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送交者: 勇娃[★★★声望勋衔13★★★] 于 2021-02-12 21:44 已读 1525 次  



这个标题里面的信息量是多向的,  读者们可以思考几个问题?



这新一轮假如爆发是变种爆发,  那一旦爆发是不是70%的更高传染率和30%的更高死亡率?

为什么要把高风险旅客隔离在最多人的市中心的豪华酒店里?  酒店构造是用来吸引健康旅客用的,  不是用来防止高传染性病毒的病人用的吧?这两者的建筑学和装修学肯定会有极大的不同吧?

为什么在高风险隔离酒店内工作的人员每天上下班可以和普通市民挤公共交通, 去超市,  去饭店, 一天除了去病毒隔离区上班那几小时,剩下十几小时都可以随意出现在人群聚集的地方?。。。


A locally acquired coronavirus case reported by Victoria's health authorities today has been linked back to the Melbourne Airport Holiday Inn outbreak, bringing the cluster to 14 cases.

A locally acquired coronavirus case reported by Victoria's health authorities today has been linked back to the Melbourne Airport Holiday Inn outbreak, bringing the cluster to 14 cases.

© Getty There were 20,116 test results received in 24 hours, the Victorian Department of Health said, with 20 active cases.

Premier Daniel Andrews said the new case was a friend of a worker at the quarantine hotel, and that their test result came back positive overnight.

Mr Andrews added that within eight hours of the notification, 38 of their close contacts had also been told to self-isolate.

He said 996 primary close contacts linked to the outbreak had been identified and there were now 20 active cases in Victoria.

The Department of Health earlier today said 20,116 test results were received in the previous 24 hours.

The Holiday Inn cluster has prompted a snap five-day lockdown the State Government says is an important circuit-breaker to try to stop the spread of the highly infectious UK strain.

Under stage four restrictions, Victorians cannot leave their homes except to shop for essential items, for care and care-giving, for two hours of exercise and for essential work.

Masks must be worn at all times, except inside the home, and residents must remain within a 5 kilometre radius from home.

Schools and universities are closed and people should work from home if they can.

Seven new exposure sites were listed on the Department of Health's website overnight including: Coates Hire Werribee, in Hoppers Crossing; Caltex Woolworths, Hoppers Crossing; the Craigieburn train line; the 513 bus route from Eltham to Glenroy; the 901 bus route from Frankston to Melbourne Airport; Stowe Australia in South Melbourne; and an unnamed function centre on Sydney Road Coburg.

See the table below for the times linked to those exposure sites.

Authorities believe up to 5,000 people passed through Terminal 4 at Melbourne Airport — an exposure site that is also linked to the Holiday Inn outbreak — on Tuesday between 4:45am and 2:00pm.

International passenger flights into Melbourne will be frozen for the duration of the lockdown.

Anyone who has visited these sites at those key times needs to immediately isolate, get tested and remain in isolation for 14 days, the Department of Health said.

'Challenging' spread of UK variant

Yesterday, Mr Andrews said the outbreak at the Holiday Inn, which started with a family of three, was "moving at a velocity that has not been seen anywhere in our country over the course of these last 12 months".

Two people were arrested following an anti-lockdown protest at the Australian Open and outside Parliament on Friday evening, calling for Mr Andrews to be sacked.

One man was arrested for assaulting a police officer and another was arrested for breaching his bail conditions.

Tony Blakely, an epidemiologist at the University of Melbourne, said the lockdown was necessary because the virus was moving so quickly it was difficult for contact tracers to keep up.

"The concerning part is that it appears the time from when you are infected to when you can infect somebody else may also be shorter," he told AM.

"If that's the case then we have a really difficult situation on our hands. It's a big, big challenge.

"We do need to seriously review out hotel quarantine system as well as get on top of the current situation."

He said it was a "system problem" and the Federal Government needed to take the lead in creating more specialised facilities for returned travellers like the Howard Springs facility in the Northern Territory.

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