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讲安曼 二

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-22 0:21 已读 1522 次  




Omani wedding 




It is very interesting! Dear Sultan, even though Oman May be not as rich and Saudi Arabia , UAE , Qatar, Kuwait, Nor it holds an very important strategic locations as Turkey or Egypt, it will be  important strategically. Muscat, Oman’s capital is a port on Strait of Hormuz. Every ship going to Persian Gulf will pass this port. Along Persian Gulf there are the most richest countries with oil in the world. These oil will be shipped to all the major ports all around the world! Oman is on very good location.  On another side of strait of Hormuz , it is Iran, only 33 km wide the nearest opening. Chinese Hangzhou Bay Sea Cross Bridge is 36 km. Chinese Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is 50 km! These are all done! So it is not a problem at all. At the western end, Bay of Aden has only 12 miles (20 km) separate the coast of Djibouti and Yemen. No problem! At ALL! Later on, and I am sure Globalization design will put a high speed train cross strait of Hormuz, connecting Iran and Oman, even all the way to Pakistan, India , south east Asia. While the rail line can go through Oman and Yemen, connecting Africa, then Asia and Africa, two big continents are easily joined! Then ... hmmmm ... who wants to bother sending ships going through Maraca strait? Then , Merlion, (nickname for Singapore president) will be extremely frustrated! Sorry!  Then Arabian Peninsula will be even more prosperous. Countries along Persian gulf, and inland Arabian Peninsula, can have tourists, Commercial, cultural and economic golden circles! Wow... 


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