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送交者: realspiro[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-13 0:53 已读 187 次  



回答: 影版的乐感真好,也非常细心, 我也注意到了: 由 realspiro 于 2024-04-12 23:54

如果你查 Michael Nyman Plagiarism, 能查到不少先例:

这篇讲Nyman写剧描述别人抄袭, 实际上他自己在抄。


这篇比较好笑, 是辩论别人是借用和抄袭边界,顺便提出Nyman这么干得多了

“。。。The Purcell-style ground bass that makes up the bulk of Beat the Retreat is the high point of the disc, and is indeed effective if not wholly original–Michael Nyman does this sort of thing all the time and with a more severe, individual profile. Each piece wears out its welcome quickly, and enthusiasts of Andriessen’s music, who certainly are this disc’s demographic, may find themselves uncomfortable with the similarities–Martland skirts perilously close to the edges of plagiarism.。。。”

从这里看得出来,音乐家里孔乙己的窃书不能算偷太常见了 :) 下次开题我专门说这个。
喜欢realspiro朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

说起抄袭,要不要看看这篇文章? - Vivian32817 (69 bytes) 04/13/24
好, 你写得和我的想法都是一样的 - realspiro (65 bytes) 04/13/24
谢谢!你还找到文章了 - Vivian32817 (167 bytes) 04/13/24
我写了, 看这里 - realspiro (143 bytes) 04/13/24

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