4 觉悟的特质 Trait of Conscientiousness;7.5.5 给舅舅送终 Sending My Uncle Away;7.5.6 圆满 Perfect Fulfillment;7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿 To Think Where to Go is Arriving There; 7.5.8 神通正等明 Connection with Correct Equality Light

7.5.0 序言 Preface

At this time, my uncle had terminal lung cancer and was fighting with his family. I wanted to go and say goodbye to my uncle, but I didn't know what to say. Eve Liu’s master's thesis is on lung cancer, so I went to ask her for advice. She said that maybe in the past, he had accumulated some favor grudge love revenge or some unfinished business, and was dying, had no time, so he was annoyed to fight with his family.

I asked: "I want to go and say goodbye to him, what should I say? I'm having a hard time! What to say?"
She replied: "Those few sentences of the Transcendently Ferry (see figure 7.5) work best."

I have also heard that there are those few sentences that dying people love to hear and they laugh when hear them. Very few people know those sentences, and those who know them don't tell others easily. I asked her what those sentences are. When Eve Liu heard me, she ran away and laughed, saying: "I can't do it! I don't know (Note 1)!"

I shouted angrily: "Why are you running away! If you think those few words are effective, you know something about it?"
She said it was okay to tell me, but should not break the traditional rules, I must kneel and kowtow to her first and call her master.

I almost fainted from my anger, and my blood pressure hit my skull again and again: I'm not going to get down on my knees and kowtow to you!
After a while, she said: "My dad often tells this to his friends. I have loved listening to it since I was a child, and I feel like I understand it every time. But my dad says I don't understand and doesn't allow me to tell others."

I asked curiously: "You have been hearing this since you were a child. Now you are 26 years old and are about to graduate from graduate school. Why don't you understand and can't speak!? Your father has a high standard and a different definition for understanding. So, what does your father mean by understanding?”

She said: "My father said that if you understand it in your own words, it doesn't count. If you understand it in the words of books, it doesn't count. You must use your component’s words and explain it to he or her so that he or she understands it as if he is completely transparent. Then, I count you as understanding."

Surprised and perplexed, I asked: "Can psychological mechanics be as precise as math or mechanics, up to 100 percent!"
She replied: "I think like you; but my dad says he can!"

注解7.5-1,佛教律法中有说,五地(参见第16章的道谛 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4310467)菩萨可以给人讲自己证明了的佛法;八地及以上的大菩萨才有资格通讲佛法。笔者我小时候在一本佛学杂志上读到过,和尚说:“这说法自古就有,我们也赞同。但是八地以上的大菩萨太少了。以至于,我们都有困难举行佛教仪式,因为佛经说,没有一位摩诃萨(即佛,俗称大菩萨、大和尚、大尼姑、大真人)在场,那仪式不是佛教仪式。可我们不讲,佛法就变得越来越少了。我们研究决定:‘我们这么说,我们都是佛的弟子,我们是师兄师姐,你们后来的是师弟师妹,咱们一起研究,共同学习’。”
Note 7.5-1, it is said in Buddhist law that Bodhisattvas in the fifth land (see Chapter 16) can teach people the laws that they have proven; only great Bodhisattvas in the eighth land and above are qualified to preach Buddhism. The author read in a Buddhist magazine when I was a child. The monk said: "This saying has been around since ancient times, and we agree with it. But there are too few great Bodhisattvas above the eighth land. As a result, it is difficult for us to hold Buddhist ceremonies because Buddhist scriptures say that if a Mahasattva (Buddha, commonly known as a great Bodhisattva, a great monk, a great nun, or a great real human) is not present, then the ceremony is not a Buddhist ceremony. But if we don’t talk about it, the law will become less and less for us. After studying and deciding: 'Let's put it this way, we are all disciples of the Buddha, we are senior brothers and sisters, and those who come after are junior brothers and sisters. Let's study and learn together.'"

7.5.1 治疗恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Illness of Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred

Eve Liu began to give me the words Transcendent Ferry by asking questions about my uncle's personal experiences from childhood to old age, like those of a witch doctor and a fortune teller. As she asked, she pointed out where the knotty problems lay. For example, he had killed a few weasels (note, some mental illnesses are regionally cultural), and he had destroyed many of his uncle's Taoist instruments and scriptures during the Cultural Revolution. She says these issues need to be addressed.

Eve Liu said: "First, you should settle the family's property disputes and arrange for the ownership of his property after his death. The children should all show obedience to his last wishes so that he can go in peace."
I said: "This is obvious, say the next clause!"

She said: "The second clause is the treatment of the Illness of Favor Grudge Love and Revenge (note, i.e., mental illness). You can't go to a hospital and see a doctor when you have this disease. Whether or not the psychiatrists in hospitals understand mental illness is another question; they are really busy, too busy earning money to see patients."
I was amused: "What then? Who to go to?"

She said: "If you have this kind of disease, you have to find someone who understands it; or you can read books yourself and find solutions from books (note, modern psychology books are also reliable, not psychiatry books)."
I asked: "How can I find out who he has a grudge against and why he is so upset?"

She replied: "Didn't I just ask about his personal history? After you arrive at his home, you should pay attention to the decoration of his home, such as the paintings on the wall, the shrine in the backyard, etc.; when chatting with relatives and friends, you should pay attention to find problems, and your uncle will tell you himself because he is worried about it. "

She continued: "The pathology of ‘favor grudge love and revenge’ disease is that one has previously had a quarrel obsession with a benefactor, a wrongdoer, a lover, or an enemy, etc., and there is generally still some misunderstanding. This person then holds an obsession; as time passes, the obsession enters the unconscious, and it becomes a mental illness. The way to cure it is to bring the benefactor, the wrongdoer, the lover, or the enemy, and resolve the conflict face to face. If people don't meet, the disease cannot be cured (note 1). Meeting has 30% humanity, there are very few conflicts that cannot be talked out. When the patient's knot is untied, the disease is cured."

I felt difficult and said: "This is not a matter of a few words. It requires eloquent people to make peace and mediate. It seems that I can't learn this. I have no knowledge and experience, and I am not good at talking."

注7.5-1,此中治疗心理疾病的原理是佛的六种主要觉悟(即等、正、生、老、病、死, 参见15.1节)中的对病的觉悟(参见10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336505)。
Note 7.5-1, the principle of treating mental illness (see 10.6 Principles of Curing Mental Illness) is an enlightenment to illness among the six main enlightenments of Buddha. The six enlightenments are equality, correct, birth, aging, illness, and death (see section 15.1).

