She died in the mirror at nine. Her large eyes even larger than ever, without fear, tears welling up and flowing along her cheeks, for no reason. She didn’t know what it was. Till later the loneliness has struck her over and over. So piercing that she had to stare at herself in the mirror to drown in the unfathomable in the eyes of that She and see that She have no way to escape. That loneliness that she has carried through her life since then. No one to tell. All the glimpses into her life merged into something recognizable yet unknown. Now she is writing on her phone on the Thanksgiving night, before a stove where the radish and carrot soup simmers.贴主:影云于2024_11_27 22:42:17编辑贴主:影云于2024_11_27 22:43:01编辑贴主:影云于2024_11_27 22:49:17编辑
贴主:影云于2024_11_27 23:05:19编辑
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