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At the same time

送交者: 影云[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2023-07-08 15:16 已读 670 次 1赞  



At the same time


5:25 pm.

parking lot.
leafless trees. silhouette.

the streetlights suddenly popped out. lullaby.
at the same time, a flock of blackbirds was practicing some ritual up in the sky
at the same time, the singing from the children’s choir was on and off in the air
at the same time, and someone was slamming a car door and backing up. chirpings.
at the same time, the woman in the unfinished drawing heard the whistle of a distant train.
at the same time, an incomplete poem was looking for the union of words.
at the same time, distant laughter was thrown out of a fence.
at the same time, one white bird was flying by.
at the same time, the sun was going down behind the trees.
at the same time, in the blue sky, three thin white lines were growing
at the same time, a window of some room was silently closed.


at the same time, those sharp voices from an unknown world kept hitting her eardrums.
at the same time, she was trying to record what she realized, but,
at the same time, she already knew that the part she had not seen was disappearing, and she was also injected into a new space together with herself.
at the same time, this space is pulsating with a broader one.
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