中华法典的起源 Origin of Chinese Codex
当武大郎从老家乾塘关回到华国首都永安的王宫后,就向太子(又名元始天尊,亦作太昊)请求把他送回到重庆巫毒学院。太子骗他说,“现在云海国那里正在打仗呢!你养父梁子伯那么聪明的人,他早就躲起来了,你去了也找不到他。即便你找到他了,你也是他的累赘。若你真心对他好,你就应该到我们的典兵学院去,好好学习。长大了,你当上将军了,挣很多钱。那时你再去找他,把他接过来生活,为他养老送终。” 武大郎同意了。
When Martial Big Wolf returned to the palace in Yong'an (i.e., permanently peaceful dwell), the capital of Hua, from his hometown Qian’tang Pass, he asked the Crown Prince (also known as Original Sky Honor, Tai’hao) to send him back to Voodoo Academy in Chong’qing. The Crown Prince lied to him and said, "There is a war in Yun’hai (i.e., cloud sea) Country now! Your adoptive father Zi’bo Liang (i.e., good son’s uncle) is such a smart man, he has already hidden himself, and you can't find him if you go there. Even if you find him, you will be a burden to him. If you really want to be good to him, you should go to our Codex Soldier Academy and study hard. When you grow up, you will become a general and make a lot of money. Then you can go find him, take him in, and take care of him until the end of his life." Martial Big Wolf agreed.太子又对武大郎说:“咱爹(即当时的华国国王,又名无位真人)让我和你嫂子(即太子妃,玉皇大帝的生母,道号九天玄女,)去山东清河县井阳冈潘家做客,建立我们俩和王公贵族之间的关系。正好你和潘家的闺女潘金莲是指腹为婚的夫妻,你也去,去看看你未过门的媳妇。”
The Crown Prince said to Martial Big Wolf, "Our father (the king of Hua at that time, aka. Non-Position Real Human) asked me and your sister-in-law (i.e., Crown Princess, birth mother of Jade Emperor, juristic fame Mystery Woman of Ninth Sky) to visit the Pan family in Well-sun Gang, Clear’river County, Shandong Province, to establish the relationships between we two and the nobles. It just so happens that you and Goldthread Pan, the daughter of the Pan family, are engaged during mothers’ pregnancy, so you should go too and see your future wife."2.这是武大郎第一次听说他自己还有个指腹为婚的未婚妻,也是对怀疑自己的身世产生了习惯。他就问:“我从来没听说过,那是怎么回事啊?”
This was the first time that Martial Big Wolf had heard that he himself had a fiancée by designation, and he was also in the habit of doubting his own origins. He then asked, “I've never heard of it, so what's going on?”太子说:“这事要从25年前说起。咱爹(即当时的国王)刚即位的时候,就开始研究如何止息华夏大地上的战争,建设一种人人平等的和谐的人类新文明。有人向他推荐河南乾塘的(绰号)邓小平(义为邓国人,小个子,扁平脸)的商人,也就是你现在的爷爷,邓国公!说他主张,‘天下为公,发展才是硬道理’。咱爹就把你爷爷请到了王宫里来了。咱爹听你爷爷讲述了他做生意,布局全世界的故事,深受启发!就对你爷爷说,‘我想请你为我编写一部名为华夏文明的剧本,然后我也像你一样,来实现它!’你爷爷同意了。他花费了三年的时间编写出了《中华法典-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2191&tid=5011765》(又名《女娲造人》)的剧本。咱爹看后,同意了你爷爷的计划,说,‘我封你为邓国公,你作为我的使者去和夏国谈判,实现华夏联盟!’”
