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🧧7.3 相亲 Blind Date

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-12 17:41 已读 1341 次 19赞  


On the day we met, Teacher Huang told me that she pays great attention to the way she talks and behaves when dealing with people and asked me to pay more attention to it. I followed him to China Medical University. The sun had just set at that time, and the sky and the earth were gray (Note 1). I'm still asking Teacher Huang: "Are we there yet?"

He replied: "Right in front, here, she is waiting there!"
I realized that we had arrived at the main entrance of China Medical University. I was still looking at the name of the medical university when I noticed that Eve Liu walked into us from the other side. She probably came quickly from the road opposite the school gate.

Teacher Huang introduced us both. I haven't regained my attention yet! Didn't see her clearly. She extended her hand to shake my hand. I reached out quickly, but it was too far away from her. I bent down and stretched out my hand like a bow, but still couldn't reach her. I was so embarrassed (Note 2) that my blood surged upwards. She stepped forward and shook my hand. I haven't recovered from the embarrassing fog yet! I looked up and found that Eve Liu and Teacher Huang were both standing upright in front of me, looking at me. I realized that my posture was not good, so I quickly straightened my chest and stood up straight.

Note 1, the gray after the sun sets is the unconscious default empty color; in this sky color, the unconscious does not collect the characteristics of the observed object. In other words, if Eve Liu’s performance as Eve was flawed, it would be covered up by this pervasively gray color. This is also one of the reasons why I can't recall her appearance later.
Note 2, Shy can slow down people's thinking and actions, and can cause people to lose social functions.

7.3-2 出乎意料 Unexpected

还没说什么呢,我看见刘健君气愤地朝着黄老师一摆头,意思是:你还站这儿干嘛!快离开!那气势比旧社会地主恶霸对待佣人还差。黄老师也是满脸的愤怒。我不知发生了什么事,他俩怎么打起来啦!黄老师向我勉强地做了个轻松的表情,说:“没事,你们俩自己聊吧,我先走了。” 我支支吾吾地想缓和气氛。黄老师走了。我眼看着刘健君的脸色变了,对我笑了,像似没事发生一样。我立刻问:“怎么了?黄老师好像生气了?”
Before I could say anything, I saw Eve Liu angrily waving her head towards Teacher Huang, meaning what are you still standing here for! Get out of here! That aura was worse than that of a landlord's bully treating his servants in the old society. Teacher Huang was also full of anger. I didn't know what was going on, why they were fighting! Mr. Huang gave me a reluctant look of relief and said, "It's okay, you two talks among yourselves, I'll leave first." I stammered, trying to lighten the mood. Teacher Huang left. I watched as Eve Liu's face changed and smiled at me like nothing happened. I immediately asked: "What's wrong? Teacher Huang seems angry?"

She walked in on me and put her ear to my mouth, her hair brushing my face. After hearing this, she took two or three steps back, stood at attention, said to me with a smile, and shook her head: "Ah! It's okay, that's all for the two of us!"
I was confused: "Why are you two like this?"

她想了想,认真地说:“好像是从我上高中的时候开始的。他一见我,就和我生气。没事儿,一会儿就好。” 说着,她指着黄老师去的方向说:“你看!”
She thought for a while and said seriously: "It seems to have started when I was in high school. As soon as he saw me, he got angry with me. It's okay, it will be fine in a while." As she said that, she pointed in the direction of Teacher Huang and said: "Look!"

I turned to look, and Teacher Huang didn't go back the way we came, he kicked his military goose-steps and walked in the opposite direction; after walking thirty or so meters away, he relaxed into a relieved teenage demeanor, shaking, whistling, and being cool.

刘健君说:“你看,我说没事吧!这儿人多,走,咱们去那边走走。” 说着,她就快速地向我们来时的方向走去。
Eve Liu said: "Look, I said it's okay! It's crowded here, come on, let's walk over there." With that, she quickly walks in the direction we came from.
I looked around: there were only two of us here, so I chattered: "Where's someone, why don't I see (Note 3)!"

Note 3, I lose my mind, just like in a cartoon. This is when I become a child, simple-minded and naïve, that is, my sphere of thought shrinks to a very small size. This is caused by my pre-consciousness, the conscious working platform, being constantly and heavily updated; the content of my pre-consciousness becomes less, my world becomes smaller, and my thinking is simple and innocent.

7.3-3 惭愧 Shame

她走了几步,回头看见我还站在那儿,喊道:“你怎么不走啊!?” 她向黄老师消失的方向看了看,说: “你看,我们科长来了,快走!” 说着她已经回到了我的旁边,然后,又迅速地离去了。
She walked a few steps, turned around and saw me still standing there, and shouted, "Why don't you leave!?" She looked in the direction where Teacher Huang disappeared and said, "Look, our section chief is coming, let's go quickly!” As she said this, she came back to my side, and then left quickly.