(2 法眼 Juristic Eye)

She retorted: "You're wrong! You can really do this. If you couldn't, I wouldn't have told you about it from the beginning. I saw that you could, so I said it."
I was confused: "When did you see that I could do it?"

She said: "You should look at it this way. Learning how to do affairs is related to personality. As for this matter, if learners don't have the right personality, some people won't be able to learn it for two or three years. You have this personality, now I explain the principles and procedures clearly to you. If you encounter this matter at your uncle's house, you'll be able to handle it easily. If you can't, I wouldn’t explain it to you at the beginning. People are dying there, and I'm encouraging you to go over there to fight and get angry, which has no positive effect. Then what kind of work am I doing! Am I that unethical!"

I asked: "What is my personality? How do you know that?"

She said: "The last time we met, you and now are different. At that time, you were smiling, like that, I didn't even recognize you! Until you asked me, 'Are you Eve Liu?' I froze, thinking how come the person is changed! How come the person replaced in the affair of falling in love! I thought about it for a long time before I realized: you are a person with multiple personalities. Just now, you changed again! Fortunately, I knew, otherwise, can be scared by you! As of now, I see that you have three personalities, and one of them can do this."

She explained a lot to me and gave me examples. I couldn't understand it at all, was confused, so I asked: "How can you be sure that when I was at my uncle's house, I happened to have the kind of personality that can transcendently ferry people?"

She said: "Your personality changes with your environment. Right now, this personality of yours is to slip around the edges and hide. When you go to your uncle's house, if you come across such a situation, you change naturally; you get brave and stand up for yourself. Believe me, I am 100% not wrong about this. This is something that can be done if someone takes the lead. Anyone who has a grudge against anyone can't forgive someone who's going to die."

注7.5-2,法即轨持。我认为本文刘健君的这种看人神态的能力就是法眼。她的这个能力是从她家的一本书和父母学来的。那本书,俗称《天书》,是我故乡的法师(即牧师)和算命先生的通用教材,但只以师徒相传的方式传播,不公开贩售,我听说过很多次,没见过。根据传说的描述,我认为那套《天书》实际就是古典心理学,书中以金童玉女为基本模型(如图7.5.1-2;参见10.9《三位一体 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336492》)。
Note 7.5-2, Law means track holding. I think this Eve Liu’s ability to see people's Godly (i.e. unconsciously) demeanor in this article is Juristic Eye. She learned this ability from a book in her home and from her parents. That book, commonly known as the Sky Book, is the universal textbook of the Juristic Teachers (i.e. priests) and fortune-tellers in my homeland, but it is only disseminated in the form of masters and disciples and is not openly peddled; I have heard of it many times, but I have never seen it. Based on the description of the legends, I believe that that Sky Book is classical psychology, with the Gold Boy and Jade Girl as the basic model for the book (see Fig. 7.5.1-2; cf. 10.9 Godly Trinity).

7.5.2 无所得 No Objective Gain

Eve Liu asked me: "What do you think about what people can get in life?"
I replied: "People die like lights out, and there is no subject that is capable to gain! But people leave their names behind, and geese leave their sounds!"

Eve Liu replied: "I also think so. Things are impermanent and people die like a lamp going out, this clause talks about life without gain, all laws are empty, and there is no sin or fortune (Note 1). My dad said that the liberating power of gainless is very great, and it is wisdom of transcending mundaneness. People who are dying love to hear this and are happy to hear it. If you're saying goodbye to someone who's dying and only have a chance to say one sentence, say this. This clause revolves around no gain."

注7.5.2-1,日常人的每一个行为都会产生业习气,因此有罪和福的业报(即报应)。读者当知,本文的谈话对象是个将死之人。死人无受,故 “无罪无福”。但,人的生命分为智慧生命和身命(即形体寿命)两部分。智慧生命如发明创造,所撰写的书籍,名声等;形体命终后,智慧生命还会生存多年,甚至千年。形体会腐朽,化成泥土和青烟,不会变得什么都没有。
Note 7.5.2-1, every behavior of ordinary people will produce habitual karma, so there will be sinful and fortunate karmic recompenses (i.e. retribution). The reader should be aware that the person in this article is talking to a dying person. The dead have no acceptance, so "no sin, no fortune”. However, human life can be divided into two parts: intellectual life and physical life. Intelligent life such as inventions, books written, reputation, etc.; after the death of the physical body, intelligent life will survive for many years, even thousands of years. The flesh body will decay and turn into soil and smoke, but it will not become nothing.

There is this saying in the Buddhist scriptures. 1. Prajna (i.e. gnosis) has nothing to gain, 2. Paramita (i.e. arriving at another shore, Arrival Ark, Noah’s Ark) has nothing to gain, 3. Bodhisattva (i.e. real human) gain nothing, and 4. Mahasattva (i.e. Buddha, God, and Goddess) has gained nothing. Intelligence and Gnosis have gained nothing because there is no factual nature.

2 慧眼 Gnostic Eye

Eve Liu asked me: "They say that when people die, they can go wherever they want. What do you think?"
I replied: "That is because the person has no breathing, still has thought activities, and has entered a state of hallucination. The image in his imagination is the hallucinational environment. When he wants to go somewhere, his Think immediately fetches the image of the destination; the hallucinational state immediately changes into the destinate environment becomes the destination, therefore he has been instantly translocated to where he wants to go.”

Eve Liu thought for a while and said: "I have listened to my dad since I was a child, but I never thought like you said before. I think you are right; I thought wrong before."
I said: "I heard that these few sentences of Transcendently Ferry are very special. Some people cannot open their mouth to say them. People must say them according to what is written in the book, without mistaking a single word. What did your father say?"

她说:“我爸说,不能用书上的话,不能用你自己的话,你要用对方的话给对方讲明白。但是,我懂你的意思,我想想我爸是怎么说的,给你找几个话题。” 她走到了一边去想,不说话了。
She said: "My dad said, you can't use the words in the book, you can't use your own words. You must use the opponent’s words to explain it clearly to he or her. But I understand what you mean. I want to think about what my dad said and find several topics for you." She walked aside to think about it and stopped talking.

