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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2024-11-20 23:35 已读 892 次  



然而荷兰以及英美的现代化的背后是新教卡尔文宗为了证明自己是上帝的选民而敬业乃至追求发财之类的事业成功。 这套理论我先不解释了,反正不是这个宗派文化里的人学不了。















































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Why Are Western Values Universally Welcomed?

Western values, especially the core ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity" established during the French Revolution, have been widely propagated and embraced across the modern world. On the surface, this popularity may appear to stem from their inherent moral superiority. However, the true reasons are more complex, rooted in the material success of Western modernity during and after the Industrial Revolution, as well as its cultural and economic expansion. This article explores why these "universal" values gained traction, the underlying logic behind them, and their potential limitations.

The Material Advantage of Modernity: The Key Driver of Value Propagation

After the Industrial Revolution, Western nations—particularly the Netherlands, Britain, and the United States—achieved unprecedented productivity and material prosperity. This economic and technological advantage led to two significant outcomes:

The Need to Catch Up: Facing Western advancements in industry and technology, other nations and regions were compelled to adopt Western systems, including their values, as a means of modernization. These values were seen as necessary prerequisites for achieving similar success.

Cultural Appeal: The visible achievements of Western societies in living standards, scientific progress, and governance made their values appear as hallmarks of a successful civilization. Liberty, equality, and fraternity, as the ideological foundations of these advancements, naturally gained global appeal.

However, the rapid rise of Western modernity was not solely based on these universal values but was deeply influenced by the cultural ethos of Calvinism. The Protestant ethic, particularly Calvinism, emphasized hard work, thrift, and worldly success as evidence of being among God’s elect. This ethos played a crucial role in shaping early capitalism and industrial development. Yet Calvinism itself did not become a global export. Instead, the post-revolutionary French ideals of modernity became the globally accepted values.

France's Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity: The Outer Shell of Universal Values

The triad of "liberty, equality, and fraternity," developed during the French Revolution, has become the ideological backbone of modern Western values. While they appear to transcend time and culture, they were primarily designed to support a non-Calvinist model of modern commercial society. A closer examination of these principles reveals their limitations and internal contradictions.

Liberty: Surface-Level Independence

In modern society, liberty is often understood as individual freedom—such as the ability to change jobs, express opinions, and make personal choices. However, this liberty is largely a function of institutional arrangements rather than genuine autonomy:

"Replaceable Parts" Liberty: In a standardized industrial and commercial system, individuals are treated as interchangeable components. While one can leave a job or role, they often simply move into another similar position within the same overarching system. This form of liberty is constrained by systemic structures rather than offering true independence.

Lack of True Independence: Genuine liberty involves mental and spiritual independence, including the ability to rise above external circumstances and societal norms. Modern liberty often fails to foster this deeper sense of freedom.

Equality: Facilitating Standardization

Equality in modern society is a cornerstone of labor and social organization, enabling the standardization necessary for efficient management and resource allocation.

Suppression of Individuality: While individuals are liberated from traditional family or feudal structures, they are often subsumed into the homogenized modern system. The equality provided by the system is more about creating uniformity for efficient organization than fostering individuality.

Pseudo Self-Respect: True equality comes from inherent human dignity, not through artificially imposed uniformity. If individuals rely on forced equalization for self-respect, it undermines the concept of genuine self-worth.

Fraternity: A Tool for Expansion

Fraternity, on the surface, suggests universal love and solidarity. However, in practice, it has often been used to justify expansion and resource acquisition in the name of progress.

Fragmented Fraternity: Instead of uniting humanity, fraternity has frequently been applied selectively, prioritizing one’s nation, group, or people over others. The world wars are prime examples of "fragmented fraternity," where competing allegiances led to global conflict.

Neglect of Inner Growth: True fraternity begins with self-awareness and self-love. Without resolving internal challenges, societies that prioritize outward expansion risk imposing their unresolved issues on others, creating further instability.

The Standardization Trap: The Deeper Problem of Modernity

Modernity’s emphasis on standardization and expansion has brought significant efficiency gains but at the cost of cultural and intellectual diversity. In particular, the standardization of values has profound consequences for human thought and creativity:

Standardized Thought: Modern education and media often frame certain values as "universal truths," discouraging critical examination. For instance, while liberty and equality are interpreted differently across cultures, modern systems attempt to homogenize these concepts.

Cultural Homogeneity: The pursuit of efficiency has led to increasingly uniform cultural products, suppressing unique expressions and reducing the richness of human creativity.

Erosion of Independent Thinking: Standardized systems prioritize compliance and uniformity, creating individuals who are conditioned to fit into predefined roles rather than question them. This diminishes humanity’s capacity for critical thought and innovation.

Toward True Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity

To overcome the limitations of modern values, societies must reinterpret these principles to emphasize inner growth and spiritual maturity over external conformity and material expansion.

True Liberty: Genuine liberty transcends circumstances, enabling individuals to think independently, maintain self-confidence, and challenge authority when necessary. True liberty involves the courage to rewrite even foundational texts like dictionaries or sacred scriptures.

True Equality: Equality should respect individual uniqueness rather than impose uniformity. Just as a television set retains the same value regardless of the content it displays, true equality recognizes inherent human dignity without relying on external validation.

True Fraternity: Fraternity begins with understanding and caring for oneself before extending love to others. Without resolving internal conflicts, outward attempts at reform or expansion risk perpetuating unresolved issues.

Conclusion: The Universality and Limitations of Western Values

Western values gained popularity not only because of their intrinsic appeal but also due to the material success of Western modernity. However, these values are not without flaws. Their core logic often serves the demands of modern systems for standardization and expansion, falling short of realizing true liberty, equality, and fraternity.

To address these shortcomings, humanity must reflect on the essence of these values, prioritizing inner growth, diversity, and independence. This approach not only supplements Western ideals but also lays the groundwork for a more inclusive and sustainable global future.
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