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送交者: dmb[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2023-09-04 17:10 已读 229 次  



As soon as you accept the truth about yourself, ‘Sat-Chit-Ananda’, you will be free. You simply have to accept this. There are no rituals you have to go through. 


There are no prayers you have to chant. You simply have to awaken to your true nature, Pure Awareness, Nirvana, Bliss, Consciousness. This is what you are right at this moment.

Awaken from the dream by realizing absolute reality is the only power. It is everywhere. 


There is not the world and absolute reality, and then you have to overcome the world to find your reality. There is no world to overcome. There is no God to pray to. Brahman is yourself. Shiva is your consciousness. You are that. 


What else is there to know? You do not have to be a scholar of the Upanishads. You do not have to memorize various passages. You have to become like a little child and stay centered in the present. 


No one exists but you. You are the only existence.


Robert Adams ☺️💕


"It is the world that you believe in that keeps you back. It's like the clouds in front of the sun. Today we have no sun we have rain and we think there is no sun. What happened to the sun? We call it a gloomy day. We say we feel depressed when it's not sunny.

正是你相信的这个世界让你持续回来,就像太阳前面的云层。今天我们没有阳光,下雨了,我们认为没有阳光。太阳本身发生了什么?  我们称之为阴沉的一天,我们说,当没有阳光时,我们感到沮丧。

Yet the sun is in back of the clouds and the clouds will dissipate and you'll [have] full sun again. And so it is with life. You believe conditions are real. You believe persons, places and things are real. You will not remember they are of your own creation.


You forget about this. No matter how many times I tell you this you look at the world and react to it because you think the world is real. This is what keeps you away from self-realization. This is the only thing there is nothing else."


~ Robert Adams 

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