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Danny boy《丹尼少年》 清唱

送交者: 取笔名很容易[♂★★春梦了无痕★★♂] 于 2021-01-03 19:56 已读 1559 次  


Danny boy《丹尼少年》,由爱尔兰民谣《伦敦德里小调》改编,
Danny Boy最后寻找到的,是父子之爱。




Danny Boy (Arr. McKay Crockett)

BYU Vocal Point

O Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountainside.
The summer's gone and all the roses falling.
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or all the valley's hushed and white with snow.
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow.
O Danny Boy, O Danny Boy, I love you so.

When winter's come and all the flow'rs are dying,
And I am dead, as dead I well may be,
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.
But I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
And all my grave shall warmer, sweeter be.
And you will bend and tell me that you love me;
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.

O Danny Boy, the stream flows cool and slowly;
And pipes still call and echo 'cross the glen.
Your broken mother sighs and feels so lowly,
For you have not returned to smile again.
So if you've died and crossed the stream before us,
We pray that angels met you on the shore;
And you'll look down, and gently you'll implore us
To live so we may see your smiling face once more,Once more.



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(^-^) 取笔名很容易 给 哈雷会星 打来一扎啤酒! - 取笔名很容易 (88 bytes) 01/04/21
很好听的歌 。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/03/21
世界名曲,名不虚传. - 取笔名很容易 (76 bytes) 01/03/21
只学习感兴趣的歌。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/03/21
歌太多了,总有个别片段雷同的时候. - 取笔名很容易 (28 bytes) 01/03/21
无意撞车的,可以理解。 - chuntianle (70 bytes) 01/03/21
老兄稀客啊,欢迎欢迎。 (无内容) - 取笔名很容易 (0 bytes) 01/03/21

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