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送交者: gaganow[★★智创先导★★] 于 2025-02-26 8:49 已读 170 次  



White House New Deal in Times of Change: Trump Administration's Media Reform and Policy Reconstruction


In February 2025, the Trump administration launched a series of major reforms across multiple sectors, from media relations to economic policies, demonstrating a new direction in governance. These changes reflect both the administration's governing philosophy and its intention to break through traditional systems.


In terms of media relations, the White House press team announced landmark changes. While Washington's traditional media has long dominated the White House press corps, the new policy will break this monopoly. The White House stated it will maintain traditional media seats while opening opportunities to emerging media, including streaming platforms and local media. This initiative aims to achieve broader media representation and better reflect the 2025 media landscape.


In the economic sphere, the administration reached a significant agreement with tech giant Apple, which committed to investing over $500 billion in the United States over the next four years and creating approximately 20,000 jobs. This investment will cover multiple states including Arizona, California, and Iowa, demonstrating corporate confidence in America's innovation prospects.


Regarding immigration policy, the government's border control measures have achieved significant results. Data shows illegal border crossings hit a 15-year low, with only 220 crossings on a single Saturday. Multiple migrant shelters closed due to sharp declines in occupancy, and there's even a "reverse migration" phenomenon with migrants returning to their countries of origin. These changes indicate the government's tough border policies are having substantial impact.


In terms of government efficiency reform, the newly established DOGE project began implementation, requiring federal employees to report weekly work content to improve government efficiency and accountability. While this initiative has sparked some controversy, it has garnered support from most Americans. Polls show 81% of Americans support deporting illegal immigrant criminals, and 76% support comprehensive investigation of fraud and waste in government spending.


These reform measures reflect the Trump administration's governing philosophy of "Making America Great Again" while demonstrating innovative thinking in facing challenges. Whether in media reform, economic revitalization, or immigration control, they show the government's determination to address new-era challenges through institutional innovation.
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