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猛犸山之千岛湖 石榴湖 影子湖

送交者: 杭州阿立[♂★★★江南情节★★★♂] 于 2022-08-12 7:00 已读 7759 次 3赞  



猛犸山之千岛湖 石榴湖 影子湖



丹西北行21 美食篇》:



Here we are again in Eastern Sierras, this time near Mammoth Lakes! You can never get tired of these alpine lakes.

猛犸山附近有近百个高山湖泊,其中很多只有靠背包徒步才能抵达。这次是千岛湖,石榴湖, 影子湖…


猛犸山:Mammoth Mountain is a lava dome complex partially located within the town of Mammoth Lakes, California, in the Inyo National Forest of Madera and Mono Counties. It is home to a large ski area primarily on the Mono County side. Mammoth Mountain was formed in a series of eruptions that ended 57,000 years ago.

猛犸湖:Mammoth Lakes is a town in California's Sierra Nevada mountains. It's known for the Mammoth Mountain and June Mountain ski areas and nearby trails. The town is a base for Devils Postpile National Monument, a formation of basalt columns, and the soaring Rainbow Falls. To the north, saltwater Mono Lake is dotted with limestone towers. Yosemite National Park, with its granite cliffs and ancient sequoias, is nearby. ― Google

https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3020500 ;


贴主:杭州阿立于2022_08_16 5:49:40编辑
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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

美景在深山! (无内容) - 真老玩童 (0 bytes) 08/12/22
只好看图跟游了 :-)) (无内容) - 杭州阿立 (0 bytes) 08/12/22
湖光山色,美不胜收👍👍 (无内容) - 阳光绿岛 (0 bytes) 08/12/22
人迹罕至,也算仙境了?哈哈。 (无内容) - 杭州阿立 (0 bytes) 08/12/22
Glutton for punishment? 哈哈。 (无内容) - 杭州阿立 (0 bytes) 08/12/22
漂亮。千岛湖到处都是啊! (无内容) - oldogzhao (0 bytes) 08/12/22

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