我等得着急,就几次过去提醒她,换了几种说法:“这事要从外界都是内心的投影考虑。比如在这里,就在这儿,依心,即这棵树,为中心,来投射外界(环境1)。” 我一边说,一边对她做着肢体的表示。“你向外看。忽然,你看见了那座雕像,心想:那是什么?”我拉她来到了雕像旁,说:“就与此同时,大脑把那座雕像放大了,新的世界相应地生成了(环境2)。你忽略我们来到这里的过程,幻觉世界里,这过程是一刹那就完成的。我们从以那棵树为中心的世界(环境1)来到了以这个雕像为中心的世界(环境2);这就是幻觉世界里的瞬间变化:想去哪儿去哪儿(即瞬间转移,亦作天腿通,如图15.2.2-38)。”
I was waiting impatiently, so I went over to remind her several times and changed my words: "This matter must be considered from the outside world as a projection of the heart. For example, right here, with the heart, that is, this tree, as the center, to project the outside world (Environment 1)." I said while making physical gestures to her. "You looked outside. Suddenly, you saw the statue and thought: What is that?" I pulled her to the statue and said: "At the same time, the brain magnified the statue, and the new world (Environment 2) is generated accordingly. You ignore the process of us getting here. In the world of hallucination, this process is completed in an instant, from the world centered on the tree (Environment 1) to the world centered on this statue (Environment 2). It is an instantaneous change in the world of hallucination: you can go wherever you want (i.e. instant transfer, teleportation, see fig."

She suddenly said: "I remembered! Didn't I think of my dad when I saw you? It has been two or three times. I finally found out how similar you two are. When talking about this, my dad is just like you, always speaking from different angles, giving different examples, and showing pictures at the same time. In this regard, you two are the same."

注7.5.2.2-1,天眼是如图7.5.2.2-1至8的经历。作者我小时候练过气功(参见第12章《禅 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334676》),经历过,所以我能思考幻觉世界里的现象如天腿通(图38),他心通(图37),天耳通等。这种知识,佛教中称作慧,亦作慧眼。慧眼是个心眼儿,从喻得名。刘健君没有足够的幻觉经历,慧根(天眼)有缺失,所以她不能思考幻觉世界里的事。另外,人的语言形成之前必须有完备的思想环境,刘健君的思想取不到现象,头脑中不能形成幻觉环境,所以她不能开口说话(见下文),来谈论幻境。
Note, Celestial Eye is the experience shown in Figures to 8. The author, I practiced meditation (see Chapter 12 "Meditation") and experienced it when I was a child, so I can think about phenomena in the hallucinational world, such as Celestial Leg (Figure 38), Reading Other Heart (Picture 37), Celestial Ear, etc. This kind of knowledge is called Gnosis in Buddhism, also known as the Gnostic Eye. Gnostic Eye is a “heart eye”, gets its name from the metaphor. Eve Liu did not have enough hallucinational experience so her gnostic root (Celestial Eye) was deficient, so she could not think about affairs in the hallucination world. In addition, there must be a complete inner mental environment before the formation of human language. Eve Liu's mind cannot obtain hallucinational phenomena, so the hallucination environment cannot be formed in her mind, so she cannot speak (see below) to talk about phenomena of hallucinations.

3 刘健君不能说 Eve Liu can’t Say.

刘健君说:“我知道你们俩没见过,我就说你们俩的动作、表情和说话的方式相像。好了,现在我来想他说过什么!” 忽然,她转身跑了。
I replied: "What are you thinking! I've never met your father; how could I behave like him!"
Eve Liu said: "I know you two have never met, so I just said that your movements, expressions and ways of speaking are similar. Okay, now let me think about what he said!" Suddenly, she turned and ran away.

I chased after her, found that she was afraid of me, was about to cry. I stood far away and asked: "What's wrong? What are you afraid of?"
She said: "When I heard my dad tell it before, I thought it was strange, and it sounded like it is true. Then I realized that you both have been there!"

I came to my senses and said: "Aren't we talking about hallucinations? Even if I have been the world of death and came back, I am not dead!"
When she came back, she said: "Just now, I thought wrong again! Now I will tell you what my father said."

I listened carefully, but I couldn't hear her. I got close to her and watched her mouth move, but I couldn't hear it. I leaned forward and put my ear to her mouth, but still couldn't hear. I said anxiously: "You will tell me later, something suddenly happened to my ears, and I couldn't hear the sound.” I started to test my own hearing on the side.
She said: "I didn't make a sound; how could you hear me!"

I realized that I heard it, and when I reacted, I jumped up in anger and shouted: "If you don't speak, why are you moving your lips? Ah! You are teasing me; this is not funny at all!"
She said: "I know it's not funny, and I'm not kidding you. I want to say it, but I can't remember how to say it."

I said: "You have listened to your father telling others since you were a child. You have listened to it at least hundreds of times now. How is it possible that you haven't remembered even a single sentence?"
She replied: "Yes! I feel strange too! What's going on? Why can't I speak! Hey! You are trying to pinch me!"

I did not understand.
Eve Liu added: "Then why can't I say it (see previous note)!?"

7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance

I replied: "I just met you, why am I trying to pinch you! Besides, I don't have the ability to make you speechless!"

Eve Liu muttered: "I feel strange too. We just met, why do you keep pinching me! Indeed! You don't have the ability to make me speechless. I think you are right about this clause. You understand this when you talk to your uncle you explain it in systematically sequence. He will understand what he has experienced, to those he has not experienced, he will not be afraid when he encounters it in the future. "

But I stared, not knowing what to say or how to tell my uncle.

She said: "Now I'm going to help you organize these items we've discussed." After speaking, she asked me to lecture her.
When Eve Liu heard me speak these clauses of the Transcendental Ferry, she was very angry and said: "You're pinching me! How is it that you speak better than I do? It's also many sets of words, why do you ask me if you know!"

I replied: "I don't know it before! I read the preface of the Maha Paramita Sutra (i.e. Greater Ark Sutra) in a magazine. I didn't understand it and thought that if I memorized it and could understand it in the future, I would have some merit. Even if I can't figure it out, these lines are so literate that I can use them manifest strange, to clamor for attention, to say something that no one can understand to make a new point."

When she heard this, she praised me: "That's a great idea!" But when she turned around, she was so exasperated that she cried. I asked her what was wrong again. She said: "I grew up thinking I understood this, that it was one of my strengths, but my dad always said I didn't understand. Now, even you understand it, and I still don't! What's wrong with me!?"

When I heard this, I was furious: how is it that I insulted you to tears by understanding this little affair! You despise me from your bones! Why do you still want to fall in love with me! I don't want to talk about it! I turned around and walked away. After walking out for some distance, I thought it's too rude to leave like this! So, I walked back.

