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欧盟不可能让烏克兰加入的. 有人要演戏,就随他去吧.

送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-03-02 14:18 已读 10998 次  



欧盟有互相联防的义务,所以不可能让烏克兰加入的. 有人要演戏,随他去吧.

NATO’s Collective defence - Article 5

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s
founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its
members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of
solidarity within the Alliance.

Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered
as an attack against all Allies.

The principle of collective defence is enshrined in Article 5 of the
Washington Treaty.

NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11
terrorist attacks against the United States.

NATO has taken collective defence measures on several occasions,
including in response to the situation in Syria and the Russian attack on

NATO has standing forces on active duty that contribute to the
Alliance’s collective defence efforts on a permanent basis.

Gravitas Ukraine Direct: Did NATO betray Russia?

Putin waiting for this before he goes all-in on Ukraine: Claudia Rosett

Western companies profiting from Russia's war





贴主:ywhan于2022_03_02 15:33:48编辑
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先过几天,事情就会有分曉滴! - ywhan (137 bytes) 03/02/22
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真金豈怕火烧? 借兄台练智. - ywhan (51 bytes) 03/03/22
花儿,不要说炒股,是投资。 - sitnam (72 bytes) 03/02/22
懂啦!长期持有? (无内容) - 花镶玉 (0 bytes) 03/02/22
俄国这账打完了就残废了。另外, - sitnam (132 bytes) 03/02/22

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