我回头看,没看见人(注,我没看40、50米的远处)。她走几步,又回来了,说:“别看呐!哎呀!走!我介绍你和他认识!” 她就向那人走去!我慢慢地跟着她,走一段路后,想:这么远,还过去打招呼!走到距离那人十五六米远处,我站住了。她们那位科长看我站住了,他也站住了。他是个身高1.85米,罕见的帅小伙儿,举止大方得体,和我年纪相仿。刘健君发现不对劲,回头看我。但是已经晚了,尴尬的局面是说话的距离太远。
I looked back and saw no one (note, I didn’t look 40 or 50 meters away). She came back and said: "Don't look at it! Oops! Walk! Let me introduce you to him!" She walked towards that person! I followed her slowly. After walking for a while, I thought, “It's so far away, why should we go over and say hello!” When I walked around fifteen meters away from the person, I stopped. The section chief saw me stopped, and so did he. He was a rare handsome guy with a height of 1.85 meters, and he was about the same age as me. Eve Liu noticed something was wrong and looked back at me, but it was too late, and she was embarrassed. The situation is that the speaking distance is too far.

刘健君也觉得难为情了,说:“你怎么不过来!” 那位科长笑着说:“这样说说话挺好!” 她介绍完后,和他说话。这时,我感觉自己是在军营里,真的是没人样儿了。几句之后,那科长走了,刘健君笑着目送着,转身,立正,脸色骤然变得愤怒。我赶忙支支吾吾地道歉。她的脸色变得异常迅速,笑了,快步走到我面前,侧耳倾听。她的头发又触及我的脸了,对我像似老熟人一样。听完后,她后退,立正,笑着说:“啊!没关系,我跟他很熟。这里是校门口,总是人来人往的;走!咱们到那边走走!” 说着,她先走了。
Eve Liu also felt embarrassed and said: "Why don't you come over here!" The section chief smiled and said: "It's good to talk like this!" After her introduction, she spoke to him. At this point, I felt like I was in a military barracks, and was out of shape. After a few sentences, that section chief left, Eve Liu smiled and eyed him, turned around, stood at attention, and her face suddenly became angry. I hurriedly stammered an apology. Her face became unusually swift, smiled, and walked quickly to me, listening with her sideways ear. Her hair was touching my face again, treating me like an old acquaintance. When she had finished listening, she stepped back, stood at attention, and said with a smile: "Ah! It's okay, I know him well. This is the entrance to the school, and there are always people coming and going; come on! Let's walk over there!" Saying that, she went first.

我羞愧得身体轻飘飘的;思想意识内敛来保持身体的平衡,不要摔倒。虽然地球的引力消失了,我感觉不会摔倒,才左右看,找她,她不见了。她在远处的马路中央喊我:“你怎么啦!我在这儿呢!” 她回来了,问:“怎么啦?你怎么不走!走啊!” 说着,她转身又向马路中央走去了。
I was so ashamed that my body was fluttering lightly; my mind and consciousness introspected to keep my body balanced and not to fall. Though the earth's gravity disappeared, I felt like I wouldn't fall before I looked around, looking for her; she was gone. She called out to me from the center of the road in the distance: "What's wrong with you! I'm here!" She came back and asked: "What's wrong? Why don't you go! Go!" With that, she turned and walked back toward the center of the road.

7.3-4 还是惭愧 Still Ashamed

我慢慢地向她走去;她回来和我说话:“我听黄老师说,你在东北大学读在职的研究生?” 这种天色,在马路的中央,我感到焦虑,努力地集中精力,想‘他说我读在职的研究生,他们也分不清在职的和统考全职的,’ 自我介绍说:“是,我在东北大学学土建。” 她说:“你的情况,黄老师都跟我说了;他说你爱打架,有一次你打架,和平区政府出面调解,那是怎么回事?”这时,我思想得很慢。我想(我自己在心里念),‘我的情况,黄老师都跟你说了,那我没什么说的了;他说我爱打架’,我回答:“我不认为自己爱打架,不记得什么时候打架和平区政府为我调解。” 她听后站住了,转过身去,不出声了。
I walked towards her slowly. She came back and talked to me: "I heard from Teacher Huang that you are a part-time graduate student at Northeastern University?" In this kind of dusk, in the middle of the highway, I felt anxious and tried hard to concentrate, and thought, 'She said that I am a part-time graduate student, and they can't tell the difference between part-time and full-time students,' so introduced myself: "Yes, I am studying civil engineering at Northeastern University." She said, "In your case, Teacher Huang has told me; he said you love to fight. One time you had a fight and the Heping District Government intervened. What happened?” At this time, I thought very slowly. I thought (I said to myself), 'Teacher Huang has told you about my situation, so I have nothing to say; he said I love fighting', I replied: 'I don't think I love fighting, I don't remember when there is such a fight that the district government mediated for me." After hearing this, she stopped, turned away, and became silent.

