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劈山救母 3.6 Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2025-03-25 0:18 已读 739 次 3赞  


目录 Catalog-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=5306151

On a Cowboy and Weaver Girl Festival (i.e. July 7), White-King Shun told Cowboy that she and White-King Yu (also known as Descendent, Public Work, Emperor Yellow, Juristic Teacher) already had a child, namely Don’t-Worry. Don’t-Worry was too young, and the journey was too long, so he was left in Wuhan. Cowboy is also known as Knowing-Bravery, Sin, and Genius-Cow. Weaver-Girl is also known as Little Dragon Girl, Eve, Emperor Shun, and White King Shun. Cowboy felt that because the children Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal were political prisoners, they could not leave Hainan Province and should not contact people from mainland, so he was unwilling to let the two children interact with White-King Shun and White-King Yu. During the days of their gathering, although they often accompanied each other when picking up and dropping off the children to and from school, they did not talk much.
Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal gradually grew up and always yearned for the mainland world. Once, the two brothers made a bamboo raft by themselves to cross the Qiongzhou Strait and see the mainland. As a result, the bamboo raft sank in the sea. Fortunately, they met a kind fisherman who saved them. The fisherman became a good friend of the two children. After the death of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, Aoqin, Cowboy moved to the inland area of Hainan. A few years later, Cowboy died. The two brothers secretly asked the fisherman friend who had saved them to help them cross the Qiongzhou Strait. Of course, the officials guarding the political prisoners in Hainan soon discovered that Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal had escaped, sent troops to chase them, and reported to the capital Wuhan. After the two brothers were chased by the officers and soldiers, they changed their route and took the small roads, begging and stealing all the way to Wuhan.

Upon arriving in Wuhan, Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal began inquiring about where Second Wolf God lived. They knew that Second Wolf God was the second grandpa of the two of them; although Second Wolf God didn't like the two of them, he could guarantee the safety of the two of them. However, the two brothers were disappointed in the result, Second Wolf God had already passed away. These two brothers have according to the political prisoners’ elementary school textbook, began to look for Uncle White-King Yu. Why didn't they look for their mom, Emperor Shun? By this time, they were both teenagers and knew they were illegitimate.
For a long time, no one they questioned knew who White-King Yu was. The sky was kind to them, Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal finally met someone who understood and told them that White-King Yu had been under house arrest by Emperor Shun for a year and a half in XXX. After his many pleas to Emperor Shun, he was recently released and often goes under the name of Juristic-Teacher and gives speeches all over Wuhan. For his latest speech, Juristic-Teacher (i.e., White-King Yu) will appear in YYY.

3.6.0-2 禹皇接见尘香 Jade Emperor Receives Dust-Incense

Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal arrived at the place where White-King Yu was giving a speech as scheduled. Many streets were already blocked by the crowd. The two brothers quickly approached the Juristic Teacher (White-King Yu) who was giving a speech. Because they moved too fast, they were discovered by the guards, who came to stop them, causing a commotion. Just as White-King Yu was about to evacuate under the escort of the guards, Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal shouted: "Uncle Yu, I am Dust-Incense! Uncle Yu! I am Dust-Mortal!"
White-King Yu heard the shouting and walked towards them! The guard stopped him and said: "These two are wild children! Dangerous, you can't go over!"
White-King Yu replied: "Bring them to see me!"

As the guards took the two children to bathe and change clothes, the various factions in White-King Yu's entourage argued fiercely. Some said that his relationship with White-King Shun (i.e., Eve, Little Dragon Girl) was strained at the time and that he should not receive her two illegitimate children. White-King Shun's delegation even issued a threat. White-King Yu firmly replied: "Since White-King Shun is not here, I am the one who should receive them."
There were many people and guards sitting in the hall where Dust-Incense and Dust-Mortal were received. White-King Yu ordered snacks and fruits to be served to the two children; the two brothers were afraid of being beaten for stealing and dared not eat. White-King Yu brought them juice, and the two children drank it happily.
White-King Yu asked: "Where are you from? You are looking for Uncle Yu, do you know who he is?"
Dust-Incense replied: "We are from the Dragon Palace. White-King Yu is a judge, he can judge the sky, the earth, the ghosts and the gods, and he can change the judgment even if it is the judgment of the Jade Emperor and Second Wolf God."

At this time, there was another commotion in the meeting. White-King Yu sat next to the two children and said, "You are right! I am White-King Yu! But I judge based on the objective laws of the universe and the reality of the world and make my own judgments. I can't be absolutely fair."
Dust-Incense replied, "Grandpa Dragon King (Aoqin) said that there is no absolute fairness in the world. You are fairness, and if we believe in you, we can get fairness!"
White-King Yu applauded, laughed, and said, "When I go home today, I will burn three sticks of incense for the Dragon King." What does applause mean? Modern scholars believe that it is the value of faith to White-King Yu; Dust-Incense has already walked 50% of the way to success.
Dust-Incense asked curiously, "Do you also worship the Dragon King?"

禹皇回答:“会的! 那里,看起来和这里差不多,我不方便说出名字,你们到那里就知道了!”
White-King Yu replied: "I have a Dragon King Statue in my house! Do you know where I am going to send you?"
Dust-Incense replied: "Dragon King said there are many relatives like us there! Dragon King also said that he heard that the Seven Fairies were six people, and the Weaver Girl (White-King Shun) was selected from them, so you may have uncles. Will we see our uncles when we get there?"
White-King Yu replied: "Yes! There, it looks like here, I can't tell you the name, you will know when you get there!"
Dust-Incense asked: "Will we see our mother?"

禹皇回答:“我保证,你们下一次再见到你们的妈妈时,我就会站在她的身边! 你们放心地跟着士兵们去吧!”
White-King Yu replied, “Yes! When you get there, you will see a bamboo forest just like your old home. When you walk into the bamboo forest, you will see a house just like your old home. When you two walk into the house, you will see your mom sitting at the dining table waiting for you to eat!”
Dust-Incense asked again, “Uncle Yu! Will you visit us?”
White-King Yu replied, “I promise that the next time you see your mother again, I will be standing by her side! You can follow the soldiers with confidence!”

↪️返回15.5.3 尧舜禹的目录↪️Return Catalog of Three White Kings
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