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🍎※ Make it Out ※

送交者: 红苹果生活花园[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-01-27 10:29 已读 6297 次 1赞  



优美歌曲/音乐视频联播欣赏 (七首)

I was searching for an open door
I was looking for a peace of mind
It’s a feeling that I tend to get
Won’t rest until I make it right

Couldn’t stand the thought of losing her
Before her time had come
Like a storm I raged that night
In the dark I came undone

I will hold this house up with my own two hands
So you can make it out, so you can make it out
Now I know it, you’re all I have
So bloom, bloom, bloom
Like a rose in a riverbed

We were standing in the freezing rain
Honey how could I forget
In the distance were the warning bells
But I knew that you weren’t caving yet

I will hold this house up with my own two hands
So you can make it out, so you can make it out
Now I know it, you’re all I have
So bloom, bloom, bloom
Like a rose in a riverbed

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