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📖11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2022-12-27 7:18 已读 3903 次  



回答: 🌲📘11👁️⃤生命之树 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-14 22:17

Life Tree’s five nodes are where karma is deposited. What is Karma?

蕴是集聚义,古代也作阴。五蕴是生命之树的五个节,是身、口、意行为习气的集聚体。古代身口意行为的集聚统称作业。业就是三业:身业、口业、意业。身业是身体行为习惯的积聚,此身即是。口业是语言行为习气的积聚,此口所讲的就是。意业是思维习气的积聚,此心所想的就是。 Indian word Karma means habitual deposit, is a fundamentally philosophical word; its meanings are extremely broad, down to extreme nature. Karma includes bodily karma, oral karma, and intentional karma. (1) Bodily Karmas are bodily behavioral deposit, what the flesh body is. (2) Oral Karmas are orally behavioral deposit, what the mouth’s speaking is. (3) Intent Karmas are mentally behavioral deposit, what the mind’s thinks are.

五蕴就是五种业的积聚体,是从另一个方面讲解业,以便于理解和使用。五蕴是色蕴、受蕴、想蕴、行蕴和识蕴。 Five nodes are five chunks of habitual accumulations, explaining Karmas from another aspect. The five nodes are color node, reception node, think node, migration node and sense node.

⬇️各节的内容在下面的跟帖之中⬇️⬇️⬇️ ⬇️Sectional contents are in the following thread⬇️⬇️

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_04_09 21:25:25编辑

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

📖11.4.1 色蕴 Color Node - Adam_Luyan (17029 bytes) 12/27/22
📖11.4.2 Acceptance Node 受蕴 - Adam_Luyan (4938 bytes) 12/27/22
📖11.4.3 Think Node 想蕴 - Adam_Luyan (7278 bytes) 12/27/22
📖11.4.4 Migration Node 行蕴 - Adam_Luyan (386 bytes) 12/27/22 Heartland Laws 心所有法 - Adam_Luyan (2111 bytes) 12/27/22 Circumstantial Laws 别境法 - Adam_Luyan (2592 bytes) 12/27/22 Benevolent Laws 善法 - Adam_Luyan (5887 bytes) 12/27/22 根本烦恼 - Adam_Luyan (13235 bytes) 12/27/22
🔖 转移身见 - Adam_Luyan (2425 bytes) 12/27/22 随烦恼 - Adam_Luyan (4039 bytes) 12/27/22 不定 - Adam_Luyan (741 bytes) 12/27/22 不相应行法 - Adam_Luyan (5584 bytes) 12/27/22
🔖 异生性 - Adam_Luyan (618 bytes) 12/27/22
📖11.4.5 识蕴 - Adam_Luyan (9388 bytes) 12/27/22
🔖无记有两种:有覆无记、无覆无记 - Adam_Luyan (2112 bytes) 12/27/22
🔖11.4.5-2 八识与三量 - Adam_Luyan (1310 bytes) 12/27/22

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