Eve Liu asked me: "You really didn't understand these words before?"
I replied: "Where would I know, I'm not married!"

她叨咕:“这事和结没结婚有什么关系!我也没结婚呢!” 她一转身,笑了,问:“为什么没结婚就不能知道这几句话?”
She muttered: "What does this have to do with being married or not! I'm not married either!" She turned around, laughed, and asked: "Why can't you know these words if you're not married?"
I said coyly, "It's a rural saying."

She immediately said: "When I was in high school, I heard that there are reasons behind many of the old folk sayings that we don't know. When I was in college, there was this internship program to investigate folk sayings, and I took it. We believe in this, so think about it, why did you just say that? I want to hear it."

我说:“小时候,我们村子里有人作法事。那个被作法的人死前想见见我父母。法师就派助理来找我父母,对我妈说:我先给你讲讲给人送终要说的几句话;这几句话不让小孩儿听,因为慧能害痴。我妈说:不痴,还不好?! 那个法师助理说:老辈子们说,太痴了不好,但没痴也不好。不痴情对谈恋爱和婚后生活都有不好的影响。”
I said: "When I was a kid, someone in our village performed a ‘Juristic Affair’. The man who had been amended wanted to meet my parents before he died. The Juristic Teacher then sent his assistant to my parents and said to my mom: ‘I'll first tell you the few sentences of Transcendental Ferry. These words are not to be listened to by children because gnosis harms ignorance. My mom said, ‘isn’t that good to not be ignorant?’ That juristic assistant said, ‘The old lifers say that it's neither good to be too non-ignorant nor good to be very ignorant. Non-ignorant has a bad effect on falling in love and on married life."

Eve Liu stopped laughing after hearing this and said after thinking for a while: "There is this saying. When I first went to the hospital for my internship, I heard that they also told this to the patients, I was curious to know if what they told was the same as what my father told, so I asked. The old doctor said, ‘You young people, should not learn this! Think again, what else did you hear?’"


I said: "They went, and I followed. When I got not far from that house, there were ‘Juristic Defenders’ (i.e. guardians) outside watching and not letting in. A few people were chattering with the young Juristic Defender (i.e. Juristic Teacher’s assistants or disciples). The young man said, ‘The masters don't teach us, and they don't show us the book. The masters said, ‘What is the Sky Book, the Book of Death and Life? It is just a set of books, and no one cares who reveals the secrets; when you are forty years old, we will surely give each of you a set of the books. It is for your own good that we do not teach you now. If you don't know anything now, then you succeed in finding a spouse, it would be like a blind cat bumping into a dead rat. In fact, this is the best way to find a spouse. When you blind cats go out, you're bound to run into a dead rat.”

"If we teach you and let you read the books, your Gnostic Eye (see section 7.5.2) and Juristic Eye (see section 7.5.1) will open. When you have “Reading Others Mind Through” (an ancient method of psychoanalysis; the Gnostic Eye includes “Reading Others Mind Through”), and you specialize in looking at people's dark sides. People who have dark experiences are not necessarily bad people, but you think that they are strange. You see this as evil, that as crooked, and over time, you yourselves grow crooked and become weird. Gnosis hurts ignorance. No ignorance, you are not focused on love, today with this talk, tomorrow with that talk, recruiting three, four, in the end, which will not be able to, to delay your own.”

I continued: "When your juristic eye open, you would analyze the match between your personality and the spouse and use the bars to set and the boxes to choose. Then looking for a spouse, three or two years to meet a qualified. Then with your juristic eyes, this has a demonic hindrance, that has karmic hindrance, are all demons and monsters, want to find a human is difficult, that your spouse how to find!"
Eve Liu said: "I hear this argument is quite reasonable!"

7.5.4 觉悟的特质 Trait of Conscientiousness

I had heard long ago that the Sky Book could save as well as harm people, so those who had that book hid it from others, so I asked: "When your father told this to others, he didn't carry it behind your back?"
She said: "I was little then, I listened next to them as they talked, no one cared too much about me, then I got used to it."

I asked: "I've heard that people who have that set of books will wrap the book in three layers and lock it in a box, so that no one else can look at it. Didn't your dad hide that book?"

She thought for a while and said: "And I can't tell if he hid it or not. I was only thirteen or fourteen at the time. One day, when the two of them were not at home, I somehow caught sight of the book that my father always read and took it out to read it. When they both came back and saw me reading it, they were angry, but I thought they were afraid I would break the book."

I asked: "Your dad didn't hide that book?"
She thought for a moment and said: "I can't tell if my dad hid it or not. My dad is different from ordinary people."
I asked: "Different? What's different?"

Eve Liu said: "Let me give you an example. He lies in bed at night reading a book. When it's time to go to sleep, he doesn't throw the book away or put it under the mattress. He first sits up and puts on his shoes. When he stands up, he kicks his shoes and makes them comfortable, then he buttons his shirt, stands up, picks up the book, puts it in the bookshelf, and arranges it correctly. Adjusting the line from the left, then from the right, to make sure the book is in the right place, he turns around, sits on the bed, undresses, takes off his shoes, and gets into bed."

I heard her say: "Is that how everything works?"
She said: "My father does everything like this. He always plans first, and then acts according to it. Let me give you another example, even if he goes out for a walk at evening, he has to plan first, he just stands there and thinks can it rain, with or without an umbrella; bring water, how much water to bring; where to rest; drink water, how much to drink. He looks at the bottle and brings too much water, that's absolutely not allowed, and goes to pour out the excess water (Note 1, this is describes the trait of conscientiousness, as in Figure 7.5.4.)."

刘健君骄傲地说:“我小时候很利索,什么都有个样儿!” 她又变得羞愧地说:“上大学住宿舍,我看别人躺在床上看书,看完了,把书一扔就睡觉;我就变得邋遢了。”
When I heard this, I felt new: "There are such people! Then you have been inculcated since childhood, you must be very disciplined and neat!"
Eve Liu proudly said: "I was very neat as a child; everything has a style!" She then became ashamed and said, "When I went to college and lived in the dormitory, I watched other people lying on the bed reading books, and when they were finished, they threw the books away and went to sleep; I became sloppy."

She then walked back and forth, saying, "You pinched me out! I saw you laughing at me!"
I replied: "I wasn't laughing at you. I don't see what you have to laugh about."

She said angrily: "I don't see what you're laughing at either, but I've seen you laughing at me a couple times and it's getting on my nerves! It's the first time in my life I've ever been so embarrassed!"
I replied angrily: "I'm the one who lost all the face today, how come you lost face too!"

