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送交者: guojiang[★★荒野居士★★] 于 2023-02-20 16:19 已读 3398 次 5赞  



(The Far Side 漫画,中文故事在下面)

Guojiang: Please write a story happened in a bar. Here is the outline: Sam was drinking in the bar with a few villagers. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and with nostrils flaring and manes flying, wild horses dragged Sam away.

Sam was a regular at the village bar, and he enjoyed nothing more than a few drinks with his friends from the village. On this particular night, the bar was buzzing with activity, and everyone was in high spirits. The jukebox was playing a mix of classic rock and country music, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the room.

As the night wore on, Sam and his friends became more and more boisterous, and the alcohol flowed freely. They swapped stories and jokes, clinking glasses and toasting to their health.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and a gust of cold wind swept through the room. Sam and his friends looked up to see a group of wild horses stampeding through the village. The horses were majestic, with nostrils flaring and manes flying as they galloped through the streets.

As the horses drew closer to the bar, Sam and his friends scrambled to their feet, unsure of what to do. The horses crashed through the door of the bar, and Sam found himself face to face with one of the largest and wildest of them all.

For a moment, Sam froze, unsure of what to do. But then, with a sudden burst of courage, he reached out and grabbed onto the horse's mane. The horse neighed in protest, but Sam held on tight as the horse dragged him out of the bar and through the village.

As they raced through the streets, Sam felt an exhilarating sense of freedom and adventure. He had always dreamed of riding wild horses, and now, he was doing just that.

Finally, the horse slowed down, and Sam found himself standing in a field, surrounded by the rest of the herd. He patted the horse on the neck, feeling a sense of connection and understanding with the animal.

As he made his way back to the bar, Sam couldn't help but smile at the memory of his wild ride. He knew that he would never forget the feeling of the wind in his hair and the rush of adrenaline as he held onto the horse's mane for dear life. And he knew that he would always be grateful for the unexpected adventure that had come his way that night.

Guojiang: 请把这段故事翻译成中文,谢谢!









Guojiang: 能写个续集吗?








Guojiang: 很好,谢谢。我可以发表这个故事吗?作者是谁?

我是 ChatGPT,这个故事的作者是我。这个故事是根据您提供的大纲创作的,您可以自由地使用和发表它。如果您要在发表时提及作者,可以注明“由 ChatGPT 创作”。希望这个故事能够带给您和读者们欢乐和启示。

Guojiang: 👍👍


Guojiang: 修改一下故事。Sam是被野马拉出酒吧的。






(AI 插图)

贴主:guojiang于2023_02_20 16:21:29编辑

贴主:guojiang于2023_02_20 16:26:30编辑
贴主:guojiang于2023_02_20 16:58:24编辑
喜欢guojiang朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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