心账竹竿 3.1.8 Heart-Account Bamboo
目录 Catalog-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=5306151话说小龙女,娥黄,和女英很快就迷上了钓鱼。一天牛郎的朋友拿来了一张武汉北部一个贵族钓鱼俱乐部所使用的鱼竿的设计图纸。这三位姑娘一看就迷上了这种当时最先进的钓鱼具。(注,这虽然是六千三百年前的钓鱼具,但样式和现代标准的钓具一样,性能也不亚于任何现代的普通钓鱼具。金丝线的抗拉强度远远高于目前最强普通鱼线的55公斤。)
It is said that Little Dragon Girl, Beauty Yellow, and Heroine soon became fascinated with fishing. One day, Cowboy's friend brought a design drawing of a fishing rod used by an aristocratic fishing club in northern Wuhan. The three girls immediately fell in love with this most advanced fishing tackle at the time. (Note: Although this is a fishing tackle from 6,300 years ago, its style is the same as modern standard fishing tackle, and its performance is no less than any modern ordinary fishing tackle. The tensile strength of the gold thread is much higher than the 55 kg of the strongest ordinary fishing line currently.)
Cowboy explained to the three hostesses the design concept of the fishing tackle, such as the flexibility and rigidity of the fishing rod, the size of the spool and the length of the fishing line. Cowboy said that the price of the gold thread is calculated according to the weight of the gold thread, which is not much cheaper than gold. Little Dragon Girl replied: "Buy a spool!"牛郎说:“这种竹竿,在整个武汉市就只有一家渔具市场卖。那整个市场也就只有一家商人卖这种鱼竿,就只有他们家的那个山沟子里生长这种竹子。我不知道价钱。我去那里,早上出发,途中需要搭渡船,晚上半夜才能会到这里的家。”
Cowboy said: "There is only one fishing tackle market in Wuhan that sells this kind of bamboo rod. There is only one merchant in the market that sells this kind of fishing rod, and this kind of bamboo only grows in the ravine where his family lives. I don't know the price. If I leave here in the morning, I'll need to take a ferry on the way, and I won't get here home until midnight."
Little Dragon Girl replied: "Go buy it tomorrow! Bring more money, buy three rods!"
Heroin asked: "How much money do you want to take? I'll go get the silver!"
Beauty replied: "Forty taels!"
Cowboy, facing the 40 taels of silver, looked at Heroine fearfully and asked, "Are you going?"女英回答:“我可不因为保护这点儿银子,跟你去。你看,我把银子装在了蛇皮袋里了,你斜挂在衣服里,看不出来!”
Heroine replied, "I'm not going with you just to protect this little bit of silver. You see, I put the silver in a snakeskin bag, and you hung it diagonally in your clothes, so it can't be seen!"
Cowboy asked, "What should I do if I encounter bandits?"
Heroine replied, "If you encounter bandits and you think you can't beat them and can't run away, give them the money. Saving your life is the most important thing. After you come back, we won't kill you and sell your flesh to pay back the 40 taels of silver."
Cowboy inspected Little Dragon Girl and Beauty-Yellow. They both said, "Saving your life is important. Try to come back alive!"
The next night, Cowboy came back carrying a bundle of 21 bamboo rods and returned the silver bag to Heroine.3.1.8-2 心账竹竿 Heart-Account Bamboo女英问:“让你买3根,你怎么买了21根?”
Heroine asked: "Boss told you to buy 3 rods, why did you buy 21 rods?"
Cowboy replied: "It's cheap, 10 coins per bamboo pole."
Heroine was a cashier and warehouse keeper. She started to count the silver and bamboo poles and found that there were 20 bamboo poles. She said angrily: "10 coins is also money! I told you to buy 3, because it's cheap, you can just buy 7 rods. You said you bought 21 rods, but it turned out to be 20 rods.
Beauty Yellow heard it and hurried over to count the bamboo poles, and the result was also 20 rods. She also asked: "Why is there one less?"
Cowboy replied awkwardly: "I lost the bet!"
Heroine roared: "You used our money to gamble! But the money and the bamboo pole are here, what did you lose? Tell me, or I'll whip you!"牛郎说:“我到那个渔具市场一打听,店老板就指着立在墙角的一捆竹竿说,‘全武汉市的这种钓鱼竿都是从那个竹竿捆里拔出来的,十文钱一根。我一听就愣住了,这么便宜!那位老板还以为我嫌贵,就介绍说,‘我的竹竿有三大优点和一赌!’我就问,他回答,‘我的竹竿能够被弯成360度,不折,折而不断。’我又问,‘一赌是什么?’卖竹竿的老板回答,‘如果你能把那捆竹竿中的任何一根折断了,那捆竹竿就白送给你。你若折不断,你就花210文钱买我21根竹竿。”
Cowboy said, "I went to the fishing tackle market and asked around. The shop owner pointed to a bundle of bamboo rods standing in the corner and said, 'All the fishing rods in Wuhan are pulled out from that bundle of bamboo rods. They are ten coins each. I was stunned when I heard that. It was so cheap! The owner thought I thought it was too expensive, so he introduced it, 'My bamboo rods have three advantages and a bet!' I asked, and he replied, 'My bamboo rods can be bent 360 degrees without breaking, and they will not break into separate parts if they are broken.' I asked again, 'What is the bet?' The owner of the bamboo rods replied, 'No matter however you test them. If you can break any one of the bamboo rods in the bundle, the whole bundle of bamboo rods will be given to you for free. If you can not break it, you need to spend 210 coins to buy 21 of my bamboo rods.'