过了一会儿,她转回身说:“我是学临床的。” 我表示不懂,她说:“说说你们土建吧,你们都干些什么?”
I asked her: "What major do you major in?"
After a while, she turned back and said, "I'm a clinical major." I said I didn't understand, so she said: "Tell me about your civil engineering. What do you do?"

I have never thought about this question, answered: "Our civil engineering project looks very big. After breaking it down according to the procedures, the specific work done by people in each department is as simple as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division without parentheses. In terms of design, the first the teacher in class told us: thick beams, fat columns, and deep foundations. That are the thicker columns and beams are better, stronger; deeper foundation is good, stable. The most important thing to consider is whether it will tilt or collapse. In terms of construction, first dig the foundation and then measure the bearing capacity, then pour the concrete foundation step by step. Normally we don’t encounter a single technical problem in a month, so at the construction site, no one talks about technology, but only useless things that are short-lived.”

Eve Liu asked: "Then your construction industry is not complicated?"
I thought to myself, “of course there is, but I haven’t learned that yet”, said: "Construction is a traditional industry, and it is normal to do things according to rules and past experiences; there are many complicated things that people like me may not encounter in a lifetime. For those, we are just like other people, watching the excitement."

She turned away and said nothing again.
I didn't know what to do and was sluggish.

She turned back and said, "That's right! You and I can't talk about architecture. This is the road, let's go for a walk over there. Hey! I see you don't look good. Are you sick?" she asked again and again, wanted to send me to the hospital.
I replied that I was not sick. She changed direction again and we came to the sidewalk at the side of the road. She didn't speak and walked very quickly.

7.3-5 玉女骑虎 Jade Girl Riding Tiger

我患了什么病?被女神创伤了。刘健君具有女神的外貌(参见10.8 《神的外貌 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336499》)和行为举止(即五百威仪十万八千魅力,参见16.2节《离垢地 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334943》)。她感召力强大,情绪、面目表情一直在迅速改变着,改主意像似出扑克牌似的。我的情感随着她在迅速变化着,从一见面就一次次地超越着极限。就这样,我被她刺激伤了,或说我被她房(剋)伤了。这是神病。现代医学中没有关于这种病的说法,他们也知道,但没人研究,因为原因太复杂,实验期最短五年,不出成果。

What is the disease I suffer from? Traumatized by the Goddess Eve Liu. She has the goddess appearance (see 10.8 Appearance of God) and demeanor (i.e., 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, cf. 16.2 Leaving Filth Heartland). Her influencing power was so powerful, and her moods and facial expressions changed rapidly all the time, as if she were playing poker. My emotions were changing rapidly along with hers from the moment we met and went beyond the limits again and again. In this way, I was injured by her stimulation, or rather I was hurt by her aura (being besieged, being bottled, being pinched). This is a god disease (cf. 10.8 Appearance of God). There is nothing about this disease in modern medicine, and they know about it, but no one studies it, because the causes are too complex, the experimental period is five years at the shortest, and which is not fruitful often.

插图7.3-5-2是古墨西哥文化中与本文类似的案例。下面的D和C是墨西哥(又名特拉洛克Tlaloc)和翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue)年青时相亲的画面。图C显示翠玉女毫不留情地刺伤了墨西哥的心,正一口一口地蚕食着墨西哥的心。这图是墨西哥被翠玉女刺激伤后,堕入了地狱(即患了精神病),在地狱里画的。他就想啊,那时翠玉女年纪青青,没有这坏心眼儿,肯定是她爸舍利王,那个老魔鬼(如图B),和她妈妈,那个黑巫婆(如图A,蔻特鹠鸺 Coatlicue)唆使她这么干的。图D显示,墨西哥想出了舍利王(B)陷害自己的经过后,对舍利王的敬畏之心油然而生。
Illustration 7.3-5-2 is a case like this article in ancient Mexican culture. D and C below are scene of a blind date between Mexico (also known as Tlaloc) and Chalchiuhtlicue when they were young. Picture C shows that the Jade Girl stabbed Mexico's heart mercilessly and is eating away at Mexico's heart bit by bit. This picture was painted in hell after Mexico was stimulated and injured by Jade Girl and fell into hell (i.e., suffered from mental illness). He just thought that at that time, the jade girl was young and not so evil-minded. She must be her father, Huitzilopochtli, the old devil (picture B), and her mother, the black witch (picture A) Coatlicue instigated her to do this. Picture D shows that after Mexico figured out how the Huitzilopochtli (B) framed him, he was in awe of Huitzilopochtli.