The Crown Prince said, “It started 25 years ago. When our father (the king at the time) first came to the throne, he started to study how to stop the wars in the land and build a new human civilization where everyone is equal and harmonious. Someone recommended to him a merchant from Qian’tang, Henan Province, (nicknamed) Deng Xiao’ping (i.e., a small, flat-faced man from Deng), who is now your grandfather, Publican of Deng State! People said he advocated that 'the world is public, and development is the hard truth'. So, my father invited your grandfather to the palace. Our father was deeply inspired by your grandfather's stories about his business and his globalization! So, he said to your grandfather, 'I want to ask you to write a script called Chinese Civilization for me, and then I will make it happen, just like you did!' Your grandfather agreed. It took him three years to write the script of the Chinese Codex (aka. Nuwa’s Creation of Man). When our father read it, he agreed to your grandfather's plan and said, 'I'll make you the Publican of Deng State, and you'll go as my emissary to negotiate with the Xia Kingdom to realize the Hua-Xia Alliance!’”太子对武大郎说:“你爷爷立刻提出了一个实施计划。他让咱爹不要声张封他为公爵的事。他要把家搬到夏国去,卖这本《中华法典》。然后他要说这本书的作者是咱爹。咱爹又同意了你爷爷的计划。结果你爷爷在夏国卖《中华法典》(又名《女娲造人》)三个月后,夏国的女国王,就召见了他,也要封他为公爵,代表夏国来咱华国谈判,建立华夏联盟。于是华夏两国就开始研究,计划,和实施 ‘女娲造人’的计划了。”
The Crown Prince said to Martial Big Wolf, "Your grandfather immediately proposed an implementation plan. He asked our father not to declare that king bestows him honor of ‘Publican of Deng State’. He wanted to move his family to Xia State and sell this "Hua-Xia Codex". And he wanted to say that the author of this book was our father. Our father agreed to your grandfather's plan. As a result, three months after your grandfather sold the " Hua-Xia Codex" (aka. Nuwa’s Creation of Man) in Xia State, the woman King of Xia summoned him and wanted to make him a Publican and represent Xia to negotiate with our Hua to establish the Hua-Xia Alliance. So, the two countries of Hua and Xia began to study, plan, and implement the "Nuwa’s man creation plan”.如示意图15.所示,华国的首都位于河南的永安,夏国的首都位于浙江的杭州,云海国(亦作龙国)的首都在重庆。而故事神号中的东西南北方向源自九黎世界,例如西王母,即王母娘娘的 “西”字源自四王天(如图15)的西天(亦作造书天)。
As shown in Diagram, the capital of Hua State is in Yong'an, Henan, the capital of Xia State is in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and the capital of Cloud Sea State (also known as Dragon State) is in Chongqing. The east, west, south, and north directions in the names of gods in the stories are derived from the Nine Crowds World, for example, the "West" in the “Western King Mother” is derived from the Western Sky (aka. Creating Book Sky) in the Four-King Sky (see Fig. 15).根据《中华法典》的剧本,我们的父亲要收养你父亲的第一个儿子,那就是你。而礼敬公要收养的我的第一个儿子,也就是现在的张三郎。咱爹听你爷爷说,在你爸爸娶你母亲的时候,他做了很多工作。咱爹收养了你,就有责任为你娶媳妇,就想出了指腹为婚的办法。那时你父亲刚成为财政大臣,很多人还不知道他是邓人。咱爹就迅速地邀请已经怀了你的你妈和怀了潘金莲的潘夫人来王宫做客,撮合成了你和潘金莲的指腹婚约,而且他就是证婚人。
According to the script of "Chinese Codex", our father was going to adopt your biological father's first son, that is you. And your biological father Publican Etiquette Salutation was going to adopt is my first son, that is now Third Wolf Zhang. Our father heard from your grandfather that when your father married your mother, he did a lot of work. Our father adopted you, so he had the responsibility to find a wife for you, so he came up with the idea of arranging a marriage. At that time, your father had just become the Minister of Finance, and many people didn't know he is a Deng. Our father quickly invited your mother, who was pregnant with you, and Mrs. Pan, who was pregnant with Goldthread Pan, to visit the palace, arranged a marriage between you and Goldthread Pan, and he was the witness.3.太子(即元始天尊,又名太昊)又对武大郎说:“我想你已经读过你爷爷写的《女娲造人》,下一步我们该做什么?”
武大郎回答:“是的!我在我爷爷家发现了这本书,读过了。有时间,我再读一遍。下一步:潘金莲的父亲潘仁美是华国的大元帅,位高权重。太子想削弱他的势力,就送给了他女儿潘金莲一只老虎。潘仁美认为那是太子在暗示他 “养虎为患,让权”,就主动地转让了一部分权力给太子。”
The Crown Prince (i.e., Original Sky Honor, aka. Tai’hao) then said to Martial Big Wolf, “I think you've read ‘Nuwa Creation of Man’ written by your grandfather, what should we do next?”