7.5.5 给舅舅送终 Fairwell to Uncle

I sat on the stool opposite my uncle and chatted. After a few words, I felt very sleepy. I tried to open my eyes, supported the stool with both hands, and sat upright exhausted. After a while, I broke out in a sweat and became energetic again. When I came out of my uncle's house, my aunt asked me: "What did you and your uncle talk about? You were joking and laughing, but I didn't pay attention at the time." At this time, I knew that I was there to transcendently ferry my uncle, but I forgot what those sentences are, and I have completely forgotten the content of our conversation (Note 1).

Note 7.5.5-1, now that I think about it, as Eve Liu Jianjun said earlier (see 7.5.1-2 "Juristic Eye"), I am a person with multiple personalities, and my personality changes with different environments. I was very tired when my personality was changing, and the memories between personalities were not connected or connected in one direction. Modern psychology believes that people with multiple personalities have different IQ levels, different behavioral habits, facial expressions, and different oral capability when they have different personalities. This reminds me of the God Dance in shamanism, where the shaman seems to be possessed by a god. Author me believes that the essence of the weird manifestations of Sharman possession by spirits is the change of personality. So, if the Sharman's personality doesn't change, can't he (or she) cast spells? It is common for Shamans to dance and sing for a few days without the spirit coming to possess them. As a result, rituals cannot be carried out as scheduled.

Two years later, once my mom came back from my aunt's house, she asked me, "People say that you talked to your uncle a month or so before he died. After you talked to him, he changed. He's changed for the better, too good to be true! Your second sister-in-law didn't dare to stay at home by herself, telling people, 'Since that nephew of his from Shenyang came and talked to him for a while, the old man has changed, and he talks and laughs and discusses everything; and when no one is around, he is always talking to himself, comparing drawings and painting, and stealing smiles.' Is he crazy?"

Mom said, "A lot of people from North and South Tuner went to see your uncle! They were all surprised and confused! How could he have become like that! Your uncle said to everyone he met, 'I didn't think I'd get my second nephew's (i.e., author mine) Gain Remembrance (Note 2).' People said, 'I don't understand! But even if he is crazy, it's a fortune to be crazy like that! If he is happy.'"

Then Mom said, "They say you know the words sending dying people away.
When we mentioned this, your aunt cried and said, 'Little Luyan knows, but when I asked him, he wouldn't tell me.' I thought to myself, ‘people say that only those who know how to say those words are capable talkers! If I've learned it, and it would be one my advantages! ' Let's see if your aunt will still take care of you in the future!"

I replied: "That's what happened. I really forgot those few words!"
"What is it? I want to learn too." At that time, I couldn't recall it; it wasn't until 2014, when I was writing my memoirs, that I remembered the content of the conversation I gave my uncle when he died.

Note 7.5.5-2, What is Bestowing Remembrance? What is the Gain Remembrance? In the process of transcendent ferry, there is an evaluation of the life of the person being transcended. I evaluate him as a "stream-entering sage" (see 7.5.8-3). This evaluation must be objective and true. If the person being transcended is not convinced by the evaluation, then the transition will be useless. I explained it to him one by one according to the standard of "stream-entering fruit (15.2.6 "Four Shamanic Fruit") which was popular in China at that time. At that time, Luyan was still a child in his eyes, so how did he come to believe in it?

Eve Liu took this issue into consideration when he told me about transcendent ferry and said: "You and your uncle haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. You are still a child in his heart. This is not okay! You should say which authority did you hear from." I told my uncle the truth: "I went to ask a graduate student at the China Medical University for advice. I just learned it." My uncle believed it as soon as he heard it and said: "It's not surprising that there are a few living Buddhas in the old city of Shenyang! Only your classmate, the kind of person is amazing. But also, on your classmate kind of people powerful, since childhood, the family adults talk to people about this, she went in and out to listen to a sentence and a half, smoked out. Other, school out, master with apprentice out, and self-taught, are not as good as this smoked out."

7.5.6 圆满 Perfect Fulfillment

Here are three topics based on conversations I had when I was transcendently ferrying my uncle.

My uncle said: "This one, I understand now! No gain, looks insignificant, but the truth is deep and useful. You say the next clause!"

I said to uncle: "This clause speaks of Fulfillment, I'll use the words from the book, you hear and understand the meaning. What is the fulfillment? There is no unmatched law, and you must not amend to send it away. Laws have no nature and cannot be amended or repatriated with; thus, no amendment no disharmony. The heart is immaculate and unattached; thus, it does not arouse. Cause and effect are like hallucination, thus, no fetch and no obsession. This is way one achieves perfect fulfillment quickly. The Veda said, 'There is no lesser law that match with the lesser law, but the natural law is bound to be united with itself.' Without understanding this, he will not attain perfect fulfillment, and will not arrive at the perfect world; understanding this, with a little practice he will have perfected his merit and virtue."
Uncle said: "I understand; go on, how do you see and practice?"

I said: "It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that all things have their own merits, what we should say that using their extreme place; that thing exists shows box and cover fit, reasonable and fair you have climbed up a pillar covered by blades. This is to say that everything in the world has existed for thousands of years, each with its own reasoning and virtues. When you extend this reasoning to the limit, one thing, one reason, things exist is the reasoning and effects match. When you think things make sense, you should know that you are climbing up a pillar covered with sword blades and are bound to get hurt."
Uncle said: "I hear you, but I don't get the gist of it, so give me an example of how to do it."

I said: "For example, you go to the backyard, see a barnyard grass, just look at the grass alone, do not look at the seedlings. You just think, a few days did not pay attention, you grow so big, and strong, and watery. You don't need to yell at my second brother: the grass has grown taller than the seedlings. They are just three people, not mind of these three melons and two dates. You just think, I shoveled you have shoveled 50 years, you still grow so vigorous, today I spare your life, do not pull you. You look at the beauty of this barnyard grass alone; this is one thing and one reason. When you view everything in this way, you are far from hell, advance toward heaven, and into the realm of the Buddha."

