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送交者: 杭州阿立[♂★★★江南情节★★★♂] 于 2024-03-12 10:37 已读 430 次  



回答: 来自新西兰南岛的赞👍🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 由 杭州阿立 于 2024-03-12 10:11

回来后导游天舒哥一查,乖乖隆地动,主厨兼老板Dean 大叔居然是世界级的大咖,国际美食评论家,英国电视📺主厨,还是英国一家米其林指南酒吧的老板🤔😎😀😂
Waikari Kitchen
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Fresh hand made items designed for casual dining and grab-n-go customers.
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Chef Dean is an accomplished Chef, restaurateur and businessman with over 35 years experience running Hotels and restaurants all over the world.

About Chef Dean

Following his Diploma in Hotel Management:

Chef at resorts in Italy and Switzerland

Private chef - English Estates & Scottish Castles

Chef on Private Yachts - Caribbean & Florida

Executive Chef - large conference hotels with multi kitchens

Food writer for international magazines & TV chef on UK food channel

Owner Michelin guide pub / bistro English Lake district

Owner busy cafe in New Zealand’s wine region
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