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送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-10-24 9:54 已读 810 次  



Scars from who?
I can't tell and you wouldn't say,
but deep in my heart,
I shall never forget!

that my country's premium
is now in the British Museum
and our ancestral treasure trove
is relocated to Musée du Louvre

Tears blur my sight,
at the sun's bright,
Sadness soaring
from deep beneath
Fists clenching:
I cannot breathe!

'cos looters are still at large,
without the slightest of guilt,
harassing, bullying,
and bending my will!

Somewhere from afar,
I hear my Indian brother's sobbing.
Well, at least on my own land
I am still standing!

贴主:balabingbang于2021_10_24 17:27:26编辑
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