我说:“当你单单欣赏水稗草的美的时候,美的等流果(参见11.6.2节《等流果 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4654736》)就会随意而聚;这就是如意(参见13.1.6-4 知足天)。如果不联想别的,世界就是美好的。一想到苗和收成,这不合理呀!美好的世界就被破坏了。”
Uncle asked: "Look at the grass but not the seedlings and look at the seedlings but not the grass. What happens then?"
I said: "When you appreciate the beauty of the barnyard grass alone, the Equal Stream Fruits of beauty (cf. 11.6.2 Equal Stream Fruit) will be gathered at will; this is “As Wish” (cf. 13.1.6-4 Contentment Sky). If one does not associate it with anything else, the world is beautiful. When one thinks of seedlings and harvests, this is unreasonable! The beautiful world is destroyed."
Uncle thought for a moment, said: "Indeed, the barnyard grass is prosperously strong and watery! I can feel it. This example is quite good! You give another example."

I said: "Look at your family's wall grass, east wind east, west wind west follows, a period of time does not rain, you think they are dead, but they grow well year after year, but also live forever."
Uncle said in amazement: "That grass lives forever?"

I said: "That grass doesn't have the annoyances of birth, getting old, illness, or dying.
They don't know about life and death, and there is no difference between life and death for themselves, so people who can talk say they live forever. You must put yourself in their shoes and take their point of view!"
Uncle said: "What's the point of that! I don't get it."

I said: "Buddhas have no birth and death, why? Because before becoming a Buddha, one is required to throw away birth and death, that is, forget about birth and death. This is all written in the sutras!"
Uncle asked: "Is this true?"

I replied: "It is true! There is this step in the cultivation process in the Buddhist scriptures: to give up the conceptual ideas and memories of birth and death; that is, to get rid of the inferior seeds of birth and death. When you see and do this, you gradually step into the realm of earthly immortality."
Uncle chattered: "That's how it is!?"

I replied: "That's how it is! People say that Buddha's Mount Sumeru (Monk's Mountain) doesn't even have hair on the heads of birds. When I looked at the sutra, that was true; the birds were vultures. The sutra says that clothes grow on trees, and that's also true! They weave robes out of cottonwood. Buddha was then good at finding beauty in real life. Why is the Buddha's land always so good? He finds beauty in things by themselves alone, without comparing them to each other. They just put themselves in the shoes of what they are looking at and think about it. This is extreme pluralism, the Buddha's worldview. Nowadays the western world is popular for diversification; it is this kind of pluralism."

Uncle asked: "Have you practiced this?"
I replied: "I have pondered and understood this, but I still have to earn money to eat and buy clothes; I can't keep letting my parents feed me; it's not yet time to enter the Wonderful Intelligence World. You are different from me, when you eat, your sons and daughters put it here for you and make offerings. You should then be free from the bitter sea, disembark, and enter the Wonderful Intelligence World."

Uncle said: "This clause is called Perfect Fulfillment. To see like this and to do like this is Perfect Fulfillment. To idealize and act according to the daily path, that is trouble without end. You speak about the next clause! Wait until later to talk about this one, isn't that what you came to tell me!"
I replied: "Yes! I'll keep talking if you want to hear it."

7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿 To Think Where to Go is Arriving There

I steered the conversation by asking: "Uncle, have you ever experienced seeing ghosts, such as seeing someone who has passed away; or feeling something on your body, such as bugs or mice crawling or something?"

舅舅瞪大了眼睛,反问:“有怎么的?没有怎么的?” (注1,他在防卫自己,保护自己的隐私。)
Uncle's eyes widened and he asked rhetorically: "Any how? No how?" (Note 1, he's on the defensive, protecting his privacy.)
I replied: "Nothing! You've been sick for more than six months, and when your body becomes weak, or when you stay in a certain position for a long time, you may hallucinate. Hallucinations used to be called ghosts."

Uncle asked: "Then why? How is it caused?"
I answered: "Hallucinations, like dreams, are normal physiological phenomena; people just sometimes dream and sometimes have hallucinations."

Uncle asked: "Do hallucinations have anything to do with past experiences?"
I answered: "Hallucinations are similar to dreams, of course they don't come from nothing, so we should say that they are related to past experiences. Some people interpret dreams in a haphazard manner, while others interpret the phenomenon of hallucinations in a haphazardly connected manner, at their own peril. Hallucinations are what people used to call ghosts, what tickling ghosts, naughty ghosts, life-suppressing ghosts, whatever."

2 鬼神境界 Realm of Ghosts and Gods

由此,我系统地讲述触觉、听觉和视觉的幻觉现象,和处理办法(参见第12章《禅 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334676》)。
From this, I systematically describe the tactile hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, Visual Hallucinations, and how to deal with them (see Chapter 12 Meditation).

Uncle said: "I understand, when there is a hallucination, no matter what kind of feeling, no matter what kind of sound, no matter what kind of thing, it's all a hallucination, and it's all of the same nature; if you like it, you can tease it; if you don't like it, you can just drive it away like a child, and say out with sound, 'Go away!' "

I replied: "Right! The images in the hallucinations are the 'thoughts' of the mind; they are held by internal considerations. What I have just said is a localized hallucination; what about the whole? The whole world of the netherworld, i.e., the realm of hallucination, also changes with the will of your thoughts. For example, you suddenly have a thought, 'Heaven'. In the hallucination just as you think the word 'heaven', your 'Think' takes the image of heaven, and then the unconscious, by matching, generates the realm of heaven. So, you arrive in heaven."

Uncle asked: "Wherever you want to go, whatever, in any situation?"
I replied: "Exactly! The example of 'stomping on the wall and entering the painting' that I just mentioned is entering the realm of netherworld (including heaven), that is, entering that world of equality in the netherworld. When you go in, at first, it is very small there, and soon a world is generated."

Uncle asked: "And then what?"
I replied: "When you went to the other world, it was still small at first and soon a large world was generated. A world from its formation to its collapse is a great catastrophe. A great catastrophe is an eternity. There are many great catastrophes, or eternities, in the after life (including netherworld and heaven)."

Uncle said: "I see, the strange phenomenon I am experiencing is that this world and that world are gradually connecting; I am going to die!"
Feeling surprised at my uncle's statement, I replied: "It can be said that there is a connection between this world and the world of hallucination, but it does not mean that you are going to die. I practiced meditation when I was a child and used to go there, but I am still alive and not dead. Having hallucinatory experiences has nothing to do with death, except that the hallucinatory world is the source of people's descriptions of the world of death."

3 痛苦吗?Is It Painful?

Uncle asked: "It's scary and painful there, right?"

I replied: "It's very novel, not scary. When the physical sensation is gone, you can say that it is the underworld, heaven, or hell. It is not painful and very comfortable. As I said, I practiced Meditation when I was a child. I’ve been there many times, and I love going there and exploring the world.”
Uncle asked: "Why are heaven and hell the same place?"

