Statement on ICM 2022
February 22, 2022A statement from AMS President Ruth Charney:
The AMS leadership is alarmed by the current situation in Ukraine and its implications for the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg, Russia. International exchange is essential to the growth and health of research mathematics. The ICM provides a unique opportunity to support and celebrate these connections, but not under current conditions. The AMS has no plans to send representatives to a meeting in St. Petersburg. We urge the International Mathematical Union not to hold the ICM in Russia in July 2022.
The AMS-NSF-Simons-ICM travel grant program has been suspended. Those who have already been approved for travel grants will receive further instructions from the AMS.
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is a professional association of 30,000 individuals and 570 institutions worldwide dedicated to advancing mathematics research and scholarship and connecting the global math community through publications, meetings, advocacy, career development and more.
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