图7.3-5-1是中华文化中与本文类似的案例,玉女骑虎,是说当金童被玉女刺激伤了,堕入地狱后,领悟了自己堕入地狱的原因是被玉女女神刺激伤了。据说当人恨仇人到了极点就想吃仇人的肉,所以古人说金童堕入地狱后变成了老虎。可是,玉女是女神,出神身血即堕地狱(参见13.1.1《地狱趣 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336184》),所以金童吃不到玉女的肉,所以古人把金童与玉女的关系比喻成了 “玉女骑虎”。

Figure 7.3-5-1 is a case like this article in Chinese culture. The Jade Girl Riding a Tiger means that when the golden boy was stimulated and injured by the Jade Girl and fell into hell, he realized that the reason why he fell into hell was because he was stimulated and injured by the Jade-Girl Goddess. It is said that when a person hates his enemy to the extreme, he wants to eat his enemy's flesh, so the ancients said that the golden boy turned into a tiger after falling into hell. However, the Jade Girl is a goddess, and bleeding god is a crime of Anti (see 13.1.1 "Hell Interest "), so the Golden Boy cannot eat the Jade Girl's flesh, so the ancients likened the relationship between the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl to "the Jade Girl riding a tiger".

7.3-6 惭愧 Ashamed

I hurriedly ran after her and asked: "Where are you taking me?"
Eve Liu replied: "We're not going anywhere. We're just walking around. Why do you think so?"

I said: "Look at you, you are walking so fast, as if you are rushing to go on a date."
She seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness: "Ah! Let's walk slower then. How is your English?"

I thought for a while and answered: "When I went to college, I was in CET-2. Now I'm better than then, and I'm preparing to take the CET-6 exam."
After hearing this, she began to think deeply and said: "What is the second level! You are talking nonsense, where can there be a second level!"

I answered: "I used to graduate from a college. Our English requirement is CET-2."
She thought about it for a long time and said: "Oh! I remembered it. When I was in high school, I passed CET-1."

I asked: "What level is your English now?"
She replied: "How can anyone speak English levels nowadays? However, I passed CET-6 in the first semester of my freshman year."

I couldn’t understand: “First semester of freshman year! You’ve only been in university for half a year and passed CET-6. How is that possible!?”
She answered seriously: "Yes! I remember correctly, I must have passed it in the first semester of my freshman year!"

I couldn't imagine that I was worried about not being able to pass CET-6, and I had nothing to say.
She was speechless and said: "Oh! Listening to what you said, I remembered everything about my childhood, and I feel much younger!"

In subsequent conversations, I repeatedly looked for topics that I was familiar with and good at, but they all ended up useless after a few sentences. Throughout our first meeting, I felt like a primary school student and she was the teacher.

She asked me: "Can you find the way back?" I realized that she had taken me back to the gate of the China Medical University. The streetlights were bright. I realized that I had lost my direction and time, so I replied: "Yes! Our Heping Housekeeping Bureau is not far from here, and I am familiar with that area.”

When I left, I still didn't have much physical feeling, and I felt light and airy. Seeing her smiling and waving goodbye to me, I was quite happy. I thought it was honorable to have such a girlfriend.

7.3-7 惭愧 Ashamed

Then I asked several classmates: Is it strange that a person passed the CET-6 exam in her first semester of freshman year? Han Huawei, who was the organization director of the student union at the time, told me: “I passed CET-6 in the second semester of my sophomore year; most of the people in our class (the top class) passed it in the second semester of sophomore year. I can also do it as a freshman, but my score would be low. At that time, I wanted to apply for a scholarship. Although CET-6 was not an assessment subject, if I passed CET-6, my score would be included in the scholarship evaluation. I was afraid that my score would be low, it doesn’t look. I think it’s good for medical students to pass CET-6 in the first semester of their freshman year, but it’s not special.”

再后来,遇到后文8.7节的那个医大的女朋友,我们也说到了此事。她说:“那是她们那个班要求的。那个班总考试,不合格就淘汰;淘汰率达到了30: “后来,有的学生受刺激了,家长们把医大告上了法庭。这个实验班的教学方法就被终止了,但这个班被保留下来了。这种教学方法就培养出来这么一个班,各个是真才实学。”
Later, when I met another girlfriend from China Medical University mentioned in Section 8.7 below, we also talked about this matter. She said: "That is what their class requires. If they fail those examinations of that class, they will be eliminated; the elimination rate reached 30%." Later, some students were irritated, and their parents took China Medical University to court. The teaching methods of this experimental class were discontinued, but the class was retained. This teaching method has produced a class where everyone is truly talented and practical."

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应该应该。 (无内容) - 戚继光将军 (0 bytes) 09/13/24
刘健君,夏娃 Eve Liu,建议书名改一下吧 - wendonghao (266 bytes) 09/12/24
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