Martial Big Wolf replied, “Yes! I found the book at my grandfather's house and read it. When I have time, I'll read it again. Next step: Goldthread Pan's father, Ren’mei Pan, was a high-ranking marshal in the Kingdom of Hua. The Crown Prince wanted to weaken his power, so he gave his daughter Goldthread Pan a tiger. Ren’mei Pan thought that was the Crown Prince's way of implying that he was “raising a tiger as a harm; to cede power” and voluntarily transferred some of his power to the Crown Prince.”太子又问,“那你这枚棋子该做什么?”
The Crown Prince then asked, “So what should you do as a pawn?”
Martial Big Wolf replied, “The dwarf is standing on a stump outside the gate of her courtyard. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess told Goldthread Pan to go out and greet her white tiger prince. Three times Goldthread Pan went out to meet him, but she did not see the dwarf. Finally, the prince went out to welcome her white tiger prince, the dwarf, into Pan's house.”太子回答:“这剧本是你爷爷写的,这话是你说的,与我没有关系!”
The Crown Prince replied, “Your grandfather wrote this script, you said this, it has nothing to do with me!”
Martial Big Wolf said, “Then catching a tiger is no easy task!”
The Crown Prince replied, “A few months ago, our father had already sent Three-Immaculateness Taoist to do the planning and preparations at the Gathering Sage Village next to the Pan family.”4.随后故事就发生了!太子(即元始天尊)和太子妃(法号九天玄女,是玉皇大帝的生母)去山东清河县井阳冈打猎,就住进了潘元帅的家。他捉到了一只白虎崽。太子妃在潘金莲的面前就表现出了她想把这只白虎崽作为宠物养着,但害怕父母不同意。太子妃就想让太子把虎仔带回永安。太子生气地说,“如果咱爹(即国王)知道了你养老虎,肯定把你的屁股打得一个月不敢坐凳子!”太子就和太子妃吵起来了。
Then the story happened! When the Crown Prince (i.e., Original Sky Honor, aka. Tai’hao) and the Crown Princess (birth mother of the Jade Emperor, juristic fame Mystery Woman of Ninth Sky,) went to Well-Sun Gang in Clear-Water County, Shandong Province to hunt, they stayed at the house of Marshal Pan. He caught a white tiger cub. The Crown Princess showed in front of Goldthread Pan that she wanted to keep this white tiger cub as a pet, but was afraid that her parents would not agree. The Crown Princess then wanted the Crown Prince to take the tiger cub back to Yong’an. The Crown Prince got angry and said, “If our father (i.e. the King) finds out that you are keeping the tiger cub as a pet, he will surely spank you so hard that you won't dare to sit on a stool for a month!” The Crown Prince then quarreled with the Crown Princess.谈话间,就谈到了潘金莲的未婚夫武大郎。太子说:“我已经请他来和我一起打猎,这时间该到门外了,主人应该出门迎接!”
In the middle of the conversation, they talked about Goldthread Pan’s fiancé, Martial Big Wolf. The Crown Prince said, “I have asked him to come and hunt with me, and it's about time for him to arrive at the door, so house hostess should go out to greet him!”潘金莲出门去迎接她的未婚夫。第一次迎接时,武大郎还没到。第二次她出门迎接时,武大郎站在远处的树林边。潘金莲没理他,就回屋了。第三次出门迎接时,武大郎就站在门口不远的树桩上,潘金莲哪里都看了,就是不看他。随后,太子出门把武大郎迎接进了潘家。
Goldthread Pan went out to greet her fiancé. The first time she greeted him; Martial Big Wolf had not yet arrived. The second time she went out to greet him, Martial Big Wolf was standing at the edge of the woods in the distance. Goldthread Pan ignored him and went back to her house. The third time she went out to greet him, Martial Big Wolf stood on a stump not far from the door. Goldthread Pan looked everywhere but at him. Afterward, the Crown Prince went out to welcome him into the Pan family.武大郎非常喜欢潘金莲,到处溜达,还以为潘府就是自己的家。潘金莲生气地对太子妃说,“他非常喜欢我们家,还以为我就是他的老婆!看样子以后他会常来我家,这可怎么办(如图37,39)?”