I answered: "That is the world where the karmic habits accumulated daily are spontaneous. Evil people live in riots and terror every day here. Once there, the world where their karmic habits are spontaneous is hell. Good people live peaceful and happy lives here. The world where his or her karmic habits are spontaneous is also peaceful and joyful, so people say that he or she has entered heaven.”
Uncle muttered: "That's what it is! How terrible and painful is it there?"

I answered: "It's like arriving in a new place. When I first entered, there was still the memory of the body. The body was like a shadow. Then, the body was gone. Without the body, there is no physical pain. Like you, lung cancer is very painful here. There is no physical pain, so it can be ignored."
Uncle asked: "Then why didn't you go there anymore? Didn't you practice meditation?"

我回答:“后来,我发现去那儿会产生阳寿中(即日常生活中)记忆的丢失。例如,一次,我听见我爸问我妈,‘卢岩怎么不生气了,我还以为他得生气几天呢!’我妈回答,‘可能是他又练气功了。有时候他练完气功就高兴,前后院儿跑,看哪儿哪儿新鲜,像似多天没回家了似的。’再比如,有同学对我说,‘哎,咱俩前天不是打架了吗,你怎么跟没事似的?’ 我想,‘呀,我怎么不记得了呢!’ 我就发现了,入定(幻觉状态)会造成短期记忆的遗失(幻境刷新了临时或短期记忆)。这要是我忘了两年的事,那我不得回去读小学了么!我就不练气功了。”
I answered: "Later, I discovered that going there would cause memory loss in the solar light world (that is daily life, or vessel world). For example, once, I heard my dad ask my mom, 'Why is Luyan not angry anymore? I thought he must be angry for several days.’ My mother replied, ‘Maybe he practiced meditation again. Sometimes he is happy after practicing meditation and runs around looking at everything, as if he hasn't been home for many days." For another example, a classmate said to me, ‘Hey, we had a fight the day before yesterday. Why did you act like nothing happened?’ I thought, ‘Oh, why don't I remember it?’ I discovered that the state of trance (hallucination) causes the loss of short-term memory (the hallucination refreshes the preconscious and short-term memory). If I forget this for two years, then I must go back to primary school! Then I stopped practicing meditation."

我回答:“到了那里,就感觉像似几岁的孩子。 我不是就在给你送终,送你回老家吗! 那里是神的世界,我在送你归位。”
Uncle said: "Ah! The longer you live there, the younger you become."
I replied: "When I get there, I feel like a child of several years old. Aren't I just seeing you off and sending you back to your old home? That is the world of God, and I am sending you back to your own position."

4 如果我走错路了怎么办?What if I go the wrong way?

Uncle exclaimed: "It's really back home! What if I go the wrong way?"
I replied: "No matter where you are, the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, the Dragon's Palace, Hell, or with the Jade Emperor, you are 'going wherever you think of simultaneously. ' Right! Eve Liu told me at the time, be careful: you don't send your uncle to the wrong place!"

The uncle asked: "How could it be sent to the wrong place?"
I answered: "Eve Liu said yes. In their hospital, there was an old lady with very special ideals. She wanted to be a maid in some nunnery in her next life. After the juristic teacher finished speaking and left, she got confused. Later, the old lady's family asked the juristic teacher if he had sent her the wrong place. The teacher said, ‘The place is not wrong. All 64 religions (including Christian and Islam) in China go to that same place, but the words or expressions are different." Christians and Muslims also are transcendently ferried in this way, just by changing their names and sending them to see God or Allah.”

Uncle asked: "Why are all religions the same?"
I answered: "Eve Liu has heard her father tell this to others since she was a child. When she was doing her postgraduate internship, she found that juristic teachers went to the hospital to transcendently ferry dying patients. She became familiar with those masters, so she asked them. She found that all the masters use these words and principles to transcend. Different religions have different expressions and terms. For example, theistic religions call the unconscious God, Buddhism calls it Buddha, and modern psychology calls it the unconscious. All are people so-called conscience.”

7.5.8 神通正等明 Heart Connects with Correct Equality Light

Uncle asked: "What if I fall in hell?"
I replied, "In any case, to think where to go is arriving there."

My uncle said, "Or this! Even if I fall in hell, when I say heaven, I’m arriving at heaven."
I replied: "Exactly! This is the same reason that people who believe in Ometeotl Buddha think, 'When they die, say Ometeotl, and Ometeotl Buddha will come to take them to the Western World of Ultimate Bliss.' Think what you want when you want it, you will get that, and if you have a wish, it will come true immediately."

我回答:“道理是这样的。 这是心理机制原理,机器一样的前后序列事件。”
Uncle chimed in: "Are these claims all true?"
I replied: "The causes and effects are like this. It's the principle of psychological mechanisms, machine-like sequences of events before and after."
Uncle said: "I really understand this time. You say the next clause!"

2 平等 Equality

I said: "The clause is Connection with Correct Equality Light. Equality means the afterlife, or heaven, or the state of pure hallucination, is a world of equality. All those with two legs are equal, equal to those with four legs, equal to those with six legs, equal to those with many legs, equal to those with no legs, equal to the gods and buddhas of the world, equal to the birds, animals, fish, and insects; equal to the flowers, plants, and trees, and equal to the mountains, rivers, and oceans, and so on. The reason of equality is nature of unconsciousness (aka. God-sense), is “Empty After All” (see fig. 7.5.8-2)."

Uncle said: "I know, it's just all the same."
I asked: "They other juristic teachers also said this?"

Uncle replied: "They all said it; but you say yours."
I thought about "all the same" and replied: "For example, you go to the backyard, there is everything there, all equal. You can't look down on trees. In the afterlife, if you hit a rock, the rock will jump up and hit you back! All beings must be treated equally."

Surprised, uncle replied: "Ah! So, what happens when I get hit by a rock?"
I replied: "Hit badly, that world collapses down. You then go to another place, generate another world, and go from one catastrophe to another."

3 授戒 Bestowing Precept

我回答:“我小时候练气功,琢磨过这个问题,就守戒有用。在阳间(即器世间)生活中心平气和了,在那个世界(即阴间,佛教作五蕴世间,参见11.4 五蕴)里就是平和快乐的。”
Uncle asks: "Hmmm! Fighting is not good! How can I stop fighting?"
I replied: "I practiced meditation when I was a child and pondered over this question, and it is useful to keep the precepts. When you have peace of mind in this Solar Light World (daily life world, Vessel World), you are peaceful and happy in that world (i.e., God’s World, Five Nodes World; cf. 11.4 Five Nodes)."

