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送交者: Enchanted[♀☆品衔R4☆♀] 于 2022-10-03 8:53 已读 172 次 1赞  



回答: 是的,主唱很有才,但又很谦虚 由 一无所有. 于 2022-10-02 9:53

Wiki上看到的,他们成团后想参加一个摇滚歌唱比赛,需要赶紧想一个乐队名。名字的灵感来自于学校的英文书,以及他们觉得以流行歌手身份参加摇滚音乐会,是需要学习。而且,灵感也部分来自于自己的偶像Michael Jackson。虽然他们后来有点后悔起这名字,但乐队成功得太迅速,已经来不及再改名,就这样一直用到现在

Since Richter already had a number of original songs, eliminating the need to jam, they were able to quickly record a demo tape intending it to be sent to the 'Rock Grand Prix' competition in their hometown Aarhus, they had to hurriedly come up with a name before posting it; Richter wrote as the name of the sender 'Michael Learns to Rock', partly inspired by a line from his school English textbook and partly because they were a pop band taking part in a rock concert. Lentz and Richter have admitted that the band was named after Michael Jackson: "I think Richter was thinking of Michael Jackson, because he was called 'the king of pop' and it was kind of funny, because it was like, what would he sound like if he learned to rock? It was wordplay," Lentz has stated.
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