Martial Big Wolf was very fond of Goldthread Pan and slipped around everywhere, thinking that the Pan house was his home. Goldthread Pan said angrily to the Crown Princess, “He likes our house very much and thinks I am his wife! It looks like he will come to my house often in the future, what can we do (see figs. 37, 39)?”太子妃给她出主意,“要不你养着这只白虎崽。他敢再来你就放虎咬他,他就不敢来了。养老虎的钱我出,我想看老虎的时候,就来你家看!”就这样,潘金莲收养了白虎崽。太子妃还安排了老虎的饲养员,太乙(真人)。
The Crown Princess gave her an idea, “Why don't you keep this white tiger cub. If he dares to come back, you can let the tiger bite him, so he won't dare to come back. I'll pay for the tiger, and when I want to see the tiger, I'll come to your house to see it!” In this way, Goldthread Pan adopted the white tiger cub. The Crown Princess also arranged for the tiger's keeper, Taiyi Real Human (i.e., Strictly Second Real Human).5. 潘金莲学夜射 Goldthread Pan Learns to Shoot at Night针对目前潘金莲对武大郎的敌视态度,太子,三清道人,太乙真人,和武大郎等几个人开始研究对策,研究如何促成这对儿姻缘。
In response to Goldthread Pan's current hostile attitude toward Martial Big Wolf, the Crown Prince, Three-Immaculateness Daoist, Taiyi, and Martial Big Wolf, among several others, begin to study countermeasures and ways to bring about the marriage.三清道人提出了后文的《井阳之灾》(参见15.计划。为了实现这个计划,需要让潘金莲擅长夜射(蒙着眼睛射箭)。为了让潘金莲对夜射感兴趣,他们几个人出去夜射。结果白天什么也射不到的潘金莲,第一次夜猎就射中了4只猎物。太子和太子妃离开时,他们还约定,明年秋天再次来进行狩猎比赛。Three-Immaculateness Daoist proposes the later plan of The Well-Sun Catastrophe (cf. To realize this plan, it is necessary to make Goldthread Pan good at night shooting (shooting arrows blindfolded). To get her interested in night shooting, a few of them go out night shooting. As a result, Goldthread Pan, who could not shoot anything during the day, shot four prey items on her first night hunt. When the crown prince and the crown princess left, they also agreed to come back next fall for another hunting competition.第三年秋猎时,潘金莲就夜射得很准了。据传说,他们夜猎时,太乙真人总是担任抱着猎物躲在树后往猎物身上插箭后扔出去的任务。结果有一次,他自己就被潘金莲给射中了,还不敢出声求救。他在自己的家里躺了一个多月。太子还专门派太医去为他诊治。
The third year of the fall hunt, Goldthread Pan on the night shooting is very accurate. According to the legend, when they hunted at night, Taiyi always took the task of holding the prey and hiding behind a tree to insert arrows into the prey and then throw them out. As a result, once he himself was shot by Goldthread Pan and did not dare to raise his voice for help. He lay in his house for more than a month. The crown prince even sent a royal doctor to treat him.6.太医临离开时问太乙真人:“你只受了些皮肉伤,早就痊愈了。你想让我怎样向太子汇报啊?”
As the royal Doctor was leaving, he asked Tai’yi True Human, “You only suffered some flesh wounds and have long since healed. How do you want me to report to the Crown Prince?”
Taiyi said, “Every time the Codex Soldier Troupe (National Cultural Troupe) performs, I rush to perform the most dangerous tasks because by which I earn more money. But I still don't earn enough money to spend.”太医回答:“那我就如实向元始天尊(即太子)汇报,你患的是缺钱病。”
太乙是道教中的大真人,相当于佛教中的八至十地菩萨(参见第16章-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4310467),也就是佛。太子就给太乙真人提高了工资待遇,还把他列入了国家礼敬的名单。逢年过节时,许多政府的部门会给他送礼。The royal Doctor replied, “Then I will truthfully report to the Crown Prince that you are suffering from the disease of lack of money.”
Tai’yi is a great real human in Taoism, which is equivalent to the Buddhist Bodhisattva of the eighth to tenth land (cf. chapter 16), or Buddha. The Crown Prince then gave Tai’yi a higher salary and put him on the list of those who were honored by the state. Many government departments would give him gifts during the New Year and festivals.↪️返回15.5中华法典的目录↪️Return Catalog of Chinese Codex-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2191&tid=5011765贴主:Adam_Luyan于2025_01_22 19:44:41编辑
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