Uncle replied: "That's what they all say, but they say it using the words of a book; you summarized it yourself. What precepts do you keep when you say yours?"

我回答:“我小时候看过很多佛学杂志。我赞同他们的说法,守十戒。前三条,一)不杀生,二)不偷盗,三)不邪淫,是约束身体行为的。四)不妄语,五)不绮语,六)不恶口,七)不两舌,是约束语言行为的。八)不悭贪,九)不嗔恚,十)正信因果道理(参见《苦谛 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334660》)是约束意识行为的。”
I replied: "I read a lot of Buddhist magazines when I was a kid. I agree with them about keeping the Ten Precepts. The first three, 1) do not kill, 2) do not steal, and 3) do not commit heretical sex, are constraints on physical behavior. 4) not to speak delusionally, 5) not to use flowery speech, 6) not to speak of coarse ferocious language, 7) not to two-tongue (not to sow discord among people), the four are oral precepts. 8) not being greedy, 9) not being irritated, and 10) believing in causes and fruits, the last three are to constrain the intent behaviors."

我继续说:“戒条有很多,‘三千威仪八万四千细行(参见16.2节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334943)’是从那些戒法算出来的。我看杂志上的和尚们都说,这十条就完全够用。”
I continued: "There are many precepts, and the ‘3,000 Majesties 108,000 Enchantments (see Section 16.2)’ are calculated out from those precepts. The monks in the magazines I read say that these ten are perfectly adequate."
Uncle replied: "I see, that's fine!"

I said: "The precepts are Buddha’s (God’s) laws, commonly known as the Heavenly Clauses. The word 'correctness' of the “Correct Equality Light” is saying that the precepts are correct. The word Equality is the equality mentioned earlier. The word Light means that that world will become brighter and brighter until the Constant Silent Light Sky (i.e., Illustration 17.5.8-2, also known as Nirvana)." The ‘Correct Equality Light’ is Buddha’s (or God’s) enlightenment, is short for Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, Sanskrit as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi.”
Uncle asked: "What will it look like in the end?"

I replied: "Buddhist sutras say that the Constant Silent Light Sky of turquoise, or yellow, or red, or white is pervasive, where subjectivity and objectivity are merged as oneness. The environment does not change, so one has no memory of it. This is the case of someone who has experienced it, comes back, and speaks from memory."
Uncle said: "I figured it was something like that, all the experiences of dead people coming back to life. Then there are those like you, who have practiced meditation, who have experienced it, and look, ah, it's so true!"

我说:“佛说,‘全世界所有人的工作,我的工作最好,佛座人人都应该坐。这正等明座位解脱力极强,你不坐不得解脱,你一坐很快就解脱了’。 这条也需要练习。”
I said: "Buddha said that I have the best job of all the people in the world, and that everyone should sit on the Buddha's seat. This seat of Correct Equality Light is extremely liberating; you can't be liberated if you don't sit on, and you're quickly liberated once you sit on. This clause also needs to be practiced."
Uncle asked: "How do I practice?"

I replied: "Just as God or Buddha, you use these clauses to transcendently ferry (to save) that table, this house, flowers, plants, trees, mountains, rivers, or gods and goddesses of mountains and lands, dragon-kings of the four seas, and so on; not transcending people, ‘should transcend those not real'."
Uncle asked: "Why should we transcend those fake and not the real ones?"

I replied: "That's what the sutras say, it's not that you necessarily can't transcend people, but that transcending those that are fake works the best."

4 授记 Bestowing Remembrance

I started to re-tell it from the beginning again. Uncle also tried to transcendently ferry me, and said, "This time I really understand, I feel as if my whole body is transparent, and all those previous discomforts all over my body are gone; of course, the lung cancer still hurts so much."

I feel surprised, so soon! Said: "I learn this from my classmate Eve Liu, she said her father said himself, 'he can make people understand like as if the whole body is transparent'."
Uncle said: "What I said is true; her father, like you said, is a living Buddha. I really believe! Shenyang is an old city; it is not strange to have a few living Buddhas."

我说:“我从佛学书上看过,等明天早上,你再回忆一遍咱俩的谈话,就算觉悟了。我认为你已经得到了入流果(参见15.2.6 四离系果)。入流是进入了圣道流,就是入门了,是小乘佛教中的第一个果位,一果圣人。我可不是瞎说。我以前在杂志上看过,他们评估证得入流果有六项条件。我跟你说的这些和那些条件是对应的,内容只多不少。这个成就可不低呀!许多和尚、尼姑忙了大半辈子,也不敢说自己证得了入流果。 这是因为,我说了,你就信了!”
I said: "I've read about it in a Buddhist book, and tomorrow morning, when you recall our conversation, you'll be enlightened. I think you have attained the Entering Stream Fruit (see 15.2.6 Four Off-is Fruits). To enter the stream is to enter the stream of the holy path, that is the first fruit sage in Hinayana Buddhism. I'm not making this up. I've read in magazines before that they assess that there are six conditions for attaining the first fruit sage. What I'm telling you corresponds to those conditions. This is not a low achievement! Many monks and nuns have been busy for most of their lives, but they don't dare to say that they have attained the Entering Stream Fruit. This is because, when I say it, you believe it!"

舅舅说:“我知道!我自己也认为明白了!咱爷俩有缘! 你不知道,这几句话我学了八年多了。你二哥给我请了六七个法师了。另外,前街的XXX,是我从小的朋友,是法师,他一个人就给我讲了十来遍了。”
Uncle said: "I know! I think I understand it myself! We are destined to be together as masters! You don't know that I've been learning these words for more than six months. Your second brother has hired six or seven juristic teachers for me. In addition, XXX on Front Street, a friend of mine since I was a child, is a juristic teacher, and he alone has taught me dozen times."

I asked: "How does my preaching compare to those juristic teachers?"
Uncle replied: "The preaching is quite good! It's better than most of those juristic teachers!"

I said excitedly: "I feel like I'm pretty smart today! I don't know what happened, but what Eve Liu told me, no more, no less, I remembered it all and used it all!"

Uncle laughed and said: "I realized that, after all, it's the first time you've given a sermon, so you're a bit nervous. I realized you didn't know what to say next, so I reminded you. You have such good qualities, when I ask, you don't even think about it, you open your mouth and answer!"
I realized and said: "I just realized how I remembered everything Eve Liu said! So, it was you who guided our conversation."

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