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送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2020-04-22 10:55 已读 2179 次  



Dr. Jeff Smith, a physician who is the chief executive of Santa Clara County
government, said earlier this month that data collected by the CDC, local
health departments and others suggest it was “a lot longer than we first
believed” — most likely since “back in December.”

“This wasn’t recognized because we were having a severe flu season,”
Smith said in an interview. “Symptoms are very much like the flu. If you
got a mild case of COVID, you didn’t really notice. You didn’t even go to
the doctor. The doctor maybe didn’t even do it because they presumed it was
the flu.”
贴主:张旺教授于2020_04_22 11:04:21编辑
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