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"Great night for Joe Biden, and a bad night for Trump"

送交者: 尼欧[★The-One★] 于 2024-03-06 11:58 已读 1367 次  



回答: Nikki Haley concedes defeat 由 尼欧 于 2024-03-06 11:49

Super Tuesday had big surprises voters and candidates alike, despite predicted forerunners President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump claiming the majority of the states.

With 15 states and one territory at stake, Trump had won 12 states with 271 delegates as of midnight, according to predictions from the New York Times and the Washington Post, losing Vermont and 17 delegates to challenger Nikki Haley.

Meanwhile, Biden took 14 states but lost American Samoa and six delegates to unknown Democrat, according to the Post and Times projections.

While 17 delegates might seem like a minor loss to a Republican candidate with 554 delegates, hundreds more than any of his challengers, political experts say Haley's victory was a bad sign for Trump.

"Great night for Joe Biden, and a bad night for Trump," said Fernand Amandi, a political analyst who frequently appears on MSNBC. "Why? Uncommitted 'protest vote' against Biden has been a total dud but the Haley anti-Trump Republican vote share against Donald Trump is real."
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