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送交者: 取笔名很容易[♂☆★春梦了无痕★☆♂] 于 2021-01-21 17:10 已读 62 次  



回答: 虎口脱险 由 大秦帝国111 于 2021-01-21 17:02


Tea For Two Tony Bennett (Irving Caesar/Vincent Youmans) I'm discontented with homes that are rented so I have invented my own. Darling this place is a lover's oasis where life's weary chase is unknown. Far from the cry of the city, where flowers pretty caress the streams, Cozy to hide in, to love side-by-side in. Don't let it abide in my dreams. Picture you upon my knee, just tea for two and two for tea, Just me for you and you for me, alone! Nobody near us, to see us or hear us, No friends or relations on weekend vacations, We won't have it known, dear, that we have a telephone, dear. Day will break and you'll awake and start to bake A sugar cake for me to take for all the boys to see. We will raise a family, a boy for you, a girl for me, Oh, can't you see how happy life would be? You are revealing a plan so appealing I can't help but falling for you, Darling, I planned it; can't you understand it is yours to command it, so do. All of your schemes I'm admiring, they're worth desiring but can't you see, I'd like to wait there for some future date dear; it won't be too late, dear, for me. Picture you upon my knee, just tea for two and two for tea, Just me for you and you for me, alone! Nobody near us, to see us or hear us, No friends or relations on weekend vacations, We won't have it known, dear, that we have a telephone, dear. Day will break and you'll awake and start to bake A sugar cake for me to take for all the boys to see. We will raise a family, a boy for you, a girl for me, Oh, can't you see how happy life would be?

坛主:取笔名很容易于2021_01_21 22:59:09编辑

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