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送交者: Lk1970[♂☆★破虏大将军★☆♂] 于 2021-07-28 22:08 已读 29179 次  



Eliza Owen

29 Jul 2021

自 COVID-19 爆发以来,澳大利亚住宅市场的一个突出趋势是对独立屋的高需求。这反映在自去年 3 月以来,随着第二阶段限制在全国范围内推出,房屋和单元房的价格变化。在过去的 16 个月中,首府城市的房价上涨了 14.2%。这是同期首府城市单元房价值上涨 5.6% 的两倍多。

截至 2021 年 6 月,首府城市独立屋价值中值为 797,287 澳元,而单元房价值中值为 611,117 澳元。这标志着独立屋和单元房中位数价格之间的差距为 30.5%,这是有记录以来的最高水平。

下面的图表比较了首府城市的独立屋和单元房价值中位数,以及过去 15 年的房屋和单元房价值差距。

在过去的 15 年中,2021 年 6 月标志着悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德和堪培拉的独立屋和单元房中位数之间的差距最大。珀斯独立屋和单元房之间的价格差距刚刚脱离历史高位,从 5 月份的 39.1% 下降到 6 月份的 38.9%。与此同时,霍巴特和达尔文的独立屋和单元房中值之间的价格差距一直在下降。每个首都的动态在下面进一步展开。

悉尼的独立屋和单元房目前的价格差距为 54.2%,创历史新高

自 2020 年 9 月以来,随着全市社会疏离限制的放宽,房屋市场出现复苏趋势,独立屋和单元房中值的差异急剧上升。直到 2021 年 1 月,单位房价值继续下降,因为投资者参与度低,租金条件疲软,导致对单位房存量的兴趣减少。由于悉尼的封锁加强了 COVID-19 对大城市的持久影响,而且货币政策仍然宽松,有能力负担的悉尼人可能仍愿意在未来几个月内为独立住宅支付溢价。

The premium for houses over units has hit record highs – which

capital city shows the biggest gap? (partial)

Eliza Owen

29 Jul 2021

Since the onset of COVID-19, a prominent trend across the Australian dwelling market has been high demand for detached houses. This is reflected in price changes of houses and units since March last year, as stage 2 restrictions rolled out across the nation. In the past 16 months, capital city house values rose 14.2%. This is more than double the 5.6% rise in capital city unit values over the same period.

As of June 2021, the median capital city house value was $797,287, compared to a median unit value of $611,117. This marks a 30.5% gap between median house and unit prices, which is the highest on record. 

The charts below compare median house and unit values across the capital cities, alongside the house and unit value gap for the past 15 years.      

It is worth noting that these charts track the median value over time only. Growth in these median values should not be equated to value changes in the entire dwelling market. Changes in values across the whole house and unit market refer to changes in the CoreLogic Home Value Index.

Over the past 15 years, June 2021 marks the biggest gap between median house and unit values across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Canberra. The Perth price gap between houses and units has just come off record highs, from 39.1% over May, to 38.9% over June. Meanwhile, the price gap between median house and unit values has been trending down across Hobart and Darwin. The dynamics of each capital city are unpacked further below. 

Sydney houses and units currently have a record high price gap of 54.2%. The difference in median house and unit values has skyrocketed since September 2020, as the house market saw a recovery trend following eased social distancing restrictions across the city. Unit values continued to decline through to January 2021, as low levels of investor participation, and subdued rental conditions saw less interest in unit stock. As the Sydney lockdown reinforces the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on large cities, and monetary policy remains accommodative, Sydney-siders who can afford it may still be willing to fork out a premium for detached housing in the months ahead.

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