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Don't people in China wish to live in a democratic country?

送交者: 院子[♂★★★理性但荒谬★★★♂] 于 2021-08-08 21:03 已读 389 次  



Siden King
studied Packaging Engineering at Wuhan University (2020)

Updated September 30, 2020

As a Chinese, I’m living in Inner Mongolia and now studying in WuHan, I can tell you that I have lived a democratic life in some way.

Although I may have no right to vote, I may have no right to decide which people will become my countries’ leader. I mostly satisfy with the current political system. My quality of life has gradually improved in my 20 years of life in an amazing speed. This country offers me safe life, free 12-year education up to University. I can go everywhere by high-speed rail in several hours, I can go out to have delicious BBQ at two o'clock in the middle of the night and there is no need to worry about any security issues. Is my freedom restricted? Appearently NO

In my University Campus or on the Internet, I always talk with my friends and mates about politics, many of these critical opinions have been publicly discussed on the Internet. Even in politics class, Teachers will teach some of mistaken policies that have been made by CCP, and discuss with us to figure out why CCP embark on a wrong path and how can we improve it. We even criticize some of the government's absurd policies and curse corrupt officials. Do I suffer from political persecution? Appearently NO

And I can use ins, twitter and quora to see you guys, there are many anti-Communist speeches among them. And This phenomenon also happened to many of my classmates around me. Are we blocked and arrested? Appearently NO

Nowadays, I can see with my own eyes that my motherland is swiftly becoming stronger. My life is more and more wonderful, I can do everything what I want to do, No more restriction than anyone living in a so-called "democratic country". Ukrainians and Libyans have gained democracy, Iraqis and Afghans have gained democracy. Do they experience a better life than us? I don’t think so. THEREFORE, WHY I SUPPOSE TO WISH TO LIVE IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY?


I correct a mistake I made in the article, I do have voting rights. It’s just that I didn’t receive a notice when I studied in Wuhan. The picture below is the notice of the election of county-level people's congress representatives (similar to members of parliament).

The following is the translation:

To inform residents:
Hello everyone!
According to relevant regulations, deputies to the Tenth People's Congress of the Haibo Bay District need to be elected by election. The Bailou community is the fifty-second constituency. The meeting place is on the second floor of Bailou Community Party and Mass Service Center (in the north gate of Mengxi Century City Community). At the same time, mobile polling points will be set up in Deshun Xiangting, Yintai Shangshuiwan, Mengxi Century City, Yangguan Jingyuan, Singapore Garden, Enhe Jinyuan, District Apartment, Riverside Garden, Riverside Garden and Xianghe Homestead. All voters are urged to prepare carefully for voting, and then take their personal IDs to participate in the election meeting on time, or go to the designated place to vote. (If voters are unable to vote for personal reasons, they can contact Bailou community staff for written entrustment election procedures on December 20, 2019-December 25, 2019, telephone number: 3890623), and the voter registration list has been held in the community Public announcement, please check carefully, if eligible unregistered voters can contact Bailou community staff before December 25, 2019 for voter replacement registration.

Special announcement.

Fifty-two Constituency Leading Group of the 10th local District People’s Congress By-election in Haibo Bay District

December 19, 2019

2020.8.19 update

Let me say one more thing. I think due to China's population and development level, there is no way for China to carry out national elections now. But I believe it will get better in the future.

As for some of the comments about how bad the CCP is, I don’t deny it. CCP does have some faults, such as corruption, centralization. But CCP did turn China from a weak country into a developed one. And I see CCP working to solve these problems to satisfy its people. First of all, I love my country, CCP leads our country to independence and makes the country better, so I respect CCP. If one day CCP betrays its people, I think it will not win the support of the Chinese people.

I said what I saw, I said what I experienced. If you think it’s a lie, you can just see this answer as a joke.

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