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民主 ≠ Democracy——写在民主峰会前夜

送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-12-07 1:23 已读 6093 次  


民主 ≠ Democracy。这个英文词已经被母语的人污染,滥用,垄断,带偏,并狭隘化了。中国人如果想准确表达自己的思想,应该避免用这个英文字,因为它从来就是个陷阱,当你在使用它时就已经坠入对方设定的话语圈套里了。
中国人说这个词和西方人听到这个词时各自头脑里想到的不一样。既然英语已不再单属于英美,既然他们都不再规范,随意造新词,比如说B3w,那么中国人也不必客气,从我出发造一个新词把民主两个字在中文里的意思重新意译: 民主 = Plocad = people led人民主导 + people-oriented以人为本 + people-centric以人民为中心 + people-authorized人民授权,对应Authoritarian) + people-dictated人民裁决,对应dictatorship)
(I do want to be credited if adopted)

民主 ≠ Democracy. This term has been polluted, abused, monopolized, biased, and limited to a narrower sense by native speakers. If Chinese people want to express their thoughts accurately, they need to avoid using this English word, because it has always been a trap. When you use it, you have fallen into a language trap set by the other party.
When a Chinese says this word its connotation / his cognition is different from what a Westerner thinks of when he hears it and vice versa. Since English is shared internationally and no longer belongs to Britain and the United States alone, and since language normative is no longer followed by native speakers who often freely coin new words at will, such as B3w, the Chinese people should feel at home and feel free to coin a new word to reflect and manifest the real meaning of the word in their mother tongue: 民主 = Plocad = people led + people-oriented + people-centric + people-authorized (as in Authoritarian for those lablers) + people-dictated(as in dictatorship for the name-callers) (I do want to be credited if adopted)
贴主:balabingbang于2021_12_08 6:43:24编辑
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