Cowboy continued, "I thought that even if I lost the bet, I came so far, so I could buy 21 rods. I chose a short bamboo rods and took the bet, but I lost. That one was broken by me, so I threw it away."女英气愤地说:“你这个笨蛋,连根竹竿都折不断,还跟人家打赌!”
Heroine said angrily, “You fool, you can't even pout and break a bamboo pole, and you're still betting with others!”
Beauty Yellow exclaimed, “21 bamboo rods, now 19 are left!”
Heroine replied defiantly, “You mean I'll bet with him! Ok! Cowboy, if I can’t break it, I'll pay 210 cents; if the bamboo rod broken, you pay 210 cents!”
Cowboy replied, “I don't have 210 cents; I don't have anything!”
Little Dragon Girl confirmed, “He is a slave and indeed has nothing! Then, I will pay 210 cents for him.”女英回答:“什么也没有你还打赌!?小龙女已经付过210文钱了,不能参加这次赌博了。”
Heroine replied, "You're still betting when you have nothing!? Little Dragon Girl has already paid 210 coins, so you can't participate in this gambling."
Beauty Yellow said, "I'll pay 210 coins for Cowboy. The condition is that after he wins, you give me 210 coins in cash. If you don't pay, I'll increase the amount by 10 taels of silver per month until it reaches 210 taels of silver."
Heroine replied, "Okay!" As she said that, she picked up a bamboo pole and started to break it. After he tried two or three times, the bamboo pole began to tear, but it didn't break.
Cowboy said, "This is a fishing rod; you can't break it like that!"
Little Dragon Girl and Beauty-Yellow suit. Heroine blushed and sat on the windowsill.小龙女调解说:“要不这么算吧!如果牛郎能清楚地说出剩下的这19根竹竿的用途,就算他赢。若牛郎对这19根竹竿的用途规划得不合理,就算女英赢。”
Little Dragon Girl mediated and said: "How about this! If Cowboy can clearly explain the purpose of the remaining 19 bamboo rods, he wins. If he does not plan the purpose of the 19 bamboo rods reasonably, Heroine wins."
Beauty Yellow and Heroine both agreed.
Cowboy said, "Three short ones will be used as lazy hooks. Three medium-length ones will be used with silver thread as your daily fishing tackle. One long one will be used with gold thread as a tackle for big carp. The remaining 12 will be kept as spares, for example, to backup for damages and guests.
Heroine retorted: "How can three of us use one golden thread rod?"牛郎回答:“大鲤鱼那么大,而且只有三条。如果一次抓两条,浪费啊!”
Cowboy replied: "The big carp is that big, and there are only three of them. It would be a waste to catch two at a time!"
Beauty Yellow said: "21 rods are just right! Spare parts are also important! If fewer, there won't be enough!"
Heroine said: "I lost, keep a record, and I will give you 210 cents from my salary."
Beauty Yellow picked up the bamboo rods that was broken by Heroine and said, "I'm sorry! The state has regulations that to save paper, expenses below 300 cents should be recorded in the heart account. I will keep this bamboo rod as a heart account, and when you give me the 210 coins in cash, I will destroy it."
Heroine smiled and muttered, "Then you must keep it carefully! If the heart account bamboo rod is gone, I will not pay you 210 taels of silver.3.1.8-3
When Beauty Yellow followed heroine to deliver the bamboo rods to the backyard warehouse. Heroine came out of the warehouse after Beauty Yellow. When Beauty Yellow was not paying attention, she took the bamboo rods out of the door and threw it on the roof.
After a while, Heroine thought that people had forgotten about the bamboo rod, so she took it down from the roof and put it on the kitchen wood pile. She told Cowboy to burn the bamboo pole when making a fire.几个月后,娥黄不在,女英气忡忡地又从后院仓库里拿出了心账竹竿,来找牛郎,质问,“我让你把它烧了,你为什么没烧?”
A few months later, Beauty Yellow was gone, and Heroine took out the bamboo rod from the backyard warehouse again, and came to Cowboy, asking, "I asked you to burn it, why didn't you burn it?"
Cowboy replied: "When I light the fire again, the bamboo rod is no longer on the pile of wood!"
Heroine replied: "Okay! This time I will put it behind the pile of wood. Tomorrow morning when you light the fire, take it out from the back of the pile and burn it!"
Cowboy agreed: "Okay! Tomorrow morning when I light the fire, I will chop the bamboo rod and throw it into the stove."↪️返回15.5中华法典的目录↪️Return Catalog of Chinese Codex
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