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送交者: 影云[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2023-11-19 13:27 已读 554 次  



画: 立





Shogun moon

why splatter blood
running away from your body

a sword is a sickle
menacing glean

water sold in a petrol station
five bucks a bottle

half the price from the petrol
you're pumping.....

never gonna fill ya

but when it's
spurting out of your neck

think roses
how they die off

in winter

the bonsai master, snip snip snips you away
and as a butterfly battles out of it's own coffin

you'll come back

but did the world come with you
or are you skating alone
blood streaking your name
across ice


Wilted Flowers

Crimson blood seeps through
the crevices of a broken home
as the flowers living within
begin to wilt losing their petals
in an outward cry for help
from a venomous poison
that corrupted the dehydrated soils.


An evening walk

Where can I walk,
where can I look,
to find again the snows so pure,
then bury I can
these poems i wrote
and clear the ground once more,
for new poems to come to be.

For as I walked,
along the seashore today,
a rose I found lying,
on the side walk,
I loved its petals
dappled with flakes of snow,
and I held it close to my heart,
and I knew without a doubt,
by the light of the reddened moon
and gently held in the arms of the dawn,
it will transform
into a poem
of beauty,
and that will happen
all in the "blink of an eye".
all in the "blink of an eye"
and it will last for eons.

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