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送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2021-07-24 20:11 已读 1711 次  


The citation for the award to
Yang reads: “For the formulation of a general field theory
which synthesizes the physical laws of nature and provides
us with an understanding of the fundamental forces of the
universe. As one of the conceptual masterpieces of the twentieth century explaining the interaction of subatomic particles, his theory has profoundly reshaped the development
of physics and modern geometry during the last forty
years. This theoretical model, already ranked alongside the
works of Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein, will surely have
a comparable influence on future generations. These scientific contributions combined with his championing of understanding between China and the Western world and his
promotion of science education among the youth in all corners of the globe reflect the scientific and humanitarian
genius of Franklin himself.”
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