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15.3 人天果 Human Sky Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 21:48 已读 484 次  



回答: 📖15 灭谛 Salvation Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:09

15.3 羊乘教目录 Content of Goat Vehicle Religion; 15.3.0 介绍 Introduction; 15.3.1 共产 Commonwealth; 15.3.2 王舍城 King House City; 15.3.3 雷音与西芙 Thor and Sif; 15.3.4 睚眦与磨牙 Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir; 15.3.5 王者归来 Return of the King; 15.3.6 芙蕾雅的愤怒 Freya's Anger; 15.3.7 磨牙的觉悟 Enlightenment of Tanngrisnir; 15.4.8 清算日 Day of Reckoning; 15.3.9 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfilled Human Body.

15.3.0 介绍 Introduction

The Goat Vehicle (shown in Figure 15.3.0-35) is also known as the Human Sky religion, where the gods and goddesses and the Buddhas (as shown in Figures 1 through 16) are called the Skies. The sky means quietness, profound knowledge. The Goat Vehicle teachings use annoyances as the earth, are said that all sentient beings are by quietness as sky, by annoyances as earth.

根据北欧的传说和佛教文献的记载,羊乘教的创始人是雷音(Thor),为他拉车的两只山羊是他的女儿磨牙(Tanngrisnir)和女婿睚眦(Tanngnjóstr)。在佛教中,雷音有很多别名,如大日如来,金刚萨陲,文殊师利,等。金刚萨陲是说雷音在他的大自在天琉璃宫,再一次击碎了人类的灵魂之石,设计出了金童和玉女(即睚眦和磨牙,参见10.9 节《三位一体》)。文殊师利是说雷音的文章特别,开卷有益。
According to Nordic legends and Buddhist literatures, the founder of the Goat Vehicle Religion is Thor, and the two goats that pulled his cart are his daughter Tanngrisnir and his son-in-law Tanngnjóstr. In Buddhism, Thor has many fames, such as Great Sun Tathagata, Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer, Manjusri etc. Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer means that Thor once again crushed the soul stone of mankind in his Diamond Palace in the Great Self-sufficiency Sky and designed the gold boy and jade girl (i.e., Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir, cf. section 10.9 Godly Trinity). Manjusri means that Thor's articles are outstanding and beneficial.

According to the research results of modern Nordic scholars, the swastika (see Figure 36) is the symbol of Thor. In other words, Thor is the godfather of Shakyamuni. Legend has it that when Thor created Tanngnjóstr, he declared that Tanngnjóstr is a commonwealth, inviting all sentient beings to partake. Therefore, our Buddhism is common law, owned by all sentient beings. Readers should know that in Buddhism, the content marked as "uncommon law", such as the Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws (cf. section 15.1.3) are also common laws. The marking of "uncommon law" is to remind practitioners that when sharing, you should understand them first.

Illustration 39 is a picture of Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir in Buddhism. The lion is called “Golden Hair Lion Roar”, which is another fame of Shakyamuni. The golden hair represents Shakyamuni's "3,000 Majesties and 84,000 Enchantments” (see section 16.2); "Lion Roar" is an important Buddhist scripture. From the two Buddhist fames, Tanngnjóstr means Bare Teeth and Tanngrisnir means Grinding Teeth, we can know the juristic door of the Goat Vehicle Religion, that is to chew the fruits of the tree of life (as shown in figures 40 and 41; cf. section 11.6 "Five Fruits"). Therefore, Tanngnjóstr is also known as the Philosopher-Stone Teeth Buddha (as shown in figure 38); and Tanngrisnir became the Tooth Fairy (as shown in Figures 42 and 43).

The other two main characters in the Goat Vehicle Religion are Frey and Freya. Frey is the Revelation Teacher of Tanngnjóstr. After the success of the Goat Vehicle Religion creation, he became Lamplighter Buddha (i.e., Dipankara) and the God of Grain. Freya is the godmother of Tanngrisnir. After the success of this project, she became the Guardian Goddess of Godly Cycle and the leader Goddess of Eve tribe.


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_07_14 15:44:29编辑

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

15.3.1 共产 Commonwealth - Adam_Luyan (10928 bytes) 07/14/24
15.3.2 王舍城 King House City - Adam_Luyan (9117 bytes) 07/10/24
15.3.3 雷音与西芙 Thor and Sif - Adam_Luyan (9117 bytes) 07/10/24
15.3.4 法学家 Jurist - Adam_Luyan (9117 bytes) 07/10/24
15.3.5 睚眦与磨牙 Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir - Adam_Luyan (9083 bytes) 04/27/24
15.3.6 王者归来 Return of the King - Adam_Luyan (9457 bytes) 04/27/24
15.3.7 石中剑 Sword in the Stone - Adam_Luyan (11551 bytes) 04/27/24
15.4.8 清算日 Day of Reckoning - Adam_Luyan (7920 bytes) 04/27/24
15.3.9 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfilled Human Body - Adam_Luyan (14998 bytes) 04/27/24

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