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2024年5月17日日常吐槽 贸易战

送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2024-05-16 18:23 已读 8276 次  















 世界的问题是痴迷于高速发展,无限公司无限膨胀,没有认真反垄断,包括以集体的名义进行的垄断。无法按占市场比收税以提供福利(支持个体经营者)。 中国的问题是因为下层对爱国爱家之类的个人品德太过执着,忠奸最重要,真假无所谓,上层无法自己赦免自己,无法立个新闻法,走向公开透明。前面的问题是几百年的惯性,后面的更是几千年的积累,估计都是无解的。

Trade wars, anti-globalization, in my opinion, is not a bad thing. If history really comes to an end, we'll only have two types of cola to choose from, two computer systems to compare, and we can fool ourselves that we're not monopolized. The world will only become more and more monotonous if they are all chained together. That's just my personal opinion, of course. It seems that many chinese people even miss the days when there were only model operas to watch during cultural revolution. They are not afraid of boredom.

Don't wonder where I stand, don't wonder which side of my ass I'm on. Communism is an upgrade of capitalism. Relying on great material abundance and making a bigger cake to solve the wealth gap problem is also a method advocated by the capitalist right. Isn't this the same thing? (Is there really a big difference between drawing a big pie in the stock market and fooling you with unlimited development prospects, and fooling you with distribution by id certification and distribution by status code, which is distribution according to need and not according to rank?) The difference is just that when the big leader gets a monopoly in the name of the collective, you don't recognize him as the capitalist you criticize in your mouth as well.

The world's problem is an obsession with high speed development, unlimited corporations expanding indefinitely, and no serious anti-trust, including monopolies in the name of the collective. The inability to collect taxes as per their percentage of the market to provide welfare (to support the self-employed). China's problems are because the lower echelons are too obsessed with personal virtues such as love of country and family, loyalty and treachery are most important, truth and falsehood don't matter, and the upper echelons can't pardon themselves, can't enact a press law, and move toward openness and transparency. The first problem is the inertia of hundreds of years, the latter is the accumulation of thousands of years, it is estimated that all are insoluble.
贴主:湖叶于2024_05_18 3:05:50编辑
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