浮标 林木译 在华盛顿州万吉特附近的哥伦比亚河上,我们在冬天的月份里钓白鱼;我爸、瑞典人——林德格伦先生——还有我。他们使用腹轮,铅笔长度的坠子,红色,黄色,或棕色的飞虫钩以蛆作饵。他们追求距离,远远地抛出线直到激流的边缘。我则用羽毛浮标和竹竿在岸边垂钓。 我爸把蛆放在下嘴唇以确保它们活着和温暖。林德格伦先生不喝酒。相较于我爸我一度更喜欢他。他让我驾驶他的车,拿我的名字“小”开玩笑,还说总有一天我会长成一个很棒的男人,记住这一切,并且和自己的儿子一起钓鱼。但我爸是对的。我的意思是他保持沉默,凝视着河流,他在饵料背后动着舌头,仿佛在思考。 Bobberby Raymond Carver On the Columbia River near Vantage,Washington, we fished for whitefishin the winter months; my dad, Swede-Mr. Lindgren-and me. They used belly-reels,pencil-length sinkers, red, yellow, or brownflies baited with maggots.They wanted distance and went clear out thereto the edge of the riffle.I fished near shore with a quill bobber and a cane pole. My dad kept his maggots alive and warmunder his lower lip. Mr. Lindgren didn't drink.I liked him better than my dad for a time.He lets me steer his car, teased meabout my name "Junior," and saidone day I'd grow into a fine man, rememberall this, and fish with my own son.But my dad was right. I meanhe kept silent and looked into the river,worked his tongue, like a thought, behind the bait.
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