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Wang Yi

送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-05-31 19:44 已读 984 次  



Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s rebuttal of Blinker
calling China the most serious challenge to global order

Blinken calls China the most serious challenge to global

In response, China says both stand to gain from cooperation.

China strategy is about rules-based order, not 'new Cold War,' Blinken says is

Washington will not try to change China's political system,
but will defend international law and institutions that maintain peace and
security and make it possible for countries to coexist, he said.

"We are not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. To
the contrary, we're determined to avoid both," Blinken said in the
45-minute speech at George Washington University, which covered most
contentious bilateral issues.

U.S.-China relations sank to their lowest level in decades
under former President Donald Trump and have soured further under President Joe
Biden, a Democrat who has kept up his Republican predecessor's sweeping tariffs
on Chinese goods while pursuing closer ties with allies to push back against
While Blinken credited the hard work of the Chinese people

for their country's historic economic transformation in the last four decades,
he took direct aim at Xi Jinping, saying:

"Under President Xi, the ruling Chinese Communist Party

has become more repressive at home and more aggressive abroad."

Blinken calls China ‘most serious long-term’ threat to world

“Beijing’s vision would move us away from the universal values
that have sustained so much of the world’s progress,” the secretary of State

Blinken says the U.S. is ‘not looking for conflict or a new
Cold War’ with China

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on last Thursday outlined
competing visions for the future of the international community: one centered
around China’s increasingly aggressive and expansive authoritarian one-party
state, and another anchored by President Joe Biden’s conception of a bulwark of
allies and partners committed to democracy, human rights and the “international
rules-based order.”



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